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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. I've started a GetUP petition and written to the minister. I'll fix this. # Free the Pedo.
  2. I'm totally devastated by the news.Feel really bad for Hawthorn about this.
  3. I'm a actually an agent for ASIO and I wanted to fit in.So I mis spelled and ex players name and Bingo.You're all on file.
  4. All we've done is remove the excuses.
  5. It's not only for services to cricket, but also his immense charity/poker work and donations to strippers. The Earl doesn't get one just for being a soft git.
  6. Finally off the Ravioli. Should be a Bonna Anno for him in MMXIX
  7. I have great pity for your father.It's apparent he never took out his frustration on you (enough).
  8. I can barely contain my disinterest.
  9. BBO has never met a bottle of plonk he didn't like. Let's just say -when the Romsey cellar is drained ,The Manor becomes a resort town. i.e- he'll resort to anything.
  10. Has been luck for us but no so lucky for them.
  11. Sincerely hope he can't get a game next season.
  12. Apologies Redleg, Thought you were OD . Same probably applies to many though.
  13. Next step is the gastric tube. Count your blessings you whining Old C.
  14. Drug cycles are the quickest way to deliver them to the people .I view it as progress OD.
  15. As i always say , Stay outta my bike lane when I am driving.
  16. Ironically, he's rumoured to possess a tremendous farting capability.
  17. Kade or Kyle-will only get you somewhere in Moe.
  18. Not only are you mentally retarded ,the alcohol has affected your visual capabilities .
  19. She's about a 6 or 7 at best. When I trained there were rows of these desperate ,lonely, young women watching me move across the turf like a Lion. I felt like a piece if meat, only there for their visual stimulation.As if my brain and my thoughts were secondary to my physique. Most of those young girls only wanted to know me for one thing.None of them took any interest in my intellect or my worldly ideas. Sadly ,those days are gone.
  20. You'd be put up against the wall pronto a la "The Sun Also Rises" if you weren't already dust.
  21. A simple mind making a simple assumption might think so. I'm neither happy nor disappointed . The Greens getting smashed was an upside for me. I'd prefer a very small government of executable officials put on public trial and shot annually. I'm sceptical of "good" causes and I despise all public advertising campaigns telling people how to think, act ,behave or believe in an official "idea" that's "good". I'd like to see the speed limit doubled, the death penalty re-introduced ,(other ) ice dealers shot ,prostitutes given TAFE courses on loyalty to their employer . I'd like the govt of the day to stay the [censored] out of my life and stop blocking my roads with safety signs and bollards. Or repatriate people to reduce congestion. I'd like public servants to address me as Sir or My Lord. I deserve it. I'd like anyone in a govt job for more than ten years to lick my feet and thank me for paying their way. They should also bow and kiss my hand. I'd like the govt to stop the harassment of men using public advertising campaigns.Most of my friends are men.In fact all because only gay men have female friends. Real men don't for reasons you won't understand . I'd like public officials ranked and graded after performance assessments and their pay rates adjusted annually. I'd like to see fewer women in positions of power by decree -it's not natural- maybe cap a number for them. I think developers, real estate agents and inner city councils should be sent to re-education camps for 10 years. State government officials should merely have their pay halved and be put in the stocks for abuses of my money. Premiers who've been found to collude with Communist backed regimes with say, 25 foreign visits to the same Country , should also, of course, be executed.
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