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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Honestly Dan, why the f' would we draft someone with our first pick who resembles Chris Johnson?
  2. OK so I've switched the image host and uploaded the pictures again. Please let me know if it's working now! The collection is geared at casual wear, lifestyle fashion if you will. A female jumper is not a bad idea, but that's something Reebok should be doing, since they do all of our performance wear. I'm not gonna go down the road of performance apparel because the club has a sponsorship deal tied up in that, and there is no way I would want to do anything that would [censored] our sponsors off. I see what you're saying. The elastic at the bottom gives the garment better strength and better dimensional stability, but I'm happy to get rid of it and go for a looser fit. Is anyone else anti elasticated waists?
  3. It is to me as well, but is our need to see premiership success the essence of the MFC's existence? Existential debates never end well...
  4. Hmmm, I can see them fine... Use this link: http://profile.imageshack.us/user/mfccollections/images (This is as far as my tech knowledge extends, so lets hope it works )
  5. Hello all, Thanks again for everyone who took part in the initial survey, it was very helpful to kick start the collection. Over the past few days I've put together the basic specs for the garments that were voted most popular by you and I'm posting them here to get some input once again. Before you view and comment, please keep the following in mind: 1- At this stage the specs are just that; flat, boring colourless drawings (kind of like how the next 5 games are going to be). Colours, graphics and logos will be arriving shortly 2- I kept most of the garments very simple for a couple of reasons. Firstly to keep the costs down. Keep in mind that every extra detail and pattern piece, adds significant costs to every garment. Secondly, I've chosen classic shapes as opposed to trend-based ones, because it would be a financial disaster if the club had to re-cut shapes each season, or worse, was left with redundant stock. Since the stock turn for this type of merchandise isn't huge, it's important to keep the pieces basic, where designs (rather than garment shapes) can be altered and fixed cyclically. 3- Most of the items are made using the same basic block (or shape if you will). Again this is done for financial reasons, as the less blocks you use during production, the less you spend on patterns and cutting. All good things to keep costs low and margins high. 4- Both the male and female outerwear pieces have removable hoods, while the male zipped hoodie is reversible Each item has a code, so if you want to comment about a particular piece, note down the item code so that I can follow. Any comments would be great, especially in terms of shapes and trims that you may want to see (e.g.- pockets). Again I'll leave this thread open for a short(ish) period of time, before locking it and moving onto the colours and graphics. Happy criticizing :D Edit: OK so the image website I usually use was down before. I've now switched all the images so they should work. Please let me know if you still can't view them. My apologies!
  6. If it was just sport than we wouldn't have salary caps, multi-million dollar TV rights, intense media coverage, sponsorships, government assistance and the list goes on. People wouldn't fork out hundreds of dollars to be part of a this business, and everyone would be on a level playing field. It isn't just a sport, that's the point. It's playing sport within a formalised structured organisation, where the bottom line is as much about money as it is about success. That's why North Melbourne, one of the most successful Victorian teams of recent times, is under threat, while Freo isn't. Because having cash flow, making profit and sustaining a competitive advantage off the field, is as big a part of being successful, as winning. Of course without money and resources, you're going to struggle to win a premiership, but winning a premiership could inject money and resources into the club. It's a vicious cycle, and no matter how you look at it, success and money are tied together.
  7. I chose 'C' because I think that the essence of a football club's existence is to serve it's members/shareholders, just like any other public organisation. While for me a premiership is the be all and end, meaning that I support and love this club because I (stupidly or otherwise) believe that one day we'll win a premiership. However there are many members who have supported this club through many many years of no success (yourself included H), and many who will continue to support this club through failure, so long as a premiership was not an impossible goal. So while the club should always aim for success, success is not simply measured by premierships, particularly as they are so hard to attain. Is North Melbourne a successful club? Is Collingwood? Should Freo cease to exist? (yes, but that's a separate issue ) The essence of a club's existence lies in serving its supporters and the AFL. So long as both are happy, the club will continue to exist. Having said that, I want a goddamn premiership and I want it NOW! :D Edit: the above applies only if you view AFL clubs as businesses. If you view AFL and AFL clubs as a less tangible thing, perhaps a community, a society or a form of religion, than obviously the above views change.
  8. Agreed. The goal kicking is the least of his problems. It's the positioning, the lack of smarts, the inability to read the play etc... etc... that makes him a passable VFL player and one that is very very unlikely to make it in the AFL. That his kicking skills are poor is the cherry on top of the salty cake.
  9. Thank you all for your participation. I'm going to lock this thread now, because I think I've gathered a good volume of responses and I have a fair idea of what people want. Look out for another thread in the next day or two with all of the initial garment designs, where you can have your say again. Cheers!
  10. Great replacement for Junior.
  11. Ummm maybe you shouldn't shoot the messenger.... http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/newsart...60/default.aspx
  12. I didn't sit there and yell "Go Sydney" at the TV, but I was incredibly nervous when there was just two goals in it. When Sydney kicked a goal to open the lead to 3, I felt a sense of relief and calmness. It's a horrible feeling, and I hate that I couldn't barrack for us to bring the game home, or that I didn't care when Miller and Newton missed numerous goals (when normally I would be furious), but the way I see it, what's 5 more weeks of misery when we've been through so many already?! If we get through the next 2 weeks without a victory, I'll be cheering loud and proud in the remaining three matches, knowing that realistically we can only win one. If we lose to Freo (highly unlikely unless we pull a super tank), I hope we go all out and beat the scum from Carlton!
  13. Played a tagging role on Goodes and definitely had his measure. Very good team job from Cale today, and a great learning experience.
  14. The perfect thing to put me to sleep, cheers. God Sydney is a boring team! Edit: I was waiting for Jurrah's mid-air one-handed grab and goal. Feel free to burn the tape now Channel 7.
  15. My point is that Morton pulled out of quite a number of contests in his first season, and has also pulled out of a couple this year. And yes, he was sensational today and he also happens to be one of my favourite players. Kids, particularly very light-bodied ones, will sometimes not go as hard as you want them to. It happens, it's not acceptable if it happens consistently, but most learn from their mistakes and move on. To hang them for it is silly, particularly if they have never done it before. If Bennell becomes a serial offender, I'll be the first to point it out.
  16. No. They can end up with the wooden spoon, but if we finish on 4 wins and below West Coast (which going on percentage alone, we should), we still get pick 1. Whether we get pick 2, 3 or 4 will depend on whether Freo finish last, and if West Coast also finish on 4 wins. If the ladder after round 22 is: 14. West Coast 4-18 15. Melbourne 4-18 16. Freo 4-18 Then we get picks 1 & 4. If West Coast win one more (they could given they play Richmond and North at Subi), we get picks 1 & 3 at worst. I'd be happy to avoid the spoon and get picks 1 & 3, particularly if it looks like Freo will take a Western Australian with pick 2, meaning we end up with Scully, Tangrove and no spoon.
  17. The big problem is Sylvia. Eligible to play this week, but if we're tanking, he shouldn't. In: Bail/Buckley Out: Jurrah (inj) If we must bring in Sylvia, then we have to drop Davey. Those two in the midfield means we might break even.
  18. In that case Miller also had a good game. He took better marks, had more shots on goal, and led better. But in reality, both had ordinary games. At least Miller provides us with a moving target. The issue with Newton, kicking aside, is that he lacks football smarts and just has no idea what to do most of the time. Couple that with horrendous kicking skills, and you got yourself someone who IMO is beyond salvation.
  19. He is in his first season and is seriously undersized. Cut him some slack FFS!
  20. 7. Scully 6. Warnock 5. Davey 4. Morton 3. Moloney 2. Rivers 1. Jurrah (excitement votes) Bartram and McKenzie honorable mentions. Juice, Miller and Bate get special tanking credits.
  21. Shame he can't do much else. That forward line was comical. That Bailey threw PJ in there as well, just topped it off. Jurrah vs. 6 Sydney defenders > Miller + Newton + Bate + PJ A respectable loss in the end, and very well executed by Bailey and co. We need to look to rest Jurrah (shin?) next week and maybe Davey. Morton is also performing dangerously well when given new tasks. We have to hold on for just two more weeks, then we can unleash a mighty smashing on Freo and finish the year off with two loses to Carlton and St. Kilda. It's a small sacrifice in the big scheme of things. On the positive side, I like McKenzie. He is much better than Valenti, has decent kicking skills and very good hands. Potential rookie elevation for next year IMO.
  22. Jurrah mysteriously on the bench for big periods of time in this quarter. Thank god! 9 inside 50's, or thereabouts, with Jurrah in there, is at least a 2-3 goal return. Remove Jurrah, and it's a 1 goal return. Bate, Newton and Miller is the worst tall-forward combo I have ever seen. Two can't kick, one can't bend over, and all three lack smarts. Comical stuff. McKenzie has been OK. I like his hands in close.
  23. I am suspicious that perhaps the Morton-Goodes match up was meant to be an experiment that will prove costly, with the idea being that Morton gets taught a real lesson by Goodes, who runs wild and helps them win the game. If we were serious about winning, surely Bruce would have been given the job. Morton is a real pain. Last week we chucked him up forward and he kicked 3. This week we put him on Goodes and he's beating him. Gotta drop this kid, seriously! Edit: Cheney on Micky O is also working out far too well.
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