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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Yeah, but about a third of patrons at that burger joint do the same, Cowboy.
  2. Because winning develops culture. Constant losing destroys morale. Watching Hawks vs Cats tonight and seeing 2 clubs desperate to win makes me want to stand up and scream support. But, alas, it's not my club playing...
  3. Did they throw a big bag of cash over CS' head for Howe to take a big hanger? Couldn't he hang onto it?
  4. Worse things could happen. Hell, the Poms won 2 gold last night. Shocking.
  5. So does Mark Jamar, Clint Bartram, Ro Bail and the Pencil.
  6. Really good post. Gives me hope that next year will not be another anus horribilus. Fark it's hard to be a Melbourne supporter at the moment. Thank you.
  7. I'm guessing that The Turtle will be feeling every bit the fool ATM. He's all foot in mouth. If it isn't twitter, then it's on the crap couch.
  8. This^ And dare I say it, I would think any future priority picks might go to struggling interstate club, not to a club in a city where more AFL teams exist than it can arguably support.J
  9. Good call. He was no star, but certainly a very handy player for the Blues. Terrible kick, strong mark and gave his all on match day.
  10. I reckon if the club had a similar poll on Demonlanders, there would be few left here to post at season's end. Ridiculous thread.
  11. This is very very boring. Move on and stop wining.
  12. Yes. Gys would be wise to chain himself to Jones and one or two others from October to March. Do the hard training they do. Build up his body and tank and learn, learn, learn off them.
  13. Let's get Bruce, Ooze and Cheney back as well! As the Blues Bros said... we're getting the band back together.
  14. I thought he recently re-signed with GC? Two years, wasn't it. Why would he do that and then leave?
  15. Apart from a couple of $100k per year (remember he's being offered $800k by the Filth, more by Freo and prob about the same by the Poos), why the hell would Cloke even think about coming to Melbourne? Been near the bottom for years, likely to stay there, just breaking even from donations, list full of very average kids, train next to the Filth and attract 15 people and a couple of sea gulls to each game. Given his FA options, I doubt it.
  16. That's a lot of money we are allegedly offering. Hope he's worth it, because what we need most is experienced, quality MIDFIELDERS. Anyone for Sewell, Chappy, Goddard or Montagna? Imagine if we picked up 2 or 3 of these..... *drools down chin*
  17. I'd like you to contribute something worthwhile for a start.
  18. I agree with what you say WJ. However, we have not been able to develop some of these young players as we hoped. There are only one or two exceptions to this, Howe and Chip come to mind. We would honestly (and debatably) struggle to get 5-6 players capable of being in the best 22 of the top 8 clubs ATM. They get repeatedly injured or they simply do not make it at senior level. We have been extremely poor at developing players to expected potential for at least the last 6 years - and that is a big hole in the life of a team's list. Perhaps some of our picks have been wrong. Perhaps we have had some ongoing injuries to our young. But more importantly, we have not equipped our draft picks with the culture and guidance and determination required to move to the next level. It has been frustrating to watch drafting opportunities go unrewarded (so far). Some of these might turn around under Mark Neeld, some may not. So far I like the new regime, but I want to see some results in the next 12 mths. Football is a ruthless and impatient animal. We can all find reasons why this has happened - Junction Oval facilities, poor support around coach, club debt, etc. These have all been fixed (supposedly), and now is when we want to see confirmation that we are heading in the right direction. Can we say that this has happened under Neeld? I am still confident that this will change. We need to develop players to the same (or better) level that other top clubs do.
  19. At the moment we have no specialist key forward playing forward on the park. Not that I ever wanted Dawes, but I do want SOMEONE who can kick a goal.
  20. So then no, it's not near the same as the Hunt stomp.
  21. Errrr, have you heard of the blood rule? Any idea why that was introduced?
  22. Being sent straight to the tribunal sounds way more serious than the usual ridiculous formula they go by. Completely dumb thing to do. Hard to defend this one, if true. AFL seems to enjoy making an example of these types of uncouth actions.
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