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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Culture. Roos have a 'backs to the wall' attitude. Call it shinboner spirit, or whatever... Good list. Very good coach. Great leaders. Now have good facilities. Know the coaches game plan. Big bodies. Good skills, on the whole. We have some of these, but not many.
  2. We looked at this several months ago. Worth discussing again IMO. Isn't Rendell now at Coll? What's happening with the 2IC at Coll who is supposedly coming to us? Are we largely going to be led by Tod Viney and Tim Harrington going into this draft? Now we only have a couple of 2012 games to go, the draft must be a major priority. Edit: Interesting that many have bagged Prendegast for his legacy, yet no one has commented on Harrington part in our list selection.
  3. Actually, we are sh!te, they are sh!ter.
  4. *Yawn* .....Another plainly obvious run through the list thread.
  5. Good looking bloke (not that there is anything wrong with saying that.....), but also perhaps punching above his weight matrimonially!
  6. Both very relaxed, affable guys. Don't think they have a problem. On a slight side note, perhaps we could have had both of them if McNamee had got his way with swapping Brown for Melb's no1 2008 draft pick.
  7. You are mistaken. He has been offered a 17 year contract. That way he is out of other club's reach when he becomes eligible for free agency for a second time.
  8. I remember watching in awe the day he kicked that goal over his shoulder from 45m out. Could not believe I had just seen that happen. Looked like it was not physically possible. Love to see you back next year LJ. All the best.
  9. Except Scully. A number 1 draft pick.
  10. Tough job. Not a lot of applause or spotlight for assistants. Still....... LET'S GET LING!
  11. May be starting to get a bit on in years and having a few more injuries, but Rivers is should be retained for 2 more years IMO. Veteran list eligible? Probably finish in top 3 in the Bluey this year. Regardless of our situation, that will speak highly for him.
  12. Maybe splitting hairs and not wanting to digress any further, but the point Nutbean was making that i commented upon said nothing of trades or delisting. It was about players leaving one club for another. I was making the comment that while we think we have the upper hand, Blease is the one wanted by us and out of contract, so he has the ability to leave to another club (not specifically to any one club) if he wants to. Statistics from 2010 are not applicable for 2012 in this regard. Yes, you are correct that Blease won't be delisted by the Dees in 2012. Well done on that point, good Doctor.
  13. Not sure that quoting figures from only 1 year is a big enough sample to close the case, Nutbean. Of late, MFC have lost (regardless of quality) Scully, Cheney, and Buckley to other clubs - none of them 'mature' players. We've also lost mature players in Junior and Bruce (and now possibly Green to GWS). There may be others i havent thought of. How does that fare with your stats? Some of what you say is true, but in this individual case, Blease can leave quite easily, regardless of whether he is part of the 3.3%, 0.5% or whatever stat applies from the past. Add Miller (mature) and the Emo (not mature) to that list.
  14. Hey, just because some are not sold on Cloke - myself incl - doesn't mean they are not thinking big. David Cloke has been a thorn in the Magpies side at various times with his big mouth and family conflict of interests. In the past, he has suggested taking his various sons to other clubs if one son's deal is not met. His interfering could be an issue at MFC. David, of course, is very vocal in putting his son's interests first. That's what any father would do. But is this in the Clubs best interests? Two big forwards on massive money (about 20% of our TPP) and a bunch of kids with unproven potential (Jones excepted) running around the midfield. Hmmmmm....... What I am saying is that unless we get Boak or a couple of FA quality mids or a mix of these in '13 and '14, then the money spent on big power fwds in Clark and Cloke may not be money well spent. That's why I believe the priority is mids, mids and mids. Get Cloke, get Boak, get another FA such as Montagna, get 2 x high draft pick mids, get Viney and I'll be creaming myself. A tough ask, though (not necessarily the last bit...) Time to think big AND WISELY Demons fans.
  15. Yes, but many of these kids are led wholely by the advice of their managers. Very few, if any, seem to go against the managers direction. Seems like every second AFL player, when asked about contracts, uses the line that they are leaving that up to their manager. They are not old or mature or smart enough to say to the manager, "right, I'm playing for X club next year so get the deat done now!" Nor are they necessarily wise to do so when the managers get them top dollar that they couldn't achieve on their own. If it was only about contract negotiation, then players would simply hire a lawyer to negotiate and draw up a contract each time theirs was up for renewal. Unfortunately, AFL player managers are an industry unto themselves (and in cases like Nixon, a law unto themselves). Dimwitreou and his pals have only just started scratching the surface regarding the reining in of their power, eg. no new player club kick-backs.
  16. I also think that Cloke jrn and srn are selfish crazy bastards, in that they want top dollar and would be prepared to swap Melbourne-based clubs to get it. Nose despite his face, sort of. It's like they have some mad Spanish blood in their lineage. Is Travis really as good as what David is pedalling ($1 mill plus p/a), partic in a bottom 4 club? Do we really want David hanging around the MFC sticking his nose in more than he should? Is it value for money if he gets very little supply?
  17. We'd be spending a lot of coin over a lot of years on Cloke if he came to us. could it be better used spread over a number of players, as McLardy spoke of? Yes, another big forward would be very handy. Cloke would probably be a good match for Clarke and give some of our other mid size fwds a better chance. But I keep thinking that our priority is 2-3 QUALITY midfielders of the standard of Jones or better (but not necessarily players in the style of Jones). For mine, it mids, mids and mids.
  18. Didn't hear it, but sounds like its heading in the right direction for him and the Club. Hope he signs for 3 with incentives for B&F results, goals per season, etc. Love ya to put pen to paper soon, Sam.
  19. A lot of love for LJ on these lists. Unfortunately, I get the (unsubstantiated) feeling he may not be on our list next year. Really rate him when he's on song, but that has only occurred a handful of times, and not in quite some time. Is he in Neeld's plans for 2013?
  20. On a side note, many would say the same about Cameron Schwab.
  21. "has the body and ability to go on at least 2 more years as a dominate forward" This bit cracked me up! Yeah, right, to balance out the past two terrible years. Please, go on....
  22. I see it but I don't believe it! Still got an ugly mug, though.
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