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Everything posted by Maldonboy38

  1. If Stockdale becomes President, which I reckon is a great idea, we have to get a coach or CEO with personality and media savvy. Stockdale is a really dour, behind the scenes, capable, management kind of person - will make a success of our business, structure and admin. But he is not a person who inspires supporters to become members, or who has charm to burn. Him with Mark Williams as coach - I'm in.
  2. The only times I can watch rugby league and enjoy it are State of Origin and the Grand Final. Only in these games is the skill anywhere near enjoyable, and even then it only just makes it. I have no personal interest in AFL State of Origin. I have great memories of it in the past (Lockett, Ablett and Dunstall in one team!!!) However, if Melbourne are 2 points up with 3 minutes to go in any game for the remainder of this year, I might consider streaking to ensure the result. And if you reckon that streaker from last night should have buffed his body first, mine will cause some serious heart problems.
  3. Del Santo is a class mid but I am unsure if he is the type you could build a midfield around. His influence often appers to be his skilfulness rather than his impact on games of team mates being inspired by him. I am unconvinced that he would/could influence Viney, Toumpas, Barry too much. Now Brad Sewell on the other hand...
  4. Each year around October/November the membership renewals for me and three of my kids arrive in the mail. There is no conversation, discussion or discernment - we are Melbourne people through and through so we renew. I was born 6 months after our last premiership and have not wavered one day in my support. I will say that this year almost got to me. After seeing the West Coast and Essendon games early in the season I had to stop watching games, going to games and even visiting Demonland - it was seriously the lowest point of my Dees supporting life. That is including the horrible mid-1970's period when we were poor. What gets me through? Addiction - possibly. The greatest game on earth - yes. Love for the club - yes. Love for the jumper - probably more than anything else. I'm Melbourne, through and through, and no dysfunctional administration or administrator, pathetic coach, skinny player, or loud-mouth Collingwood/Hawthorn/Carlton/Essendon tossbag will move me away from the Dees. And when we DO hold up the cup - don't come near me if you are not a Dees supporter - I will give all of you the biggest spray ever and love every minute of it. Melbourne - through and through.
  5. Most important versus best - an interesting difference. As far as most important to our immediate future/success: Frawley Clark Hogan Jones Garland Frawley, Clark, Jones and Garland have leadership influence and impact, train well, and have been through 6 years of horror while maintaining high standards. This influence working its way down through our list will be invaluable IF we can get the right coach in place. Hogan because he is the first star since Ox and Farmer. Howe would be no. 6 because of his spectacular feats that make young Dee supporters put 38 on their back. However, our best and most important by 2015 will be: Hogan Viney Toumpas Gawn Frawley
  6. When he gets up and running, the only person who could run with him is probably Robert Harvey at his best. Swan is different, ungainly, portly and lots of other things but he is a gun. All those slight criticisms (doesn't kick enough goals etc...) are of little importance when you see him setting up plays, breaking the lines and setting up goals.
  7. This interview is a classic "read-between-the-lines" interview, where most of the meaty stuff lies n what was not said. And that touching of his ear and cheek when asked about Mark Neeld - made me think of Bob Hawke's ear pulling when he was telling pork pies, or sliding over an answer. All that said, Watts remains an impressive individual when interviewed. If he stays a Dee, and I hope he does, I can see him becoming part of a great team set-up. If we can get an outstanding senior coach, and then fix the biggest hole in our football dept - namely the way we develop new talent - Watts could become anything and everything we could ever want him to be.
  8. Growing up in the Carlton zone when they were very successful and the Dees were poor, I hate Carlton like nothing else. However, I have to disagree about Malthouse. Listen to players from the Bulldogs and West Coast and they say that the whole place changed when Malthouse was coach. It is not so much about institutional culture, but he has an outstanding record of making boys into men. Footballers play for him in a similar way the Hawks played for Alan Jeans. It is great to see Carlton struggling now but history says they will not struggle in 18 months or so.
  9. A big no from me. He has 2 tricks. 1.Get it, sprint like all hell and then bomb it. 2. Get it, sprint like all hell and then do a dinky 10m pass to someone close. He is one of the worst tacklers I have seen and is too easy to beat one-on-one.
  10. Hey - I probably chose my words badly - but by "Neeld-haters" I wasn't talking about hating the man personally, I was implying that I never really hated his coaching or style like a lot of others here on Demonland. Perhaps I should have hated it more - look where it has led us!! But I really agree with Heart Beats True from above. Neeld was given a direct mandate by Schwab and the Board to come in and be very tough, with no compromise, and to introduce a game plan based on defence. But as in most things in life, it is not what your task is, it is how you operate, and Neeld's manner seems to deflated players en masse rather than inspire them.
  11. Gawn to ruck 2/3 of each quarter, and Fitzy to ruck one third. Fitzy to rotate through the forward 50 also. Please, please, please don't play either of Pederseon or Sellar. They can be great in VFL, but rarely play more than 1 decent game in the AFL. Great to see Grimes in. I wonder if Strauss will take the place of Byrnes?
  12. I wasn't/am not a Neeld-hater but the more I read, the more that comes to light, the more I am understanding that Neeld was very heavy handed, and the players were struggling to want to play for him. It sounds like there was little unity, and the defensive mindset was robbing the players of the enjoyment of playing.
  13. That was enjoyable to watch again. With the ball we were dynamic - but the tackling was horrendous. But I loved the stuff with Bruce and Dennis enjoying themselves - very, very funny - made my morning. "Ooooohhh, the Demons are going to be something, aren't they?" Pure gold.
  14. Frawley was a total spud early on: couldn't kick straight and could not pick up the ball below his knees. Garland was a brain fade specialist who played loose. Neitz had concrete hands. Cam Bruce was a pretty boy. Flower was too skinny. This kid has played 28 games and is improving at a faster rate each month. Stick him on Hannebury and let's see what he does. Plonk him on half back and give him license to run and carry. He might be a total waste but that is not proven yet.
  15. I have been a huge critic of Nicho, but he was really good against the Doggies. He had a couple of turnovers but his kicking was actually spot on for most of the game. If - and it is a very big if - he can get his kicking right we need his energy and pace off half-back not up forward. He is a classic defender who "responds" to what happens rather than initiates it so ican't see him having the creativity or initiative to thrive up forward.
  16. Blease expected to be fit and will play Grimes being referred to as definitely playing Language regarding Jordie McKenzie sounds like he is available - same for Joel MacDonald Could be a very interesting team selection this week. There is no way there will be more than 2 changes after a win. Grimes in for Dunn Hopefully they don't drop Nicho (can't believe I just typed that but he was really good - even his kicking was good) and bring in Jordie.
  17. "- Neeld had the team playing with a very defensive mindset, which has had us chasing the opposition around all year and not getting enough of the ball in our own hands. Whereas Craig has encouraged a more attacking style of play, i.e. get the ball and keep it off them." I haven't heard the interview yet, but if the above quote is even close to verbatim, it is astonishing that Trenners has been so open about Neeld. To say that your coach had the team "chasing the opposition around all year" makes it very clear that they were being discouraged from attacking. Now we know that under Bailey, the team could attack well but could not defend to save themselves, and now Neeld is the exact opposite. Massive over-correction. Huge pat on the back to Trenners for saying it how it is. I wonder if this is the influence of Peter Jackson? Jones, Garland and now Trenners have been much more open to the media and really answering questions - a great change. Is it beginning to sound more and more like the players are loving Neil Craig - similar to Sydney wanting Terry Wallace but the players pleading to keep then assistant coach Paul Roos?
  18. There was a great interview with him on Sunday by the ABC 774 Sunday Inquisition team. I don't know if it can be linked at all but it was a great listen. I am stoked every time he gets a request for an interview because he actually answers questions without the "we just wanted four points" or "Neeldy this and Craigy that". He is intelligent, articulate, passionate, a club man, and seems to understand how footy works from a planning point of view as well as a player. He and Dawes can do the interviews every week for mine. As for his football, there were some serious rants early this year from Demonlanders about his brain fades - some of this was probably deserved because when he has a brain fade it is usually an absolute beauty - but his consistency and effectiveness have been really good. However, can't see him beating N Jones for the Bluey but will be fighting Terlich for 2nd spot I would think. He has been beaten this year a few times, but it is his leadership that is beginning to grow and the growth in confidence across the 22 over the past 2 weeks might be because his leadership ability is coming to the fore and his influence is starting to spread.
  19. My initial read on Grimes is to definitely play him at Casey for one game, but Casey has a bye this week, so I would use Grimes as a sub bringing him on half way through the 3rd quarter if possible. We can't have him with no game time this week. Blease looks like he might play - I hope he does.
  20. I have seen Bell a few times and is definitely worth a look at him. The only thing that concerns me is that he looks the perfect prototype of the modern footballer but never quite produces to his potential. I have never really seen him destroy a game. I still don't get the Strauss hate on here. He might not be the hardest at it, but there are many on our list we should delist/trade before him. e.g. Dunn, Pedersen, Davis, etc...
  21. Betting agencies - as much as they annoy the daylights out of me - are rarely wrong when they alter their odds this much in a single change. Looks done. The question remains:- is he really up for the fight?
  22. 6. Terlich 5. N Jones 4. Frawley 3. Watts (his half-effort, unsuccessful one handers were the letdown for me) 2. Trengove 1. T McDonald
  23. Strauss or Tappy in to replace Blease.
  24. Yep, spring in the step this morning. It's a good feeling that I have missed.
  25. For so long, poor Fitzy looked like a camel recovering from knee surgery. Totally unco, and on top of this he could not kick at all. But he has come on in leaps and bounds this year. Has earned his spot and has earned the right to keep it for a few weeks. His kicking now is really good, he can take a contested mark, and is the quickest at the club over 20m, 50m and 100m. If it was up to me, leave him one-on-one inside 50 with his opponent and play him like Pagan's paddock. He is seriously quick and could cause a lot of damage given space to run.
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