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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Not Quite Right and The Reject Shop might be suitable.
  2. Aubrey Plaza naked in my boudoir with a rose between her teeth.
  3. I'm expecting him to be an absolute dud who can barely scrape a game in the twos for the first three years. Once we've traded him to the Blues , along with a first round pick who goes on to be the next Dustin Martin ,we will watch him dominate the competition and applaud ourselves for our ability to develop raw talent. In return we'll get a brat with two [censored] knees and a drug problem, a chronic drunk and some geriatric has been.
  4. Prince Phillip and I share a love a multicultural festivals. I am informed he caused quite an uproar when he requested the American perform a twerk for his entertainment.Despite the offer of a tenner.
  5. My dog has a lump on his balls usually in odd years.Then he chews on his sack and it disappears for about 12 months then re-appears about 12 months later (in an odd year). I've noticed the MFC is following a fairly similar trajectory if you take into account 1964,1988,2000 and 2016. I think the club should employ my dog as an advisor.
  6. Lewis is now in the role he should have been in last year.
  7. That shouldn't damage the budget too much after you've processed the payments to her "management" and made the conversion back in to rupees. I'm sure you can chamber pot away without to much damage to the manors' budget. Oh the humanity!
  8. They must have commissioned a special trough for you.
  9. Dwayne Russell has done for football commentary what Jeffrey Dahmer did for hitch-hiking.
  10. Hats off to Warney for Auctioning his baggy Green . Of the $1.075 million raised , Warney has decided to donate the whole $7500 to the bushfire appeal which eclipses the Warne foundations generosity by a full percentage point.
  11. OK. I'm going to bash my head against a brick wall for twenty minutes then come back.
  12. The City is the Council .They are one and the same.
  13. Is it time to review our association with this FIASCO of a council? Who signed our deal? Discuss.....
  14. Simon Eishold-who could forget!!
  15. he can come over and fix the doors and windows at my place if he's short of cash.
  16. Greta Thunberg will be appointed to the board of Shell. Bloomberg will run against Trump in defence of the poor and underprivileged. All the presenters and contestants of "The Block " will die in a horrific building collapse captured on camera and presented in prime time.
  17. All I've gathered from the last few weeks is that Moon has been presenting his posterior to the Doctor. The last time I did that the Doctor told me it was broken. "what do you mean by broken?" "It's got a crack in it". "I want a second opinion" "Ok -you're ugly as well"
  18. Says here he did real good in the war. I hope he ain’t gonna be a hard case.
  19. Will the admin be wearing white mole skins this year or are they going back to the camel? I thought all the young men we pay looked magnificent in the white but when we lost 6 on the trot and they were still talking up our chances and justifying their jobs I thought they should probably just go back to basic denim. Are we planning on hiring more PR staff to tell us how good we will be in 2021 or should we just plan for 22 now? Also , is it possible to just give the whole club 10 year contracts hoping this breeds loyalty and that job security and contentment will bring about a flag?
  20. As you work and live in WA law enforcement I will assume your source is reliable. If this in fact true then we can all see how easily people can jump to conclusions.
  21. Back to the subject- which is the idiotic online comment. Can anyone confirm who made it and if it was indeed a racially motivated act of malice? I fear we may be jumping at shadows of the Jungian variety. Is Trump to blame , or Boris? How does politics even enter into it? Are conservatives the only grouping capable of such behavior? Do those who are vehemently leftist/ neo liberal see any faults in neo- Marxism and its consequences? It’s been enlightening if nothing else to see people’s views. Although it makes no sense at all to me the above comment is extremely revealing. Ashley has delved deeply.
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