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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. From what I read when the AFL handed down the result. McLardy said he was suspended and still on the payroll. So he hasn't lost any earnings.I stand to be corrected.
  2. I personally think that us run of the mill supporters owe a lot to the Foundation Heroes. If it wasn't for their generosity, we wouldn't be in existence as an MFC team. We would be completely run by the AFL like GWS, what a sad indictment that would be on a club that started this great game.
  3. If PJ gets rid of Connolly, the debt will go from $5m to $7m. Taking into account his payout and the job he does with the Foundation Heroes. Who else do you get to run the heroes?
  4. initially I thought 11, but buddy being the caring sharing individual he is. he will give away 3 or 4 to whoever puts their hand up.
  5. It just shows how well we have been training. We have now reached a good VFL standard.
  6. Rangey has to be on the ticket as club communicator. Look at all the polls we can engage in.
  7. <p>Firstly the $5m is a worst case scenario assuming we get rid of all the FD.</p> <p>Now this may or may not occur. I would have thought there are still some of the FD worth keeping.</p> <p>Neil Craig if found he has had nothing to hide in the drug investigation.</p> <p>Dave Misson, I think is doing OK with a list that wasn't fit when he took over, he still has a long way to go.</p> <p>Rawlings is worth hanging on to IMO.</p> <p>If we get a new Coach he will want to bring in assistants to suit his style.</p> <p> </p> <p>The real financial problem falls on the shoulders of the CEO and the board.</p> <p>They are responsible for everything. Sponsors, Membership, anything that will generate income.</p> <p> </p> <p>In my time as a supporter of Melbourne, I can't remember when I could say I was proud the way the "CLUB" as a business</p> <p>were performing as an equal to any other club in the top 8.</p> <p>Even in the late 80's early 90's when we had a very marketable playing list, they didn't take advantage of it.</p> <p>Instead 2 years after 1994 which was our best year post 1964 that I can remember. We wanted to merge so we could get $6m gift from the AFL to pay off debts.</p> <p> </p> <p>That was typical of the mindset of all the boards we have had.</p> <p> </p> <p>That must change, and we have to get it right. The AFL may have to step in and oversee it.</p>
  8. Maybe the FD should be told to get on their bikes!
  9. Don't blame the media for this one. The CLUB has done it to themselves because they are so F*%*ing stupid. They still act like they are in the Good Ol' VFL days of amateur football. LIES LIES LIES. I can't take it anymore. Goodbye, Bates, McLardy Neeld Misson Craig Mahoney. Hooroo supporters.
  10. Well he hasn't any talent on the football side of things.
  11. Jamar is useless. Can't hitout to advantage, Can't mark, Can't kick, Can't handball, Can't Tackle, Can't Shepherd, Can't Run. Name one thing he does competitively
  12. Consider this theory. Melbourne shite ----- coached by an ex pie coach. Carlton Shite ------ coached by an ex pies coach St. Kilda Shite ------ coached by an ex pies coach. Collingwood had 15 goals in the 2nd half kicked against them, just like melbourne.--------- coached by a collingwood coach. GCS improving but Shite--------- coached by an ex collingwood coach. Summary, Move that lot of rabble off shore and we all improve.
  13. Just call a halt to the season proper now. We'll have an extended preseason, we never lose games during preseasons
  14. I remember the Cats doing the same thing with Ottens. We are saving him for our run to the finals
  15. Only if the team kicks it to you. The opposite will probably occur, run off watts and score goals the other way. CAN WE ADD A TAG TO THE THREAD. MAGNER IS A ROOKIE F**K WITS
  16. At the lunch it was mentioned he was voted on because of his strategic planning & management expertise I would think that to be the main requirement of a President. I've no doubt the Foundation Heroes have a lot of business acumen and some are very ruthless. But when they put members on the board, they should allow them to function without bias. It smells of the "Tail wagging the dog" If they want to have a say, they should nominate for the board instead of just letting their money do the talking.
  17. Where did you get the idea Frawley was an accurate kick?
  18. The only year our backline played well was when coached by Sean Wellman. Since then coached by ROYAL down hill now by RAWLINGS further downhill. Who picked the FD assistants, was it Schwab? Or did he put up a list for Neeld to pick from. Either way we need specialist line coaches in place, and ones not infected by Neelds plan.
  19. Good one Jack, I suppose we will announce a new sponsor next week GILLETT the makers of cut throat razors
  20. I went to the Presidents Lunch Yesterday. The body language amongst board members was pretty bad. When watching the game I sit very close to McLardy. He had the sourest look on his face all day and not once did he cheer or smile when we were being competitive in the first half, almost like he was there under sufferance He was sitting next to new board member Geoff Freeman and didn't speak to him. Freeman got up and stood at the windows behind, just to be away from him. I certainly think the sharks are circling. If a sub standard performance happens next week, I believe there will be a challenge for the Presidency. After that, there will be more blood letting. Yes Neeld will go, but it won't stop there. When you have a board made up totally of Foundation Heroes with money to burn, they won't care who they get rid of. This club is being run by a group of puppets, with the Foundation Heroes pulling the strings. The next 2 weeks will be very interesting.
  21. Stay on as our ruck coach you must be kidding. Please put yourself out of misery for suggesting that.
  22. I want gawn in. Did you see the stats for Jamar today? 38 hit outs (to who I would like to know) he had zero input. Gawn must come in.
  23. We don't have any in form elite leaders at the club to help with development. Where are the Hodges, Hayes, Abletts, Cotchins, Watsons etc... We don't have the club at the moment that can attract anyone of that calibre. It's a Catch 22 ( unlike our 22 that can't catch)
  24. If we get a priority pick can we ban our recruiting department, and opt to pick any other club to select for us? Alternatively can we drawer names out of the hat?
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