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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Yep a great result. The first quarter was the thing that killed us, because from there we won two of the three remaining quarters and really did well shutting Geelong's attack off the half back line... except for bloody Scarlett, who might be the only defender that needs to be defended! The best aspect of today was that Jurrah, Grimes, Bennell and Morton showed the most exciting glimpses out on the ground, which gives us a lot of hope. Jurrah and Grimes are on their way to superstardom, and Morton up forward is definitely a good future prospect. To our credit we didn't completely crap ourselves after the first quarter and stood up. The margin is about right when the worst team in the competition (apologies to Freo), play the best team in the competition.
  2. What a beautifully written article of what sounds like an amazing night for the football club, and the indigenous community.
  3. Reading this topic makes me want to jump into a bathtub with a toaster Mind you, it could be worse, we could be talking about our best defenders!
  4. Same. And it's going to be a great way to keep myself from finding out the results early and attempt to watch the match 'live'. Watts followed by Jurrah and Grimes. Awesome!
  5. I've gone over this many times, but here are the instructions again. Blocking a poster means you are no longer able to see any of their posts. To do this: 1. Select My Controls up in the right hand corner of the screen 2. On the right hand side of the My Control screen, you will find under Options Manage Ignored Users 3. Select that option and type the name of the poster you want to block in the box then click Update Ignored Users 4. Rinse and repeat Since this is an option, nobody should be whinging or complaining that a certain poster's opinion is annoying them. Put them on the Ignore list and move on.
  6. On what planet are we a chance to beat Geelong in Geelong? The inclusions of Ablett, Scarlett, Milburn, Mackie, Ling and Varcoe not enough for you? Geelong are obviously rotating their list to make sure everyone is rested for the finals. What a luxury! The only area on the ground where we might win, is in the ruck.
  7. Please, backpedal some more, why don't you! When did I say I was sold on him? I just said that your notion that you haven't seen him take the next step is ridiculous, given that he has been injured. Of course he needs to improve, but how can he if he is not on the field? If you want to see him take the next step, you'd have to re-sign him and see whether he can or he can't move up a level, don't you? Not many rookies in their first year have had the same impact that Aussie had. On that alone, he deserves time to prove to us what he can do. I'd take the same consistent output that he had last year, every year for the next 10 years thanks. It was a silly comment to make, and one that you obviously felt you had to write after putting Aussie down as someone who is out of contract and should be looked at for delisting. I note that you chose to leave the likes of Martin and Maric out of your list, even though they are out of contact, so clearly you weren't just listing all out of contract players, but just those you think the club may look at chopping off the list. FWIW, there is no chance Aussie won't get a new contract, absolutely none, even if, in your eyes, he hasn't taken the next step! It doesn't mean his name will be discussed in relation to chopping off the list, otherwise we should include Maric and Martin in that list, shouldn't we?
  8. You do realise that your constant whinging and complaining and abusing of Yze_Magic is just as, if not more annoying than Yze_Magic himself?! Give it a friggin rest and just block his posts already! FFS!
  9. Probably because he's been injured and hasn't played a senior match this year! From all reports he had a great pre-season, slimmed and toned down significantly and was on track to play some midfield games this year. What a ridiculous notion to suggest that he hasn't taken the next step yet. Of course he hasn't. He hasn't even played a full season yet!
  10. In: McNamara Out: Warnock Make it happen Bailey! :D
  11. Worst umpiring decision I have ever seen at a Melbourne match. Worse than Junior being pinged for deliberate out of bounds some years ago, that nearly cost us the game, or Brock being given a 50m penalty for hitting a plastic chair with the ball on the boundary line. It was such a bad decision, it was laughable. Whoever was responsible for that little brain fart should not be umpiring this week.
  12. SACK HIM! :D It's great that our players don't want to do anything but win, that is exactly the attitude that we should expect from them. Good thing they have no say in the matter of "list management" though. I promise you'll love playing with Scully Jonesy!
  13. Hopefully they hold on and sack him in the week leading up to our game. Come on Freo, for once in your miserable, pathetic history, stand up and do something that will make me applaud you, as opposed to laugh at you. Help us get the PP and we promise to help you finish on the bottom of the ladder for the next 10 years
  14. Whether we win or lose, you know its.... If we win, some will be on suicide watch, if we get smashed, some will cry that we are terrible and should fold. Either way, this board will be fun to moderate!
  15. True, but let's not get too greedy! In the event that one team sucks less than the other, I want West Coast to win. If they do, Freo might even sack Harvey, promoting them to stop being so [censored] and start winning.
  16. I said almost, not completely. Of course picks 2 & 5 is better than pick 5, but if we want Scully, and we do, we need pick 1. No use tanking for the next 7 weeks only to miss out on pick 1. If we're gonna put ourselves in this losing position, let's get the best possible reward for it. Percentage is also important with Freo, no doubt, but if Freo finish below us it doesn't matter a whole lot as long as we finish up on 4 wins. I would almost prefer to avoid a spoon and have pick 2 instead of 3, by letting Freo finish below us on %, particularly if we are not looking at Morabito with our second pick, since there is no doubt Freo will take him with pick 2.
  17. I'm pretty certain that Jim Stynes sat at home on Sunday and said "will someone please think of Scully!". He wants us to get those PP, as does the administration. The desire is there make no mistake about it, whether we can pull it off is another issue.
  18. Just to add fuel to the fire, I hope we play well for say the first half but get blown out of the water in the second. We need a % decrease to ensure we finish below West Coast. Finishing on 4 wins above West Coast is almost as useless as finishing on 5 wins, because it means we lose pick 1 (and Scully). West Coast have already placed Kerr and Cox on ice with some mysterious injuries, so their chances of getting smashed have increased significantly.
  19. The Freo-WC derby is the most important result for us, outside of our own games. We want West Coast to defeat Freo, putting them out of contention for a PP. That means that finishing bottom is no longer key, and that put simply all we have to do is not win more than 4 matches total, and pick 1 (and 2/3) is ours. It seems unlikely that West Coast can avoid winning at least 1 more given who they play, but even if they don't, the percentage gap between us, plus the fact that we still have to play Geelong and St.Kilda (potential thrashing and percentage decrease) means we are still likely to finish below them on the ladder, thus still maintaining pick 1.
  20. It's strange to have another Wizard around the club again, particularly since the last one [censored] off and became a headcase. But no such worries with Jurrah, he is a dead-set champ and to have overcome all the obstacles, the cultural and emotional barriers and tear a game apart after just four senior outings, is outstanding. He is clearly focused and determined as well as naturally gifted, which experience tells us is very important in the long-term success of Indigenous players. I reckon he'll start to come out of his shell soon and you won't be able to shut him up! :D
  21. No. I want priority picks and no amount of "miraculous" late-season wins will change my mind. Even if given the choice between winning every game from now till the end of the season and making up numbers in the finals, or finishing last and getting picks 1 & 2, I'd choose the picks. I'm sick of making up numbers and winning completely irrelevant games of football.
  22. I admire you for having that point of view, but like Hannabal, if I was told that Melbourne will never win a flag, I wouldn't bother following the game. At 22 (nearly 23), I'm already bitter, anxious and annoyed that perhaps I'll never see Melbourne win a premiership in my lifetime, and that hurts. There is nothing I want to see more than a flag, and while I really love this process of rebuilding and watching a list develop together (the development of new kids is probably my favourite part of watching the game), if there is no premiership at the end of this journey I'd be [censored] off. Clubs exist for premierships, not for winning crap meaningless games against equally crap teams that are out to steal the picks that we rightfully deserve (bloody West Coast won a flag not long ago, North refuse to properly rebuild, as do Richmond, while Freo are a disgrace to footy and humanity at large). I want Scully and the second/third best young player that this year's draft pool has to offer. Not only because it will increase our chances of winning a flag, but because it will also ensure that our competitors don't earn that valuable advantage. Why the hell should we beat other teams when a win, is their ultimate victory? So put simply, all that the MFC should be after, is a premiership, and having the first two choices on draft day this year will go some way to helping us achieve that goal. (P.S.- this system sucks)
  23. Criminally underrated is our Matty Warnock. Pick 26 in the Rookie draft of 2004, and amazingly has played just 35 games so far!
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