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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. That would be like taking the dog for a walk except you don't have a dog.
  2. AA is there for you SWYL but sobriety and reality may not suit your worldview.
  3. Tired of coaches teaching the talent and will out of players.Just get our best 22 out there and win us game you grimacing idiot. Get them playing a with a sense of purpose. Coach with some passion-as if your career depends on it-because it does.
  4. Quite simply-18 on. Subs on as replacements only. No interchange bench. Once a player is off he is off. Harden up sweethearts.
  5. Looks nothing like it. The MCC started the game of football "to keep cricketers fit in winter". We were the only club allowed on the ground. Yes it is crown land -we paid the rates over more than a century before it went into profitable territory. There is no dispute that the MFC and the VFL /AFL have profited due to our invention of/participation in/development of and largesse in the game of Australian rules. All councils parasite off the people who made the land a profitable space-in this case both the MCC and the MFC. There is no disputing this-I will not accept contrary opinions on this matter.,
  6. How this club ever allowed "shared usage' of the ground we built and developed for over 160 years has got me [censored]. We could have been receiving rent from these plebs had the right deals been put in place at the right time. More lament.... More anguish.
  7. His old man could kick it fifty metres every time. Up in the air.
  8. Since when did beige Moleskins and shiny R.M Williams become part of our corporate uniform? Why are we employing so many corporate assistants when the entire economy is flatlining? Can we sack 20 of the off-field parasites and get a proper forward coach?
  9. Why did he grandfather Pert into CEO? Why Goodwins contract extension? Why are we dealing with the disgraced Casey City Council? Thats all.
  10. Dumb,paniced,obvious,mistake riddled, directionless football.Goodwins trademark.
  11. Milkshake tries to steal a third miss for the quarter but is denied by Hunt.
  12. Robinson Crusoe Pickett-not quite at Jesus level yet
  13. We've played one good game under Goodwin. Against the [censored]. September 2018. Hopefully he can get them up for another one. I'm just about over him.
  14. Expect the child will be bathed in wine then left exposed on Mount Saprta overnight if she shows any signs of weakness.
  15. "Straining at Stool" is neither an art nor is it a desirable exercise.
  16. Bravo Comrade. We are winning in Eurasia!!
  17. I read your post and took it in.I agree Eddy is a tool but basically I don't think he is malicious-just a poor comedian.Clearly the King Kong remarks were not only not funny but offensive given all AG had been going through. I still dislike "cancel culture" -the idea that someone become a non-person or de-platformed for one comment that has caused offence. There is a lot of Projection going on when this occurs, to use a Freudian term.In other words-'get the bad guy". And I think it's the same with this "call it out" agitprop from the Vic govt in particular. I'm not sure where in the constitution it says that state govt shall police marriages,smoking,male attitudes to women, drinking, language or any of that. They can take my taxes, sack all the consultants and parasites ,fix my transport system, hospitals and schools and stay the hell out of my life. "Calling it out" is the beginning of an informant society-a Gulag Archipelago. Actual violence is illegal-I don't buy into the verbal abuse argument the govt pedals in regards to intimate relationships. Policing physical violence is the job they are paid to do-and they can't even do that properly .So when a woman gets killed they then turn it back on society and blame "Men". Women are just as capable of verbal viscousness as men. The Police,the State should really prioritise ACTUAL violence and leave "Changing attitudes" to the individual. Spare me the multi million dollar commercial PSAs marching us towards UTOPIA. Police should police and let tax payers go to work to pay their taxes.When a woman dies form a psycho boyfriend/rapist etc the Premier should just come out and say "we failed"or "the system" because in 95 out of 100 cases that is exactly the case. The govt are not my family.They{should} work for me.I don't work for them.And I owe them nothing.
  18. By that token, Waleed Aly should have been sacked many times because I disagree with most of his crafted speech and deliberate false assertions.In fact, you could sack most radio people based on dumb comments. How did we get to the point where we think it's ok to take peoples jobs away for something they said? It happens nearly every week. I realise Eddie probably has plenty of income so it's not such a blow to him but the culture of "cancelling" is the start of something more sinister. Who arbitrates this Cancelling? Is it the CEO of a beer company or some other major sponsor-perhaps a bookmaker? Are ALL men really responsible when a woman dies from domestic violence? I struggle with some of these leaps of logic.Modern wisdom leaves me feeling flat.
  19. I've been wasted for more than 30 seasons.
  20. I saw a game at Victoria park during which the Filth were actually spitting on, throwing beer and swearing at the fullback who was trying to stay back on his man and had to watch the play upfield. It was one of the last games ever at Vic Park, mercifully. Although Eddie has said some totally stupid things I don't think he is a racist.He's just a Boof head. Harry and Goodes have made their point but I doubt they have experienced anything near what say Sid Jackson would have endured in his time. I've had the pleasure of meeting Sid Jackson(twice)and he was an absolute gent. I think society is more civilised in some ways and less civilised in others.In general, standards of human behaviour have declined as has the emotional strength of individual men. "Sticks and Stones" was the way I was brought up but then again I love giving and receiving insults.The generation younger than me are far more sensitive to words. I've got no issue with black people pointing out racist behaviour. Having said that White woketivism is cringey.#Black Lives Matter is a total crock and #Take a Knee is also.Police brutality is one issue that has now been conflated into a number of American issues. Having said that ,H has issues that are nothing to do with Eddie or the Filth.
  21. Without the laughs of say-The Benny Hill Show.
  22. Wasn't much to sing about.It was the most losing win I've ever seen.
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