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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. "Multitude of high draft picks" "Paul Roos" "Shown good signs" "Won more than last year" "Everyone has their time on the bottom" "Don't deserve it" F-ck off.
  2. Weheeellll, I was about to head to the pub to watch this, but might just get maccas and call it a night instead.
  3. Yeah, that's been an achievement in itself. Hats off.
  4. Glad this is a positive thread cause I'm loving the new segment. The media department's been kicking goals this year.
  5. Think I'll start watching another sport for a while.
  6. Yossarian


    Does no one else find Shartwood hilarious?
  7. Yossarian


    I'd be angry too if my surname was Shartwood. Reads like a socially insecure blogger trying way too hard to be interesting.
  8. Stef was one of my favourite players and I was sad to see him go. Should've been obvious to all and sundry that his place in a team should've been as first ruck, but he was never going to get a game ahead of Jamar and they always seemed to be injured at the same time. He had to try to become a forward first, ruck second. It's only been through sheer luck on his part that he's had the opportunity to play first ruck at the lions as he was originally recruited as a potential offsider to Jonathan Brown. Anyway, I feel better knowing it was virtually a trade for him and Dean Kent who I'd probably still take if given the choice. Swings and roundabouts.
  9. There are some genuinely disturbing posters on this forum.
  10. "One moment darling, I just have to prove this guy wrong on the internet."
  11. I get that this puts me in the basket as one of those guys and I'm cool with that. Balls to listening to someone with that many exclamation marks.
  12. I didn't get to watch it cause I'm overseas again but it seems like the highlight is that we didn't get pantsed by heaps. Dunno what people expect agasinst Hawthorn. We're rubbish, but there's something to work with going into next season. I feel ok about it.
  13. Further to what Georgiou has said, I think it's an effort to teach him to run to the right spots by running with a top quality midfielder. Barry's a great user of the ball, but has a habit of being where the ball isn't.
  14. I'm sure you'd find an excuse to be sad about something regardless, mate
  15. Picket fence still posting after his self imposed ban.
  16. If anyone ever suggests we target Boomer Harvey, I will find you, I will come to where you live, and I will slap you in the face.
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