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Everything posted by McQueen

  1. Perception is reality. Mindset and a few bevvies can alter it..
  2. Is was either raining heavily or very slippery. There was opposition that were pretty desperate given the level of competition. Are you really wanting to draw a comparison between the two? Please...
  3. Grimes on the ball. Have a good look at Magner. Clark to dominate the game against Brisbane. No injuries. A couple of wins.
  4. I was thinking the same thing. One of the commentators made mention of how he was playing the true ruck-rover role. Great seeing him so agile. Let's hope the supply to him this year is above average.
  5. Can you please expand on what you're saying. I'm unable to make sense of it.
  6. Let's hope his performances reflect on his pay packet. Regardless, for some to discount Neelds influence in securing Clark is just ignorant.
  7. The conspiracy thread is chock full of these suggestions! Did you not bother to read any of it? Tynan is 186/77 from the club website. Where do your stats come from? He'll be a strong lad. Clark was secured only after Neeld gave the club a hurry up and boarded a plane to Brisbane. Neeld and co are to be credited with that deal getting done.
  8. An assistant to Mark Neeld would be rather amusing.
  9. Have to agree. Seems like some very solid talk but would still like to see him say it on video. As we all know, contract talks can take 'all season'.
  10. If all else fails he might make a satisfactory assistant at Melbourne.
  11. Picks 36, 52 and 54 were hardly typical of BP. Neeld wanted bigger bodies and they were drafted last year in both the ND and RD, and not forgetting Clark during trade week. Sellar was chosen with input from Craig and possibly Viney - hardly a punt as you put it.
  12. Why? BP was effectively told who to recruit last year from the senior coach all within the space of a couple of months of Neeld arriving. I believe Viney would be very competent at such a role. Surrounded by the FD as it stands right now, Viney will have ample support to facilitate the functions involved in recruiting. There is no reason to think it's a weird appointment. Interesting, but hardly weird.
  13. We will get a look at Magner on Saturday. He has been named in the NAB squad. Jack Watts has it all, and in spades. He will be a champion of the club and a star of the competition. People have to remember he's only 6 months older than Trengove and has played 40 games.
  14. It looks like plagiarism to me. Taken straight from the threads of Demonland.
  15. Seriously though, the NAB is about new players, different game plans, set ups, structures etc.. Whilst a win is great, it's hardly anything to base form from. I really don't read too much into it.
  16. If it is the Scaphoid, then they can be a troublesome fracture to get over however, surgery is the best way to deal with them. I broke mine many moons ago and was out of action for nearly 4 months although I just went the conventional plaster cast route. I hope Liam and the medical group give it the best chance possible to heal 100%.
  17. Yes it has. And many of us are not real adept at picking the bleeding obvious - at least until after it's all happened that is..
  18. I can understand the thread about Scully but WTF are we doing discussing the GWS club song in a forum dedicated the greatest footy club in the world?
  19. Anyway, back to Gaff. If he goes to another level this year then he will be worth the 2 compensation picks. I don't believe WCE would accept anything less other than possibly one pick and a young, proven performer.
  20. I believe RB was alluding to the fact that the $'s saved by not retaining HWFUA were invested in securing Clark. Draft picks are one thing, salary is another. Ed: Beat me by a nanosecond GTG.
  21. I'm not so sure. If they finish right up there this year he would be mad. Will be a real test of his character and resolve to play coy right until the end of the season.
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