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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Great Man-there is no one here who would wish him anything but the best of luck. Except for the bag snatchers on Fitzroy St .
  2. There is not much new about this. Unfortunately an industry has grown around the educated being employed to exploit the jobless uneducated. Half the agencies promising jobs are in fact frauds. Therese Rein made a killing off it. Many of them claim to be non- profit but are solely profit,no performance. The training of skills in this country is laughable and so are the agencies apparently linking the labour to the industries. They are basically parasitical life forces feeding of the promise of a job that never existed before the person signed on for the course and the job is unlikely to exist when they have driven the jobless person further into debt. Unfortunately, there are many kids out there looking for meaningless-soft office jobs.
  3. Tim Watson has been flogging amino acids since his first retirement from football. I remember the Musashi ads back then. His link with EFC,Channel Seven,The AFL etc is too cosy for mine. In their own words Musashi have been "pushing the boundaries" since 1987. The Brownlow must be stripped from Jobe and we are naive to think Watson and Co haven't been using Amino acids of varying legality for years.
  4. Who was runner up in the Brownlow in 2012? Just out of curiosity.
  5. If there is any clash then I am quite happy for the home team to wear all white and we will just wear Red and Blue on account of the fact that we invented the f**king game itself and started the competition in it's entirety .
  6. BBO calling our 80 year old waitress "young lady" in the vain hope of flattery during our recent visit to Footscray
  7. Whatever pays the school fees Red. As long as your client believes he is innocent.
  8. There is an article in response to Waleed Aly in the Age from Paul Monk. It was in the Politics section with a small headline,now gone. It suggested Islam needs an enlightenment and that Waleed draws a long bow in blaming Colonialism for ruining the institutions that made Islam become what is is today. The Age has moved the article to its nether regions but in the interests of balanced reading it is a must. Aly persists with the idea that the Christian reformation was a bloody rampage killing 5-15 million people. Monk is a polymath ,one of Australia's most formidable public minds but probably cannot play any Pink Floyd solos.
  9. So I'll throw out your books along with Hunter S,William Boroughs,Kerouac,Miller,Mailer and any other decent American writer from last century. Don't worry about the meek-they'll inherit the earth later.
  10. We are young. Heartache to heartache we stand No promises No demands.
  11. They are a very entertaining bunch. Like watching puppies play in a box. Except there is no way to give tham an electric shock. As you do.
  12. May I just mention what a privilege it is for you all to have me contributing to this site over the years.
  13. It may be just Chinese whispers but... Apparently Martin threatened Won-ton violence,
  14. it's only a rort if you are not involved. But at last we are.
  15. Often i have to read other peoples replies before giving consideration to my own. Is there a "monologue" feature where i can just delete answers I dislike and carry on like i know everything there is to know on any given subject?
  16. This is a photo of Jim Norton. An extremely disturbed American comic.
  17. Gil might be looking for a job at FIFA. If that fails it's Polo-the peoples game.
  18. It's in every Melbourne players contract that a promising first year must be followed by a year injured.
  19. As a teen he was very fond of the jab. Under Hirdy it was mandatory.
  20. May I just remark,in approbo of nothing,that I have done the old Walrus with the chopstix several times and it has never failed to raise at least a titter. Must have been a very tough room. Still ,Dustin has time to work on his culturally insensitive gags at ethnic restaurants. There are a myriad of different peoples to offend in Melbourne which contributes to the pleasure of eating out. One only hopes he can find a more receptive audience in his next culinary expedition.
  21. Women in this country received the vote before women in any other nation, except perhaps NZ. Sister.
  22. The difference between swerving into a crowd of people and causing mass carnage and driving calmly down the road is huge. It is a ridiculous assertion that a threat of violence should carry the same penalty as an act of actual violence. The topic is now a farce. Burn Dusty Martin at the stake.He's a witch. Never happened at Ging Wah in my day! Kill him,get him,yeah get him!
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