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Everything posted by tonatopia

  1. Watts is the perfect quarter back, afl style. He will dominate.
  2. Supply and control the industry. Monitor personal consumption patterns and identify problem users and provide help. By controlling drugs, you can monitor abusers. The drugs will also be cleaner and cheaper, illuminating the black market. Consumers must register before they purchase the drugs.
  3. the levels of drug abuse in Amsterdam are lower than in Australia, even tho it is legal. Freedom is one hell of a drug!
  4. I agree. If you can't beat it, control it. By the way, emotional and mental stimulates have been in existence since the beginning of time. Shamans, spiritualists, scientists, adventures, warriors and nearly all mankind have experienced life under the influence of mind altering substances. Whether it is alcohol or LSD, it is wrong to judge another human beings choice of pleasure, until it is harming them. Balance and moderation can even be good for you. There is a time and a place for everything. Ffs, Obama was a pot head at uni. Who cares? People should remain free from judgement, only until there actions impede on the freedoms of others. Drugs are as natural as pulling your [censored]. Not harmful in moderation.
  5. Horses for courses. Maradonna, Andrew johns, Wayne Carey. The best of the best.
  6. Frankly, I trust my instincts, along with the draft observers who were saying that he will be drafted in the top 20 and many said he will be drafted in the top 10. Just watch him. How can you not be dazzled. The guy is a prodigy. As far as being soft, it is usual for skillful rovers to be a bit timid when enetering senior football. His body looks like it will bulk out, and don't expect him to stay timid for long. Gut running comes with dicipline. Joel McDonal or Dayle Garlett? Who would you pick? Serious no-brainer!
  7. Ok, delist Joel McDonald. Think about it, the upside of; Joel McDonald - reliable back-up defender who trains hard. Dayle Garlett - Has the attributes to be on of the most talented players in the AFL. PS, In the last 30 years, the MFC has not had a rover with the skills of Garlett. The best rovers we have had are, G.Healy, G.Lovett and N.Jones. Dayle's skills would eclipse all of them. Seriously, if we overlook Garlett, considering we are in the box seat, I will be calling for people's heads. Especially after the Darling fiasco. OMG!
  8. Just finished watching Garletts highlight reel again, and interview. If we dont pick him up, I will neck myself, almost. He has a beautiful build, solidly built, agile, quick, instinctive, nice skills, footy smarts. Actually, he is built like cyril, and can dance like cyril. I emplore the MFC to take 1 small chance and pick the kid up. The upside will be absolutely huge. The kid will develop into a more powerfully skilled midfielder, to complement Viney, Jones, Grimes, Toumpas and Trengove. It is a perfect balance. He can learn his craft as a forward pocket goal-sneak who we desperately need. FFS, in his interview, he releazies that he must change his behaviour, but in his favour, he is only 18, ONLY 18. Our FD, if they do not select Dayle, will show a rigid, unflexible mentallity, that rules out the MFC from taking prodigious talent. He may pull his head in and flourish. He has all the attributes. I know the saying, a rotten apple can ruin the bunch, but Dayle is far from rotten, he is still a kid. If he starts to display a rotten attitude (once on our list), then quickly delist him before the rot sets in. IMO, it is an absolute no-brainer. Delist Couch, and use a PSD pick to secure a bloke that may end up being one of the most talented midfield/Forwards that the MFC has ever seen. To rule the kid out, wreaks of dogmatic idealogoy. It is frankly off-putting. It also has undertones of stupidity, arrogance and fear. Remember, we can delist him in a second, at any second. Anyone who doubts me, please study his highlights reel, and look at his composure and body shape. A more powerful version of Cyril Rioli. WE MUST TAKE HIM!
  9. Injuries may come into play. Neeld has not proven he can coach, yet. He has only proven he can make sweeping changes. 2013 is a very big year for neeld.
  10. Fb- Nicholson, frawley, garland Hb- watts, McDonald, dunn C- toumpas, grimes, trengove Hf- Howe, Dawes, Sylvia Ff- blease, Clarke, pederson Fol- jamar, jones, mckenzie Int- viney, tapscott, Evans, rodan
  11. Have you ever done a pre-season. Have you ever played a game. Have you ever gut run until you spewed, and do it day after day. Footy is the hardest proffession around. The most intense pressure. Do you know that muslims think we are all drug addicts because we drink alcohol? Are we? It is all about perception. Nothing is a problem unless it is harming you.
  12. DO you know why player resort to drugs to feel good. Its because they get thrashed on the track all summer. Go to battle everyweekend. Get scrutinised at every fault, and are treated like robots or even worse, cattle. Drugs offer an escape and good feelings. Its hardly a surprise that players do it. And often, it is the hardest, toughest players that get on it. The human condition is not designed to play football at this level. For most players, they have been thrashed or been thrashing themselves since the age of 14. Drugs offer an easy way to feel human again, and not a blood thirsty warrior. I do not condone the use of drugs, but I would not condem a man for indulging. For some, it is just like having a drink. Go easy on blokes, especially 18 year olds like Garlett.
  13. You can't buy this fellas natural gift. Actually, you can scour the land and rarely even find it. We can take the challenge of nuturing, which may be, the most natuarlly gifted footballer on our list. If it dosnt work, quick delist. Easy done. The up-side is monumental, in the scale of B.Franklin or Cyril, the downside is a quick delist. Its a no-brainer.
  14. Garlett will end up being the one that got away. He is a player that we really need, a gifted forward goalkicker able to play in the middle. We can at least interview him. Its like many of you want a blue collar team ONLY.
  15. If I was Neeld; MN: Dayle, we admire your talent, we just question your committment. Are you willing to commit as much as the other blokes like Jones, Trengove ect? DG: Shityeah boss. Give me a chance, I wont let you down. MN: Ok, but due to your reputation, we will be keeping a close eye on you. DG; I just want to play on the big stage. MN: We want that aswell, but firstly you need to be fit enough, and secondly, you need to follow the team gameplan and be footy dicipline. DG: No probs boss. Lets go. MN: Ok, due to you enormous talent, we will give you the opportunity to see if you are made of the right stuff. Good luck, you are now a Demon!
  16. Yeah right, selecting Cook over Darling was genius. Yep, culture over football ability. This club is like a bloody pendulum, soft then hard, youth then experience, flair then trooper. We need to be balanced, sugar and spice.
  17. However, speaking at the club's training camp on the Gold Coast, Hird said the Bombers would give Garlett an opportunity next week. "I've never met Dayle, but I'm looking forward to seeing how he goes," Hird said. "With someone like Dayle, no doubt there's a lot of talent there and the way he plays his football excites everyone. "We've just got to figure out whether someone like Dayle fits our group. You make decisions on players about the way they play, but also how they fit in your group, so we'll be pretty keen to assess how he adjusts in that week." Exactly bloody right. If we don't select Garlett, it seems Hird has more common sense than our whole FD put together. Remember, we can delist him at any moment. 1day if we have too. I can see it happening, he will be a friggin star. Let a more mature Sylvia nuture him, and show him what he can and cant get away with. Sylvia knows the tricks by now. Garlett will not be Grimes, but if he can hold it together like Sylvia, I will be pleased.
  18. Just to state the bleeting obvious. If GWS and GC pass on him, we have the chance to secure one of the most naturally talented and gifted young footballers in the country. He is still a kid, smoking, drinking, drugs sex and rock'n'roll. Who cares, he is only 18. Now it is his time to knuckle down and become a football freakshow. Lets give him the opportunity to succeed. He is a natural. and there are not too many around. If Essendon grab him, and turn him into a champion, which will bring an additional 5000 people thru the gates everyweek, then how stupid are we. As with Darling, Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
  19. How about a 10/10 talent and he is just 17. Give the kid a chance.
  20. He is still a kid. Give him a bloody chance. He can play football as good as anyone. So what if he likes a googie. Some of the best players I played with, actually, most of the team loved a good Saturday night out, leaving no-stone unturned. Carey loved it. Ablett loved it, lots of freaks love it. So what. I care about watching good footy and winning games. We don't need a whole team of ploughmen blue collar workers. We also need some magic. The team has made an exception for Davey's lack of stamina, this is what I mean, we should take everyone on a case by case basis. Especially indiginous youth. He might turn out as good as Cyril. We must take the chance.
  21. Mate, the Hawks have 2 of them, Buddy and Cyril. We had 4 of them, Farmer, Wona, Jurrah and Davey Swans have Jetta GC have Bennell Pies had L.Davis and so on. The Game needs the brilliance of instinctual indegenous footballs. 1 per side can only help. Why deprive ourselves and our children from experiencing the most wonderful footballers in the land. If we don't select Garlett, and he turns out to be a success, I will be spuing. Another Darling bites the dust. I'd be gutted. We must learn from our mistakes, based on the bullshite notion that if you like to party, you can't play footy. Its just crap.
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