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Return to Glory

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Everything posted by Return to Glory

  1. Oh dear, how sad...an Essendon loss
  2. Why not use Viney as a tagged...crazy
  3. That's the one we need. Hopeful.
  4. Big time merchant banker
  5. The tribunal system is now a complete mess. Lynch should have copped his whack well before they sent him to the tribunal. And, for mine, they sent him there on a strike that was always going to undermine the overall case. As for Grimes, that's a case of statistics and damn lies. Proving you can justify anything and the overturning of the staging fine does just that. It's pretty much saying 'what you see with your own eyes is not what you actually saw'. But, of course, they'll now want to show that they mean business and it won't be with a powerful club or a club that the AFL pays the bills for .i.e. the Suns. We'll be in the gun as will be Norf, Carlton, Freo and Saints. Yes, I'm paranoid.
  6. Just finished watching the Saints game. Let's hope for rain, mud.
  7. I think most have made the comments I would have liked to have made. Suffice to say, incredibly sad. An indictment on the period he played in and our tendency to pay lip service to the plight of too many of our indigenous players post-footy career. As a sIight departure, I will say that the Australian media tends to be terrified of long form journalism. This ABC article is an example of the impact it can have when done well.
  8. Spot on. He is rarely in a 'who do we drop' conversation. There's a fine line between looking laconic and just being passive. He's become a passive footballer.
  9. We're not in a position to drop Salem but, to be honest, I wish we were. I listened to the game rather than watch it. I then looked at a few highlights (or lowlights in Salem's case) For mine, there were at least a couple of instances where he had a chance to impact a contest and just didn't. The most galling was when a Bulldog player ran forward and had a shot for goal with Salem trailing behind seemingly in a jog. It's easy to look at clips out of context but it certainly wasn't 'put it all out there' stuff. Maybe I'm being unfair.
  10. That's not what you said though Elegt. I'm not here to be an apologist for his recent performances but that's a far cry from the player being a 'disgrace to the jumper'. That's moving into keyboard warrior territory that's removed from the reality. And the reality is that Tom Mc Donald has been a great clubman of the Melbourne Football Club. Whenever he hangs up his boots, he can look back with pride at what he's achieved. Forums are for opinions but your opinion (this time) is ill-conceived and wrong.
  11. He's not a disgrace to the jumper. You may not want McDonald to play again but don't throw out dumb comments.
  12. I'm not sure if I'm being too harsh here but, for mine, Salem is a prime example of this. It's a case of 'statistics and damn lies' as you look at his numbers but they don't reflect the half - ar5ed efforts that I see
  13. It's a tricky one. You want to get games into him but, on current output alone, you'd do just as well (imo) giving Toby Bedford a go
  14. The school of thought that he's not a great match day coach certainly looked right today
  15. The smart play was surely to turn it into a scrap so that we were within reach at the start of the fourth. I don't think this is a disaster (compared to our top 50 shamozles) but it's classic 'loss at the wrong time' stuff
  16. I'm trying to fathom why we would play a head to head running game in the third quarter against a strong breeze. I'm sure there's more than that but...boy oh boy
  17. I accidentally read that as ANB and it takes on a different meaning.
  18. Ta Diamond Jim, I posted with a degree of paranoia ....the natural Demonlander state
  19. What we don't want is any scenario where we travel to play WCE at the Dean Margett Retirement Fund Stadium. I can live with just about any other scenario but that one would be a death knell. You'd need to be a five goal better side to win by a point. And I have little doubt that West Coke will get a home final.
  20. Petty was looking like a great prospect prior to injury. If there's talk about delisting him, that's not talk - it's gibberish
  21. I can only imagine the ****eful journey back from Deliverance town after a flogging of 161 points......hang on a sec
  22. LH, realistically i don't think that's up for debate. Oliver is an A grade mid . Viney isn't. For mine, it's where you rest Viney when Brayshaw is on the ball. And do you look to give Viney pure tagging roles for the opposition's best mid -fielder?
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