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Everything posted by tonatopia

  1. Gysberts for jetta! Ps, I can already see moloney in the red and white. He will dominate.
  2. Why? We can offer more money. We don't have scully.
  3. Wellingham for Martin? We are getting stupider and stupider. I heard Molonei is a free agent, let trade Martin for Moloney, we need hardened midfielders
  4. They will probably end up with Morton, Gysberts, bennell and moloney. Most likely turn them into gun footballers.
  5. Yes, put the leadership group up there.
  6. Basically, M.what can we get for Stef Martin? C.We will swap you Dawes M.no thanks. How about a quick midfielder? We can throw in Gysberts. C. Do you want Wellingham? M. If we throw in Pick 12, can we get Beams?
  7. We did not have Clarke last year and I backline was pretty good. Now we don't have a place for garland and rivers. Also, frawley has gone backwards. I don't know what's going on with our backline, neither it seems, does the players. I hope neeld knows what he is going.
  8. Sheedy- too much analysis causes paralysis, let the boys play Lethal- if it bleeds, we can kill it. Roos- we have a no [censored] policy Clarkson- we play unsociable football Neeld- you can behave yourself in or out. The game plan will develop more complexity. We will be the hardest team to play against. Malthouse- heil hitler!
  9. It's very black and white. I don't know if it will work at the MFC. I value individuality and freedom, aslong as you can consistently perform and contribute. If someone tells me to behave, I rebel purely on principle. You can't tell me what to do, just let me do my job and I will succeed. Everyone is different, everyoneust be approached differently. This is not a classroom with 40 students and one stick. Moloney was the bully with the leather jacket. Mind you, he was the one that was the first in to defend the weaklings. Fcuk it, get rid of him, we need students that don't wear sneakers to class. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I reckon neeld could not coach me. I would rather leathal. Let's just kill em.
  10. Very true. Especially after you have just won the b&f.
  11. Rivers Garland Frawley Tommy Watts Morton Seller We can't play em all.
  12. I would persevere with Williams. At least give him a full season to prove himself. Good post!
  13. Rr, maybe you'd hold more weight if you pulled the silver spoon out of your mouth. Beautifully crafted post.
  14. He is exactly the person we need. He is a beast who almost won a premiership for the saints with his accomplice Hayes. The most incredible performance I have seen 2 men put on a football field. it was like Lenny and Goddard vs Collingwood. Awesome stuff. Goddard can play centre, FF, CHF, CHB, FB. He can almost play any position. He is 27, and would set an even stronger example than Clarke. He IS the man, and if we dont throw Rivers, Moloney, Martin and Jurrah's, combined wage towards him, we are not doing our due dilligence.
  15. Its amazing how Stynes leadership got the whole club unified. It seems now we are fragmented. The ability to manage the behaviour and attitude of young men is important. One must have emotional intelligence.
  16. Leigh Mathews did not even bring a pen to the Brisbane 'interview', however Brisbane were smart enough to identify who the best candidate was, and just surrender to him. They won 3 premierships in a row. Carlton might do the same. Unfortunately, the MFC did not identify the best available candidate, but selected the coach that represents the thoughts of the selectors. Mathews said on 3aw that he was 'interested" in the Melbourne position, but was not approached. I wonder what 'lethal' would have done with moloney, Jurrah, wona, petered, rivers, frawley, tapscott, jamar and Gysberts. Just maybe we didn't need another rebuild.
  17. The selection process was obviously flawed because Mathews was not even propositioned. In dire times, people normally turn to proven, experienced leaders. The MFC on the other hand chose the other path, inexperience. Does this sound like due diligence in identifying what was required, what was at stake, who was available, and whom should make the decision on the new coach. It seems we got blindsided, panicked, then just selected neeld before anyone else could grab him. Let me list the available candidates at the time; Mathews (stated that he was considering the poaition but was not contacted) - due diligence - no. Malthouse (Eddie declared he was off limits, so g.Lyon did not even interview him, for obvious reasons) - no Sanderson (not sure) Ross Lyon (not contacted) - due diligence- no Paul Roos (not contacted) - due diligence - no We did not even wait until malthouse had finished his finals campaign. It seemed very rushed. I was immediately disappointed, and 2012 has re-emphasized my disappointment with the selection process.
  18. Why isn't anyone talking about Goddard? He is the only free agent I would be chasing.
  19. Firstly, I would like to thank all of you Demonlanders who put up with my relentless barage of anger, frustration and bewilderment with the MFC. We all belong to the MFC and we all want success, we just have different points of view. Please forgive me if I hurt anyones feelings. Back to business. I am still furious with the MFC board who gambled our clubs future by putting it in the hands of Garry Lyon, who then offloaded the responsibility of re-building the club in the hands of the inexperienced Dean Bailey instead of the proven Kevin Sheedy. This, by far, is the single biggest mistake that I have seen the club make. You would think we would learn, but no! Again we give Garry Lyon the responsibility for choosing another coach, and he, for the second time, gambles our now fragile future by selecting an unproven apprentice M.Neeld over his master M.Malthouse and L.Mathews (who recently stated that he would have considered the position if only he was asked, ooops). This is the reason why we are where we are. I hope we are successful in 2013, beacuse if I hear another excuse, I will vomit. Especially when I hear Neeld now constantly peddling the 'lack of experience' excuse, while he pre-maturely retires Green and shows Moloney and possibly Rivers the door. I really feel like this club is a becoming more and more irrelevant. And to think that blood and soul players like Moloney have lost faith, makes me wonder wtf IS GOING ON! 2013 is going to be mighty interesting, for if we don't show signs of success, the next rebuild will be made from the top down, not the bottom up. Carn the Demons!!!!!!!!!
  20. Isn't it neelds job to get the best out of moloney? Why couldn't neeld get into moloney's head. It shouldn't be that difficult? After all, moloney is a simple bloke. It raises the issue that neeld can't manage men. It seems he has lost moloney, frawley, tapscott, petered, rivers, Jurrah, wonamirri and Gysberts. All players that would be in my starting 18.
  21. Neeld just lost our b&f. He better know what he is doing!
  22. Bailey over sheedy Neeld over malthouse/Mathews Need I say more.
  23. Or was it beacause we didnt have the nouse to get the best available candidate. Anyone who still thinks that Malthouse was NOT available for the 2012 season is kidding themselves. The fact that we did not get the best candidate available gives us an insight into why we do not have a winning culture. For heavens sake, we did not even interview Malthouse for the position. What person in their right mind would ever pick an untried apprentice over his master, especially when his master is at the peak of his abilities. If you ever want to identify the root of our problems, just have a look at the people that hired Bailey over Sheedy, and Neeld over Malthouse. Really, it is unbelieveable. For the boards sake, Neeld better do well in 2013. It is hard to swallow this constantly silly decision making. It is like having G.W.Bush in charge of your army.
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