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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Not the same grey area you are interested in DC.
  2. Does this mean we can get discounts on cheap suits and smokes?
  3. He's so fast he stole Usain Bolts'girl and had her back in bed before the lights went on. He's that quick.
  4. They can have it. Mali,Bali or Paris in Winter. Cannot decide at the moment. I have a theory that Toady from neighbours is the President of Syria. There is strong evidence to support this. The guy couldn't even keep the peace in Erinsborough.
  5. Get your hand off it.
  6. He did tell me this. Never mix port, pot ,white ox and boating.
  7. You are an enduring weirdness Encapsulated by suburban retardation. Like all good Melbourne men. When we win it - i will buy a new tennis raquet.Or bat. Manwhore.
  8. Biffen


    Resch Pilsener. I was born in Sydney due to a quirk of the law and my parents need to leave the state of Victoria.
  9. I get the same feeling. A straight shooter with integrity is a formidable force in the long run. His ego doesn't exist until called on. Like a hero should be.
  10. Biffen


    I'm slow like a turtle also. What about BP?
  11. Biffen


  12. I have skin like a Terrapin. As does thou.
  13. Biffen


    Unit. I went to California aged 20 and ate 1 banana in 3 days. My sister sent me $500 bucks ,I flew to Vegas and won $2000 on craps without knowing the rules. I knew spending money was important . I had to leave this (Melb) ol' town. You are my new life coach. BBO is draining a case of Shiraz and is currently unavailable.
  14. Yesterday is history and tomorrow is payback time.
  15. No . But Brian Keneally's son shagged a virgin in my bed when I was a teenager. And I once gave Andy Lovell a bath ( of possessions). So you can work it out that I am in mid life crisis.
  16. and whooda thunk it? BHP are bottoming out!!! Guns ,Steel,Germs and Chemicals-you can never lose. War is cool. I want to have a money bath with Tikki Fullerton and who cares about age. I love this life.
  17. You are awesome Special. I adore honest people.
  18. Dr John. Nobody is . The words "nasty ,brutish and short" come to mind. The most powerful Rugby player is not exempt . Nor was Jimi,James,(Morrison)Janis or James(Dean)-who got 13 or less years on this beautiful planet. Amongst other less famous genius.
  19. Biffen


    I picked you for a Dick Smith Aussiemyte type.
  20. Even the losers(get lucky sometimes) By Tom Petty. The current tune is American anyway.
  21. I prefer the dunking stool personally.
  22. Anyhow. my shares in Raytheon have skyrocketed. I knew being an ethical investor would pay off.
  23. Boat Shoe aficionado.
  24. You are either cowed by extremism or too Pi55weak to decry the barbarians who would take literal meaning from the Bible,Koran or Mein Kampf. I'm not that afraid .(Although criticism of Islam is fairly dicey). My loathing of Islamist extremists,radical Mullahs,Southern Baptists,Racist preachers are all one and the same. Peaceful people aren't my enemy-and I would think you know me better than that.
  25. My Drag name is actually Paulette,not Pauline The complexity of your posts ,the references contained therein -usually over reach. Not this one!!!!!! Good for you-you've learnt to dumb it down.
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