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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. It is what it etes , Bing. I can't put the little berets on the e.
  2. He is small but rarely brief. He is intense without being profound. He is all ears but hears only what he wants.
  3. Stevens is the most intensely serious simpleton in the history of moronic midget journalism,which is ,I'll grant,not voluminous. Short ,intense, dumbo.
  4. If we let D.King dictate how and when we transition head coach we are in big trouble. He is an oxygen thief of the highest order. He uses every chance to pot our club unlike Roos who is constructive and respectful to all.
  5. Wagner is renowned for picking up the tempo in the last Stanza.
  6. No.they have engineered a world that cheapens all life and aims to make society its drones and govt its puppets.But American pickers and Black Gold are quality!!!
  7. Let the NZ courts give him a fair trial and convict him later. Why should we waste our tax dollars on human slime. Or put him in Nauru until we make it all legal.
  8. The verbal abuse a fixie will attract might cause severe damage to your psyche Earl. Stick to those shyteful little share cars.
  9. Poor Sandy couldn't call a cab properly.
  10. Hit under the shoulder which forced the arm upwards and made it look high. Will get off. Or I'll bake Stuie a kilo of hash cookies. Pedos last quarter was inspiring.
  11. Any guys with severe brain damage who need a job should apply at Foxtel. Pig Dunstall is just a fat arsed farce with a sad and bitter soul that he likes to vent on what he perceives as weaker people. Sandy has dimentia. David King (scoop) thinks Goodwin might push Roos out of a job (no shyte Sherlock). My tinea is more informative than this trio of old tarts.
  12. We smeared ourselves upon the Nab cup. We thank the scum of Footscray,st kilda et al for their services.
  13. Do they still show Black Gold?I can't believe Brandon's behaviour at times. Amazed he is still on the Big Dawg rig.
  14. I don't think you can pass for 14 anymore Dazzle. Especially with the beard.
  15. Sadly the nations capital is a sleazy cess-pit of underworld deals and perverted men trawling the streets seeking and finding instant gratification. Wonder if Bitters will ever return.
  16. Did you swallow a dictionary Hem? whatever happened to "the boat took the old man to his prey"
  17. First I laughed ,then I vomited in my mouth a bit,which made me choke ,which meant the vomit went up my nose.
  18. Clarrie Grimmet and Max Gawn aside, they have done little for Australia except freeload. They are a cheap and whiny bunch at best but for a 3rd world country they sure can Rugby.
  19. New Zealanders don't really have any character. TotAlly unfair .
  20. Todd Viney was a shocking kick of the football but still an effective player.Tom Mac had a bad day but he will improve. I actually prefer his long handball on the run.
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