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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Wrong, no one uses cheque books any more. I believe all transactions will be conducted electronically.
  2. On Monday, the time had finally come when my partner admitted to being a Dees supporter. After two and a half years spent half riding the emotional roller coaster alongside me, seeing my despair and manic moods, she finally agreed to jump on board with me. She uttered the words 'we won' after the Essendon game. This almost brought me to tears and made the win so much sweeter. Since then she has told me about a conversation she had at work with a 'fellow' Dees supporter. Next step is to get her a membership for her birthday. It's all the more sweeter because I've snatched her from the clutches of her evil Pies supporter Dad! Does anyone else have a successful conversion story they'd like to share?
  3. Didn't even know this was happening but it's really awesome that there is a landmark which will carry the great man's name for a long, long time. Well overdue.
  4. Those guys aren't playing anymore and most were spectacular failures. Jamie Bennell however is playing for West Coast and (incase you haven't watched him play in the last few weeks) is doing quite well, in a similar role to Jetta. Unaccountable and soft is the complete opposite of what I saw from him and he was in a similar role to Dunn, taking quite a few (some very courageous) intercept marks. If he continues like this he'll have a number of years over there at a great level of footy. Bennell may have justified your description of him while at Melbourne but he's a different player at WCE so far. He's no Neville Jetta though. Bennell's stats for the season, hardly damning for a small back: http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/pp-west-coast-eagles--jamie-bennell
  5. Tyson is very hit and miss I feel - as rjay says his kicking has great penetration and he lays out some great 40m pin point passes but fluffs some easy ones. Here's my top 6. Watts the best and the following 5 in no particular order: Watts Salem Kent N. Jones Dunn Viney Wouldn't have Jetta in there; he's doing some great things at the moment but I don't think he's in our top 6 kicks. Viney is very underrated I feel and his left foot is pretty dangerous at times, not missing many targets and often out of congestion.
  6. Simpson isn't doing too badly with him so far.
  7. A tough as nails defender against one of the softest players in the league - can't wait.
  8. Probably no change, but if there were to be one it would be Michie in for Riley, for me.
  9. I'd say the same about Bail, although he did have a reasonably quiet game against the Bummers. It's great that we were still able to get over the line with two of our best runners in Matt Jones and Rohan Bail being kept relatively quiet.
  10. Pretty accurate but can't agree with McDonald. He's played better games in the last few weeks and was made to look better by Dunn at times. His disposal was again pretty shaky.
  11. Dunn was enormous this afternoon. He's a beast in defence and never wavers. How far he's come, huge kudos to the man for working his arse off for years.
  12. Just not working hard enough at the moment, where as Essendon want it badly. Simple as that.
  13. Strauss and Blease would only lower the value of the deal.
  14. It's amazing that people actually pay the peasant to write this garbage. Edit: Although here we are discussing it so he's an effective peasant, I'll give him that. I wonder if he has any sense of self worth?
  15. How often do you think a coach will agree with the assessment of a player a Demonland member gives? Apart from 'hogans_heroes'... I'm sure Roosy would love to discuss strategy with him over a nice glass of scotch.
  16. Wouldn't make you apologise for that one, chap. Pedersen and Jamar for me - I was convinced Jamar had nothing to offer after his performances last season. Proud to say I always had faith in Dunn.
  17. Matt Jones out? Surely you're kidding... If we are to expose their lack of leg speed, Jones is the first player you want to be getting it to. Our hardest runner and burns opponents frequently - he is going from strength to strength at the moment and dropping him would be 'doing a Neeld'*. Kent to come in for a tall, probably Gawn (as much as I love him). *'Doing a Neeld' - an action which is spontaneous, often unexplained and always stupid.
  18. Don't think we'll get anything for Tapscott.
  19. Or those who didn't want to put in the necessary work for people like Mark Neeld, which to an extent is fair enough. Though I'd have liked more players to replicate Nathan Jones, who clearly had other factors motivating him to continue to work hard. Not referring to Sylvia as he has always been laconic.
  20. I'd argue Jordan Gysberts looked a lot more comfortable at AFL level in his first two games - look what happened there. Obviously the club is a very different place and our personnel are far superior to what we had back then but expectations should be tempered a little.
  21. I think an apt analogy for 'Pedo's' improvement is that he has upgraded his vehicle of choice from a 1991 Toyota Hiace to a brand new Mr Whippy truck.
  22. Both. We've definitely missed some opportunities along the way (St Kilda and Footscray especially) but confidence is obviously building, at a far quicker rate than I could have hoped. If we take a step back and see how far we've come from last season, the progress really is amazing. Now we just have to learn how to win and master that killer instinct.
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