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Everything posted by McQueen

  1. They're still available JacK Jack. I received mine Tuesday just gone. Go to the Demon shop on the MFC website to order.
  2. If we win, that will be disappointing. If we lose, that will be appropriate.
  3. Cavity search.. http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/wa/13291046/not-again-ben/
  4. What smacks of ignorance is that many clubs feed there palyers caffeine pills during a game for the extra energy and the quick hit. Talk about a pre-cursor of things to come for those that are easily swayed.
  5. I think Rob Mac may have been extracting the urine...
  6. You've hit the nail on the head. Latest vison of Ben arrving back into Perth this morning shows him smiling away as if nothing is the matter. It's his way of dealing with it - complete denial. Just like that of an addict. Addiction clouds rational thought.
  7. No. He chose to take drugs some time back. I bet he's never said "hey, I'm going to be a drug addict."
  8. Bens brain has turned to mush. Ice does that. Don't expect any rational thoughts from Ben any time soon. Very unfortunate.
  9. Could find a way into my Dream teams forward pocket...
  10. Agree bit I think Striker475 makes a stronger point.
  11. Nic is not streets ahead of Jack, this is one of the biggest fallacies going around. As far as room for development goes, Naitanui has 8 ft ceilings. Jack has 11 ft ceilings. You will choke on these words one day.
  12. The wife said it gives the group a real off-field look of unity. I couldn't agree more.
  13. Glad I wasn't the only one. I couldn't believe my ears! I don't know who said it but Sandy Roberts gave it nothing in return, obviously accepting it as a Richard cranium comment. Quite unbelievable indeed.
  14. Schwabby still comfortable with the status quo. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/more-news/space-race-still-going-for-dees-saints/story-e6frf9jf-1226310735190
  15. Fox Footy have devoted the whole of Tuesday to Jimmy by replaying some of his greatest games right throughout the day. http://www.foxtel.com.au Good job by Foxtel.
  16. I will be very surprised if anything is announced before Saturdays game. I still hold faith that the CS has a long term, high value sponsor lined up. If that takes a few extra rounds to secure then an announcement during the H&A will not be the train-wreck some people are making it out to be.
  17. These comments about Jack have a sense of deja-vu about them, Ben-Hur. I'm wondering if your opinion is just a little too subjective. As the coach has said, why people are concerned about a 20 yr old who has played 40 games, he's not quite sure...
  18. Get this, Just got the mother-in-law, a since inception west coast supporter, to become an MFC interstate member. She will only attend the one game at Subi this year in round 2. It will be an interesting circumstance. For those who view the country interstate memberships as not valid enough to be included in the overall tally, think again. All memberships are meaningful and need to be recognised.
  19. A very good question. Maybe just a kick up the bum.
  20. For Fletcher to make a statement like that off the back of a few practice games is quite naive of him. Especially when he really only witnessed the two half game in shyte conditions at Metricon.
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