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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Why? Do you just like your own threads and no one else's? Let someone else have a go.
  2. Errr.... as financial members are we not effectively shareholders of the club. In other words, MFC members ARE the club. We elect board members to represent us.
  3. You have an unhealthy obsession with events 40+ yrs ago, dee-luded. Nearly all your posts harp on this. And could you please include some more sweeping catch phrases? Can I remind you that our coach (in fact I think none of our FD), our players and probably no one (except maybe only 1 or 2) employed by the club were EVEN BORN then. How many times do you think these people refer to the current situation as having a direct link back to 1965? Do you think Neeld reads studiously through the MFC history documents from the 50's and 60's to find where we went wrong, looking for the cause of our current problems? I don't think so! Yes, we haven't won a flag since 1964, but you are stretching a veeeeeeeeery long bow to link its cause back to 1965. It does not have relevance to Neeld getting the most out of Gysberts or his possible exit from MFC, which, I might add is still rumour. We are the oldest club who wrote the rules. That's cute and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. But for a moment or two, let's forget about 1965 and focus on now and the years ahead. I fully respect your passion and knowledge of the clubs history, but I have not seen a Melbourne flag and therefore, am looking firmly forward.
  4. I think that's a very important point you make Dr D. I too was excited about Gys in his first few games. But he hasn't developed physically or fittness wise since. A young talented kid like him should be making every effort to build a body and a tank. He has good inside skills and has the ability to find the ball, but his foot skills are average and he doesn't run enough. I'm worried IF he goes that we have not had the ability (under Bailey or Neeld) to develop this kid to anywhere near his potential. He has to want to do it, but is also the FDs job to teach him to do what is required. I've not seen a link to this yet, and the Hun is hardly gospel truth. Given the hysteria on Land at the moment regarding exits etc, we should take it with a grain until the club confirms it. It is also important to remember tha Gys IS contracted for 2013, so we are highly unlikely to delist or pay him out. He must be traded to go elsewhere and if Neeld plays hardball (which is what he seems to be), then a trade should be win/win.
  5. So? That describes about a third of all AFL players. Another third are w@nkers of middle proportions. IF he fits the needs we have, wants to play for MFC and is prepared to take a preseason thrashing by Misso then get him. IF......
  6. Doesn't he have a brother that is of draft age? And there are other brothers younger still to come. Can anyone confirm this?
  7. I was surprised he finished anything better than 4th last.
  8. I think it's interesting that many here are ho-hum about the prospect of losing Rivers, when Geelong have supposedly sought him out as a possible replacement for none other than Matthew Scarlett. That says Geelong see him as a quality player. If the FD has the same nonchalant view of Rivers many of us do, then we might as well delist everyone except Jones, Clark and Howe. Or easier still, put us out of our misery and close shop. We are crying out for experience and he'll finish top 5 in the Bluey. FFS, he's a keeper and I hope the club does its best to retain him.
  9. The only way he would get a premiership medal is if he was the thief who took Guerra's.
  10. ''We like to keep Grant fresh,'' Garry Lyon says. ''He's a unique talent. We like him unfiltered and raw.'' http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/fight-for-declassified-information-20120905-25d5k.html#ixzz25fAlnmIf
  11. But then you do so Rudeboy. I wish LJ all the peace and love that any normal person would. I can only imagine what has happened or lies ahead. We all hope his court case is resolved as quickly as possible. We are aware that his family comes way ahead of his football and that it is a complex family issue. We are also aware that he had a paid contract with the MFC which finishes soon and he can then do what he likes... play football or not. We thank him for his time at the MFC, including many short highlights. However, it would have been nice to hear something from Liam instead of from other people. Even a comment expressing his gratitude or a wish to help out for his loss to the club. Perhaps his manager could have said something if this is not a concern for Liam. A token effort even. Instead, we hear from Port Ad that his manager has had talks with them. This has been handled poorly, and I think that is why many are a little annoyed on here. But life moves on. We found one exciting player in LJ, we'll find another to replace him. Bring on Jack Viney!
  12. As mentioned, Rivers is a FA and will not require a trade. We would get a (measly) compensation pick in return. However, if we pick up another FA and lose Rivers, the swap is deemed sufficient by the AFL and no compo pick is given. The compo pick is to off set the loss, which would be balanced by another FA joining Melbourne. Gys is a different matter. He is contracted and if, IF he wants to leave then a trade will be required. I cannot remember where I read it on the AFL site, but FAs and RFAs cannot be wrapped up in a trade deal. Someone who has the link post it, please.
  13. Good info. Thanks Satyricon. Knew some of that but not that Williams is good at the 1% stuff or that he is working on his body size. Sounds promising. Would be fantastic to pull a good player from relative obscurity, especially since we have not done as well as hoped with high draft picks of late.
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's only gone at this stage according to the Herald Sun. No word from the Club yet. May well go, though. Good opening post, demon3564. Welcome aboard.
  15. From The Hun, June 21, 2012. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/more-news/jared-rivers-says-no-one-safe-at-melbourne/story-e6frf9jf-1226403523778 "The club has given me 10 years and it's been great," Rivers said. "I am just focusing on trying to play decent footy for the rest of the year and we will see what happens after that, but I definitely want to be a one-club player.
  16. I reckon that's a shoe in. With some sort of confidential agreement on JV in the 2nd round. GWS happy, GC happy, MFC happy. Three current players into the red and blue next year: D PEARCE A CORNELIUS J RUSSELL Why? Because they represent best available for our needs that actually are prepared to come to the Dees. The big name RFAs or FAs seem to be recommitting or looking for teams within a 'window'. Felix, we're you talking about current players or young draftees as well?
  17. Real quality player and person. We love ya Mitch.
  18. Will finish top 5 in the Bluey (not that there is considerable competition for top 5) Played 22 games this year, should not be on the outer. Would stabilise the back line to have him alongside Chip, TMc, Watts, Strauss, Nico and hopefully Garland and a speedy HBF with good foot skills. Our back line has been a strength for the last few years until Riv and Garland went fwd when Clark went down and we had no other alternatives. Would like to see him signed for 2. Plenty of others should go in the clean out before him. That is, unless he want to go as a RFA.......
  19. He's gone to party in Vegas on his end of season trip. Will end up in jail for whacking someone with a long poll.
  20. 16 Oh god, I feel like I've just leaped from the Cessna and forgot my parachute.
  21. Actually, I'd like to see our back half stocks settled again, with Chip, Riv, Judy, TMcD, Strauss, Nico and another hard running HBF with good foot skills. Defence has been one of our few strengths going back over the last 3 years. chip and TMcD looking very lonely in your OP.
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