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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. Welcome VM Not only signed up for D'Land. But put in the Big Bucks for Life Member. Come on the rest of you Do what VM has done cough up the coin and support D'Land
  2. Give us a break. GCS was one of the teams we beat in the midfield last season.
  3. I first met Robbie in 1973. I was introduced by an ol mate Gary Hardeman. It was at the Western Oval ( Whitten Oval for the newbies) Gary said to me watch this boy, he will captain Melbourne one day mark my words. Truer words were never spoken. I saw most of his games and he amazed me every time he ran onto the ground.
  4. This really says what we have been saying for many years
  5. Who is this Cook fella? The only ones I know discovered the East coast of a LAND DOWN UNDER 200+ years ago. The other more recent was the CEO of the side the DEES were trying to model themselves on. Can we now sign off on this Kookie thread.
  6. What excites me is fitting all the names that are going to excite D'Landers into the starting 22.
  7. BB Love it. A lot of this sort of stuff went into my company business plan. Mission Statements SWOT analysis but you seem to have forgotten the Marketing. By and large we have been living the shadows of the VFL for way too long. We have now been an AFL team for 1/4 century. Our marketing is still 1/4 century behind most other AFL clubs. We have to spread our wings and fly like Eagles instead of acting like Turkeys. The new age supporter will support a truly AFL club hat want's to progress. Gaining more support from a territory starved of AFL football rather than try and get more support from a state that is saturated is certainly the right way to go about it IMO
  8. I'd like to think so. But you never can gauge what is on their minds until it happens. The playing list has gone through massive changes in the past 12 months. The Top End Training has encompassed a lot of exercises that bring out the leadership aspects of people. The forthcoming 35K hike through Kakadu should put up a few more names for consideration. I believe there will be changes,but who they are will be interesting.
  9. The Top End Trip is all about Team leadership and Team Bonding. The players have been issued with a criteria for voting on the 2013 Leadership Group. It sounds like all positions are up for grabs. Personally I think it will be very similar, obviously Bartram is gone. I think we lack leadership in the back six. I cannot see any of the obvious back line players having leadership status at the moment. Midfield has 2 obvious choices Jones & Grimes and maybe Howe if he plays that role. The Forward line has Clark, Dawes and maybe throw in Byrnes. What do you think?
  10. I'd definitely go for a Darwin home game before an Etihad home game. I think you'll also find that CS JM CN & MN have been up there wining and dining with the State Govt. ministers and other hangers on. It wouldn't surprise if they are organising a State Sponsorship similar to the "Tassie Hawks" We could be known as "Darwin Demons" "Kakadu Cactii" "Top End Termites" I am salivating already over all the new merchandise.
  11. I think this thread has split us up into "Dee Land" and "La La Land"
  12. I'd like a few more like Jordie willing to put his head over the ball. Sacrifice his game by doing the team things. Tagging superstars into frustration by just running with them all day. OK sure his kicking isn't super but in and under and the quick handball out to an outside runner is extremely invaluable. Every side has to have a Jordie. We had Godfrey a few years ago who couldn't kick 30m. and couldn't run out of sight in a thick fog. But he tagged and annoyed as good as anyone
  13. There's a lot easier way to thin your blood. Try Warfarin or Aspirin.
  14. I'd like 40k+ members. But I think the final numbers will depend on how sweet we come out smelling after the AFL investigation into the shite that one CW has stirred up. I honestly believe the the fence sitters will do just that until a decision is made.
  15. Actually Mods. There is enough ammo to merge all this stuff into a "BAN HUNGRY FOR SPORT" post. I go to Heidelberg Repat. for a rehab program M, W, F. morning. I am enlightened on the way with Morning Glory. On the way home I get KB & PS or KB & GD. I get so Pi88ed off. I then have to turn over to Gold to be rocked off by Chisel, M at W INXS etc. I then turn it back when Harf is on. What we have to put up with.
  16. As much as he is a TOOL, he certainly winds us up. They were asking for people to text in if they wanted Denham to be sacked by the management. Then proceeded to read out only the texts that were in favour of keeping him. I reckon that is Tanking in reverse. The Management have already told him to put a lid on it. KB wants to open the lid. The only conclusion is to sack both.
  17. Not on your Nellie. Give me the Spag Bol. any day. Forget the the Veg. That's why they can't put on any muscle. I tell you it's even worse than the Lite n easy I'm on at the moment. They have carrots in every meal. I used to like carrots, but now avoid them like the plague.
  18. Any clues on who the few are that have Melbourne connections?
  19. They're not alone. Sounds like the 60,000 that went to Vietnam in the 60's as well as the many more who went to Iraq & Afghanistan. So when you think about our players give a little thought to the guys and girls that didn't return from these foreign places. May they Rest in Peace. Lest we Forget.
  20. Honest I didn't mean to be the Jinx but the co-Skipper went down with the first injury just thinking about it.
  21. Great to see we have a couple of Good Kickers. I hope Neeldy reinforces to the specialist coaches to keep your hands off.
  22. Didn't we get a huge tip in from the AFL to bolster our FD? Next we will get a few $m to help us with our Litigation of CW.
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