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Everything posted by tonatopia

  1. Good point ox. That's why it is important to have MFC supporters on the board of the mcc. You would think the mcc would have a vested interest in keeping MFC alive and successful. After all, in the 50's and 60's, Melbourne was the most powerful club in the land and generated enormous revenue for the mcc.human nature tends to suggest that if the mcc and MFC already a have close affinity, then the mcc would do all that it can to have it's home club and founder club be as successful as possible so once again we can pack out the g and make money for everyone. Basically, I think it may be a challenge that they may find enticing and if done correctly, very profitable for them. Afterall, they are getting the MFC for free. Considering most mcc members are MFC supporters, you would think they would be open to the suggestion. As for the MFC, us supporters and football purists can follow the game without having to worry about whether we are going to financially exist. Remember, if it wasn't for generous supporters, we would be in dire straights.
  2. Thanks for that Jose, I appreciate the support. The administrative alliance between MFC and mcc lasted for 90 years, yielding 12 premierships. Since separation we have won 0 premiership and struggled financially, even nearly merging. Don't you think that is interesting Jose? I am finished with the insults, I just want to explore ideas that can make the MFC the most successful club in the land. The first thing we must secure is our finances. I just think a financial alliance with the mcc will give us enormous long-lasting strength. The second thing we should tackle is our core values so we don't ever lose games on purpose. Change does not just happen by delisting bate, or getting a new coach, or creating a new emblem. True change is to create a philosophy and structure that can deliver sustained success for many many years. I Would be delighted if someone could give me some constructive advice, for I see the mcc as our financial messiah.
  3. Yes, good point Gonzo. What if the MFC had a seasonal allocation provided by the MCC to look after the football department? The MCC would use the MFC as a commercial arm to its operation as far as sponsorship. I am sure with their weight behind the MFC, they could make this club cash positive. The MCC would administer all MFC memberships, incorporating dual MCC/MFC memberships and a fair wack of MCG gate reciepts.
  4. Thanks Dee dee. Do we have a breakdown on the proportion of MCC members who are MFC supporters?
  5. thanks for your explanation. Old dee, George and Daisy. Now for question number 2 about the MCC. For 90 years, the MCC administered and financially controlled the MFC. It yeilded 12 premierships. Since the seperation we have not won a premiership, become financially insecure, and generally struggled as on on-field and off-field entity. Q. Is it possible that the MFC surrender their administration and finances to the MCC, so we can focus soley on the football department? Is this desireable? Is this possible? Is this the last resort if all else fails? Or is this the perfect union?
  6. Daisycutter, I don't understand why it cant happen. Can anyone on Demonland give me an explanation why it is not a feasible proposition, ie, to train on the MCG twice a week during the footy season.
  7. It would really give us a competitive advantage, and distance ourselves from the other AFL clubs who are tennants of the MCG, whilst it being exclusively our home.
  8. Please Robbie f, I must have missed the section your referring to. Where does it say we can't train at the g?
  9. So, if the mcc has exclusive rights to manage the mcg, why don't they have the right to let the MFC use it as their own sporting clubs training base. Is it a political and legal conflict of interest or is it just not a desired option?
  10. The MFC again becomes administered by the senior heirachy. So we can just focus on footy.
  11. Thankyou. So it says "for 90 years, winning 12 premierships, the mcc managed the affairs and fortunes of the MFC". So it raises the simple question; Why don't we revert to that previously successful administrative structure?
  12. Some people say we have no home, I think we have the best home in the world!
  13. I get excited about the possiblities of uniting with the MCC. I know it might sound fanicful, but the potential of us training on our own home ground would be incredibly exciting. Surely we must be maintaining steady endevour to be able to use our own home ground for more than just some home games. Maybe we have to get married and both live in the same home. Wow, MFC train at home, the MCG.
  14. Dont write him off. club champion, the prince. he invented dynamic forward pressure. The first of the first. the flash. I back him in.
  15. Yeah, Watts down back. could be the best quarter back in the competition. He is smart and composed, in the mould of an architect. You gotta let him use the corridor, let him use whatever he friggin wants. Let him be dynamic, and not be scared of the possibilities. positive footy. Good call.
  16. Clark Watts Jones Grimes McKenzie Sylvia Moloney Davey Green Rivers Jamar Jurrah Frawley Trengove Howe Garland Bartram Tapscott Viney These are all good players. I have seen enough from these blokes to know that when playing at 100% ability, they play good footy. Now Neeld has to get the best out of em. Add Viney, 'big fish' and a few more first rounders, and we are good enough to challenge for finals and even win the [censored] thing. 2013, 2014, 2015! Rip em apart. Carn the demons.
  17. Hard I hope. Diamonds are created under pressure. Only the strong survive. Clark Watts Jones Grimes McKenzie Sylvia Moloney Davey Green Rivers Jamar Jurrah Frawley Trengove Howe Garland Bartram Tapscott Viney These are all good players. I have seen enough from these blokes to now that when playing at 100% ability, they play good footy. Now Neeld has to get the best out of em. Add Viney, 'big fish' and a few more first rounders, and we are good enough to challenge for finals and even win the [censored] thing. 2013, 2014, 2015! Rip em apart. Carn the demons.
  18. I'm not MCC, but I think the MCC is the most important relationship the MFC have. Can anyone give me a history of the relationship between MFC and MCC? Were we ever united as one administrative entity? What caused the split between the two clubs?
  19. Why don't we just change our colors to black and white. Fcuk it, let's just get McGuire so we don't have to 'steal' anyone anymore.
  20. The snake oil salesman lives to fight another day. Actually, The shite might hit the fan. Neeld has avoided intense media scrutiny about his performance, but if we lose at the g against gc, the media hounds will be banging down the door. I don't think there will be anywhere to hide, not even tanking. 'Oh, but it's the players!'
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