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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. He’s had his fair share of trials . Let’s hope he has broken the spell. Many here were too quick to judge.
  2. I’m good with kids. I’ve sired 25-30 of them myself. ”Babysitting “ will be the perfect cover for our operation. You can shake em down on your shift and I’ll put the “evidence” straight back out on the street. We’ll be rich.
  3. I’m moving to Perth now that I have you as my wholesale supplier. We could be anything. I’ve got the body- you’ve got the brains. My name is mud over in Victoria. Theres no bridges I haven’t burnt, apart from a couples bluestone jobs. But that’s besides the point. I’ve always liked that Perth cop show on TV. Clear the couch- I’m on my way.
  4. Mitchell was the most selfish cricketer in Park cricket history. Quick threes off his own shots and slow , limping singles of his partners shots. if you were as quick as you say I would encourage you to hit him from the non strikers end. Speaking of encouragement, The kid we hire to inspire Jake should be disadvantaged in some severe way- either a drunk mum , perhaps a total orphan even. Failing that, a terminal disease would be nice, but nothing that makes the kid look ugly.Jake could be the kids best friend and take him on his journey- not in a MJ kind of way- just a nice unlikely relationship.
  5. Running in the snow worked for Rocky . Is Jake going to start punching a Beef carcass in a cool room? He will mos def make a strong comeback if so. I hope we can find a gnarly old coach to speak like a pirate to him as well. Money well spent!! Personally , I think we should hire a cute little kid to say “cmon Jake, I believe in you champ”! to him when he runs. If he has relationship problems that are magically resolved with his triumphant return that would be a huge bonus. Potentially, a quiet chat to the man upstairs during his dark night of the soul wouldn’t go astray. God bless America!!!
  6. I can’t believe Ethan’s a cop. I may need to get back on the Bath Salts.
  7. I have forwarded the same idea as Dane Swan on this forum some time ago. I feel intellectually vindicated .
  8. The bad gain respect through imitation.The good looses it, especially in art.
  9. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Up to a point.
  10. Somebody please post the ad from the Dudley Moore film Crazy People made in 1990.
  11. “Want to sleep with women you hardly know” Buy a Jaguar.
  12. About as tough as a blow wave in a wind tunnel.
  13. Try telling that to the kids of today and they won't believe yer.
  14. Going home or coming out? The bloke in the check shirt seems a bit stunned. Looks tongue in cheek to me. So to speak.
  15. You're getting deeper than Jacques Cousteau there Hem. Time to lay off the Rum and bury yourself in romanticism .
  16. Jazz Flute. Personally I play the fiddle.
  17. Most of my time these days is divided between Ararat and Barwon.
  18. Yes wish Hawthorn all the best in 2019. Or as they say in the states-"Break a Leg!"
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