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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. You're dead right, but let's remember he is a 19 (?) year old kid, who did not ask for all this. It is not his fault, and he shouldn't be forced into any decision any earlier than he feels comfortable with.
  2. I am in love with him, and I would have virtually no qualms at all with him being made captain next year. Would go a long way towards any fears (which I don't hold) that he may leave, and also to appease the fact that he is getting paid less than Scully.
  3. Fair enough I guess. Just believe the kid, it really does make me feel much more at ease. And the article today is the only one with real quotes from real people, which makes the whole sorry saga even easier again. The other thing that helped me firm in my positive views of Tom has been Wolfmothers comments in this thread, as he seems to be the only person on here who actually knows Tom and talks to him about it.
  4. I agree with you here Scullitor, but there is nothing that has happened so far to suspect that Tom is not loyal, so I don't understand why people keep mentioning other "loyal" players. Tom has had all of this thrust upon him. He didn't ask for it, but is doing his best to deal with it. Question his loyalty IF he decides to go, but until then, he is just as loyal as any other player at the club. Would we be questioning the loyalty of Trenners if he was in the same position Tom is in?? Enjoy that website Rojik, I love it. And if you have an iPhone, you can even get it as an app and listen from your phone.
  5. Rojik, if you go to tunein you can listen to nearly any radio station on earth, live and free. It is the saviour for those of us living in places outside Melbourne.
  6. Fair point there longsuffering. Sheahans article had quotes saying the offers had been made, but only pure speculation as to the amount and length. And after reading about Schwabs comments saying they believed they could match the GWS offer, then perhaps the offer made wasn't as high as popular perception would have us all believe. Which makes me even happier, because I've always thought he would stay, and developments over the last 24hrs make it even easier for me to believe that.
  7. I wonder what the catalyst to adding an extra 1% was.
  8. I've unfortunately not been able to hear any of his comments first hand, but by the sounds of things the bloke is a right goose. And he's making the situation even worse for himself by carrying on with it. Reminds me of Hutchy having a go at Kennett on TFS. Kennett wiped the floor with him, lol. The one thing I really hope comes out of all this debacle is that these gits in the media feel embarrassed enough to, in the future, maybe think before espousing idiotic statements like the now infamous 98%.
  9. Couldn't agree more HO007 That "word" that has it is looking a bit stupid in light of recent events. Didn't seem to me that the NM players were interested at all when they posted just 30pts against 147pts (regardless of who the opponent is). The reason to specify 2 years is because that is the standard contract length for a new draftee, therefore making them off limits to the expansion scum means that clubs get to enjoy their high draft picks for more than just their first two development years. Because they don't want to place him under any extra pressure. Imagine TS coming out to do a presser about how happy the boys are with their win on the weekend, and all he does is tell the [censored] journos that he will discuss his contract situation at the end of the year. All gets a bit tedious.
  10. I suspect that even if we scrape into the 8, the tide has already turned on Bailey, but may be proven wrong. As to who I think will be coaching next year, I just do not know anymore. The main thing I hope is that the club talks earnestly to Malthouse, Clarko, Sanderson, and anyone else out there who it seems may be the coach we need. I left out Roos as I am certain he does not want to coach at the moment, and I don't like the way the swans played under him ( and yes, I know they won a flag, but I would not like to see this team win a flag playing like those ducks did). As to who I want to see coaching next year, I would be happy with all three of those I mentioned. If they stay with Bailey I can deal with it, as long as it is a 1 yr extension and he must make finals and the bad losses must end. As far as I am concerned, this decision is one of the most important decisions to be made in our clubs recent history. Get it right and we could be staring down the barrel of a dynasty, and a possibility of putting our club back in its rightful position of one of the competitions powerhouses. Get it wrong and the pain of the last couple years could all be for nothing and we will be coming into free agency as a relative minnow.
  11. How did it go on the program ucanchoose??
  12. Agreed rhaz. I love him, and want to keep him, but not too sure how I feel for Trenners, Mackenzie, etc, who have performed consistently since debut, getting better game by game. Scully will be a gun, but Trenners is definitely the more complete player at the moment, and I don't know that Scully will necessarily overtake him. That's not to say Scully will be a failure, but Trengove is equally as good IMO. I don't see how you can say Scully is the best teenager in the AFL at the moment. Trengove alone has outperformed him this year. This is not a criticism of Scully by any means, but don't make more of him than he is at the moment, and that is a very important kid with loads of potential.
  13. Doesn't matter anyway. He wouldn't win cause he plays for MFC and Chris Judd is still playing.
  14. Please don't let this one go ucanchoose. It is an absolutely terrible situation, but even worse given the response from them, and even worse seeing the companies own code of conduct. Something needs to happen about all this gambling advertising, it is so incredibly wrong on every level.
  15. Terrible to hear. I did not know of her, but it is so sad to hear of someone passing at any age, but especially so young. I'm 31, and it truly is a scary thought. My condolences to all her family and friends.
  16. On the Central Coast in NSW QueenC
  17. Kento80


    I have lived in Darlinghurst, Stanmore, Elizabeth Bay and Potts Point for the last 11 years, and only moved to Terrigal a couple months ago. And working as a Barista means that am in a position where I talk to hundreds of different people every single day from every walk of life. I talk to my customers at length about sport and especially footy, so I think that my view on these things has a broader base than most. I know there is quite a solid base in Sydney for one team. What I question is whether there is enough for the two. As I also said, over 70 years it will work, my issue is that this means there will be a very large drain on resources for quite some time to come. I know there are bandwagon supporters for every team, but it is more of an issue in areas with smaller support bases. Note the crowds in Brissy now compared to a few years back. And another thing, I am giving my opinion based on my experience in Sydney. If you have had a different experience then good for you. Doesn't change my experience though.
  18. Not wise but I would be bummed and surprised if they didn't, not because he is worth it, but if that were enough for him to turn down the mega offer then it's worth it IMO. It is terrible that we are put in the position to have to offer any player way over, but that is the current climate we are in unfortunately. And Tom would be worth it.
  19. Kento80


    The term bandwagon supporters is used to show that they were all there in 05-06, but where are they now? I live in Sydney too, and work as a Barista. I had people everywhere claiming long term Swans supportership in 05-06, and all off to the Tickertape parade, but a fair majority of them are nowhere to be seen now. Yes there is still a decent core of people who are as passionate as many Melbourne fans, but as to whether there is enough AFL support for another team is a different question entirely. As a 70 year plan it will work, but how much resources will be funnelled to prop up this venture, when there are other clubs out there which are already struggling.
  20. I think you need to move this to the Scully thread. It must be starting to feel quite lonely and unloved. Haven't seen peep of it since the Etihad disaster.
  21. Man I wish I was in Melbourne. I miss so much on tele down there. Wish it was on fox.
  22. Absolute rubbish can I say. It is beoming more and more clear to me that Giesch doen't know his arse from his elbow. In one sentence he says it is the outcome that determines legality, the next he says it may attract a penalty. Unbelievable. I know it has been brought up last time, but please let me indulge. It is absolutely an outrage to suggest that the outcome of a tackle should decide whether charges are laid. I could accept that it may have some bearing over severity of punishment, but to actually decide if punishment is handed out borders on insanity. I cannot comprehend how something that is such a part of the game as tackling can ever be penalised worse than a violent act designed to cause harm. That makes the whole thing even more outrageous. As for this particluar tackle, I thought it looked worse than his previous effort against Dangermouse, but using the AFLs ridiculous logic of harm, how can there possibly be a case to answer. I don't even need to mention the fact that Jack was awarded the free kick, not Millionaire. There is something seriously wrong here, and I don't know what we can do about it, but something needs to be done before these idiots in power cause irreparable harm
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