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Everything posted by McQueen

  1. On top of my membership, I just went online to the Demon shop and ordered a Reach guernsey with number 11 on it. I was going to wait for the new guernsey's to arrive but decided otherwise. Sponsors will come and go but Jims legacy and the Reach foundation will endure. I guess it's some sort of tribute and a way of being close to a man who I never met but have always admired. Thanks, Jim for giving so much.
  2. RIP in Jimmy. Thank you for enriching the lives of so many. You're legacy will live on forever. Deepest sympathy to Sam and the kids.
  3. What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball? Juan on Juan.
  4. Well my opinion changes weekly based on performance. I want the opportunity to cast a new vote at the end of each round. Failing that, lock in 6th.
  5. I would like to see his disposal by foot improve this year. This new game plan of bombing to a contest suits his current ability but he needs to start hitting team mates lace out on the [censored] more often. He's earned himself a spot in my Dream Team midfield.
  6. My wife had a near death experience last October. Thought she could start up the vacuum while the AFL Granny was on TV.
  7. Spot on sue. I don't know how he made it so high into the top 50 if at all. The combo with Cox is the only thing he has going for him. If he was battling in a side with average ruck stocks you would hear little of him.
  8. I shagged my mates girlfriend a couple of nights ago and now I feel terrible. I reckon she might've had the flu or something.
  9. That's the last time I use my Sean Connery accent to tell my missus to sit on my face.
  10. I want the MFC to be as hard as butter... When it's in the freezer.
  11. We are a club that needs to improve dramatically. The culture change that has begun will foster that improvement. FFS mate get a grip. Only a few weeks ago we beat the Pies. Oh but wait, that was just a NAB game wasn't it...
  12. I am reserving judgement until at least 6 games into the home and away season. If anything is to be taken from these NAB games it's that we're as inconsistent as ever. The magical switch that people are expecting to be flicked on, is months away. Even when our players improve to a stage where they understand Neelds new game strategy, their skills are going to be a long way from being able to execute it in a manner that will deliver regular winning scores. Skills can be improved with a lot of practice and maybe the coaching staff need to focus on that more than the class room lectures in these early stages. This bombing to the forward line is useless if you can't convert it into scoring opportunities. The skills and awareness the top teams have at stoppages are what we need to aspire to.
  13. Or stooping to McGuires level. The crap slinging he is famous for is not something we would bother to engage in. It would fly in the face of the high integrity aspect of the red and blue print. Integrity - something Edward struggles to grasp the concept of.
  14. Nah, this can't be right. Me thinks someone is playing funny buggers and has found a way to manipulate last years to appear as this years. However, I could be wrong. Sandilands at 3 but Pendles at 7? FMD Mike, what drugs are you on? Agree that Buddy should be #1.
  15. Seriously? The club video interviews etc.. YouTube deetvofficial for all uploaded content from the club.
  16. Assuming Pendles at #1 is you tip Jnr? Doesn't the top 10 get released tomorrow?
  17. So when does Russell Robertson start? Anyone?
  18. Commetti is good value if you can get used to his irritating voice. Dwayne Russell is easily the most painful, egotistical [censored] in the media and should not be allowed to call footy.
  19. You change your mind like your undies WYL. It wasn't that long ago that you were spruiking about how this season is going to be so much improved and how you would be massively disappointed if we did not play a finals game this year! Now you're expectations have drifted out 3 years!!! Don't ask me to go and search your posts to prove this. Your enthusiasm has started to wane after a few NAB games. FFS.
  20. There's no changing your outlook OD and I don't really blame you for that. I've not been around as long as you. This year has a different feel and while I don't predict major success, I'm sure there will be even more hope for the 2013 season after this ones done. I hope I get to say "I told you so", as opposed to you telling me that.
  21. There is heaps of upside to be had at the MFC this year. It's far too early to try and quantify it but it's there to be had with the inclusion of a new coaching group, some new tough players and the seeds being sewn for the growth of a culture of continuous improvement. For some people, it's easier to focus on the negatives because they have passed and are reality (not directed at you old dee) rather than the potential of the changes being implemented at the Club. Last year was only a lost if we don't take any learnings from it. I for one am pretty certain that this will not be the case. The foundations are being laid, again, but with more purpose. Ed: Spelling
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