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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Didn't hear it, but sounds like its heading in the right direction for him and the Club. Hope he signs for 3 with incentives for B&F results, goals per season, etc. Love ya to put pen to paper soon, Sam.
  2. A lot of love for LJ on these lists. Unfortunately, I get the (unsubstantiated) feeling he may not be on our list next year. Really rate him when he's on song, but that has only occurred a handful of times, and not in quite some time. Is he in Neeld's plans for 2013?
  3. On a side note, many would say the same about Cameron Schwab.
  4. "has the body and ability to go on at least 2 more years as a dominate forward" This bit cracked me up! Yeah, right, to balance out the past two terrible years. Please, go on....
  5. I see it but I don't believe it! Still got an ugly mug, though.
  6. I reckon Spencer already has more mongrel than Jamar. As has been said before, he chose Aussie Rules above basketball because he liked hurting people. Spencer Viney Tappy Clark are our true mongrels going into 2013. Oh, and of course, Cale Morton........
  7. Whereas we have a habit of not getting the best out of our current players and rarely out of recycled players (Clark aside, though he's hardly 'recycled'). Keep Moloney, one year deal. He has experience, body size and has shown in the past that he can play well. A one year deal will say to him that if he doesn't lift his game, then he's gone, and no one would want him after two bad years in a row. With Green's experience missing next year, I think Moloney needs to re-signed. Unless we can pick up some good FAs, Beamer is a required player. Let's not eat our own, like some clubs do.
  8. Great clips DD. I had forgotten about that biting incident. Brings back a lot of memories. Football wasn't such a business in those days, hey.
  9. And more muscle. But that too will come, especially with Misso on his tail. Really want him to come back from his end of season leave in tip top knick. Gyz as well.
  10. Davey.... I just can't get it that a seasoned player with such sublime skills (when on song) is having such a crappy couple of years. Yes, he's had some injuries, but many would argue that his time on our list is nearly up. Should be an A grader, but so far from that now.
  11. Next they'll start asking Lawrence about his knowledge of tanking.
  12. Great, insightful post. Soooooo... I guess your suggestion is trade him or delist him. After all, "turnovers are killers".
  13. Better skills than Chip?!!! Must be a typo.
  14. He's a big unit as well, very solid. Imagine him with another 2 preseasons and 25-30 games, especially if he keeps improving at the current rate. Confidence will certainly help to sharpen this Pencil.
  15. I think they do it for marketing opportunities. I've always liked the idea of reversing our home strip. Blue V on red, anyone?
  16. Despite what his team mates or his team Docs say? Weight of number shifts when people fess up.
  17. from AFL website. Sounds like he's had great treatment. Now its rehab time. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/144140/default.aspx
  18. Inflicted the worst loss of his coaching career. Perhaps hastened his downfall???
  19. Good post JC. Balanced and insightful.
  20. Ahhhh, the optimism of youth! I like it YDE. Don't let the bastards grind your energy down!
  21. No. He showed really poor taste for all the reasons that many other posters have brought up in this thread. FWIW Cale is contracted in '13 and, given his shoulder injury, is unlikely to be sought after during trade time
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