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1 red eye 1 blue eye

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Everything posted by 1 red eye 1 blue eye

  1. Absolutely pumped, so many times the Crows could have surged but the 1%ers applied often enough made the difference despite the umpires best efforts (still shaking my head). Stunning and well deserved win. Demons rejoice.
  2. Cue some kind of spiritual music. x files etc. I'd had a premonition yesterday of Vince being interviewed after the game and revealed it to friends just before Vince was interviewed, had no idea what the margin was though, kudos McQueen.
  3. You were half right rjay there was a frustrating, curious and poor reaction to his first goal. edit:- Pleased to see the team got it right after Salem's goal.
  4. Wasn't his first goal against the Eagles when he ran on to a perfect pass from Dunn?
  5. Completely agree the non honoring of leads is doing my head in.
  6. When a tap of the ball to advantage can change the course of a game,........ I just want to see Jack use his pace and get to the fall of the ball, 3 or 4 times yesterday he could have contributed by getting to the ball, usually on the wing, but seems to find himself being so easily blocked by an opponent, it looks like he hasn't the energy to do anything about it.
  7. Now you mention it. I watched the replay last night and I noticed something about Spencil, I haven't seen a lot of him but there was a familiarity to how he played and looked. I reckon you're right skills. he looked a lot like Jim on the weekend especially the kicking style.
  8. Only got to see the last quarter due to work and that was a delayed telecast, my wife unknowingly told me the result so I wasn't as jubilant at the end as I could have been but when the players we re walking toward the race I welled with joy seeing the the faithful cheering the boys off.......fantastic.
  9. Thanks Mitch Your time on the field was brief but I enjoyed every minute of it. Get well soon mate.
  10. Obviously disappointing if we don't get the points but from where we're coming from I'm not comfortable with labeling the opposition no names and nobodies.
  11. GWS my goodness, they've stockpiled 1st round draft picks and any player that can't make the firsts is going to be traded for another first rounder.
  12. The "Wishing Mitch Well' thread has been like having a conversation with someone who's thinking about what they're going to say next instead of listening and adding to the conversation. The OP was engaged by many willing, to well....engage and derailed by those who, don't listen, love the sound of their own keyboards and haven't the discipline to keep their twitchy fingers off it!
  13. I love him too, I ll find myself checking his stats for a long time to come I reckon. His non recruitment by us hurt him and it showed, he wanted to be a Demon and that's why I'm happy to see him doing so well.
  14. Great News. Only a matter of time before the kicking of off field goals transposes into on field ones.
  15. My good God that is unbelievable, terrible news. My deepest sympathy to all those closest to Dean. R.I.P Dean Bailey.
  16. I'm setting myself up for a slow first half of the year with 2 or 3 wins followed by progressive improvement, some close losses and 4 to 5 good wins in the second half.
  17. Hopefully this ll help with the "don't think, DO" message. I've meditated myself in the past and the one thing apart from being able to get into a deep relaxed state quickly that I noticed, was a significantly reduced sex drive, maybe it was just me but if not, this extra energy and focus for the ball could be our secret weapon. I think it best we don't tell the lads about this though eh!
  18. I was at work and kept sneaking out to the car to get an update, the last one with around 5 minutes to go and I was feeling nervous and pumped, finished work not long after, jumped into the car and was confronted with "Demon supporters shocked and crying". Could not believe it and I'm still shaking my head to this day.
  19. Fantastic that Demonland does this, great work guys, he will always be remembered.
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