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Everything posted by Maldonboy38

  1. I also prefer Choco Williams but won't knock back Eade after our lst 5-6 years.
  2. Voss for MFC midfield coach in 2014?
  3. Really good topic to take our minds off the unbelievable amount of dung hanging around AFL at the moment. 1. New President and Senior Coach 2. Get Clark and Dawes fit, for crying out loud!!!! 3. With everything we have got, get one of Sewell, Del Santo and/or Daisy Thomas. (1 experienced A grade midfielder) 4. With everything we have got, land one of Adams, Swallow, Sloane (1 young rising, potential A grade midfielder) 5. Only trade Watts/Syvlia if we get better than we are giving. 6. Big preseason for Hogan, Barry, Evans, Toumpas, Viney, Clisby, Terlich, D Kent - for the first time in a long time this list of young'ns looks capable. 7. Time to go Davey, Nicholson, Gillies, Sellar, Jetta, Bail. 8. A proud major sponsor, not some flaky nut bag like Energy Watch, or fly-by-night Opel. A company willing to promote themselves while helping to grow MFC. Note: I hearby solemnly promise not to type the following phrases into the Demonland forum for the 2014 preseason: elite kick they looked really sharp a big change from the training of Neeld player "x" should get a game based on the training I have seen Trengove has an injury and will not train until February
  4. I went to see the Dees play the Bombers in 1980 (I think) when Ditterich was coach - we flogged them and sung "bye bye bombers bye bye" to the tune of Come on Aussie come on.. A mate of mine's brother-in-law named Bluey Seaton was playing on the wing for the Dees and we got to go in the club rooms before and after the game. Ditterich was a very scary individual, Flower was playing, Hardeman... but we were still basically a poor, poor team. But 2013 has no Flower, Hardeman or Ditterich. No Ray Biffin or Rod Grinter to liven up boring moments.
  5. 1981 was a shocker, but there were many things that kept us interested: the hope (that never really arrived) of having Barrassi back a the club. Players like Flower and others mentioned above had some skill and flair. We kicked a few decent scores and ended up with 63% This year has lacked the vital ingredient of hope. This year no player has stepped up and played spectacular footy (Howe's marking, Clarke's presence, Blease's run etc...) I don't want to remain emotionally involved due to an absence of hope but I have supported the Dees for so long I just can't help it.
  6. I just can't wait for AFL season 2013 to finish so I don't have to groan every time footy stuff comes across my computer, tv or radio. I am warn out. This GWS v MFC game attracts me about as much Ita Buttrose in a bikini. TO be honest, I really don't care. Happy for Davis, though. Should have happened weeks ago.
  7. Wellman was an outstanding defensive coach and will remain so, but the way he left MFC when the Bombers boys club were called home, dropping us cold, left a foul taste in the mouth of many. I reckon we need a clean break from him, from the recent past, and from anything to do with the Bombers last three years that makes our mistakes look like premierships. Everything there is very tainted now. Would love Ratten back as midfield coach but he is well entrenched at Hawthorn and loving it from all reports. So aim for Ling instead or if not, what about Junior McDonald? His work ethic and communication skills are first class. What do you reckon abut Johnathon Brown as forward coach? Knows his craft, great leader, well respected - I just don't know what his communication skills are like.
  8. Go after Nate Fyffe if he is up for contract renewal. If Fyffe not available, then offer Sewell big $ and don't let him say no. His is slipping out of favour at the Hawks and has 2 really good years left in him.
  9. I lean towards the opinion of Satyriconhome above, and long for the days when what we are talking about is the 22 men who run out, fit, fed and inspired and give it their best shot at winning a game of football. I am getting soooooooo tired of footy politics, changing coaches, drugs in sport, which CEO agrees with the AFL on blah blah, equalisation strategy etc... But the MFC is an excellent choice for an academic study on the nature of change in a business organisation. The drive and motivation for change initiated by Jim Stynes was right on the money. If you looked at a rule book for organisational change, as Jimmy brought in Chris Connolly, Dean Bailey, Cam Schwab, etc... all the key change indicators were being followed and implemented. This organisational "revolution" had all the right factors but with one essential flaw - personnel. The people recruited were friends,colleagues, or those admired and respected but they were not agents of change - they were managers of a system. Schwab and Connolly could implement strategy but not drive change in culture. We failed in recruiting the right people.
  10. It is a very touchy subject. Jim Stynes had leadership written all over him - he could inspire, motivate and bring people into his vision to make it happen. But he surrounded himself with red and blue devotees rather than capable managers and do-ers. Cam Schwab is a classic example.
  11. One last highlight - a quote about the AFL: QUOTE: The AFL has offered support to address these issues, but this support is highly conditional. In this context, the implementation of the recommendations contained in this report should be seen as critical to: • satisfying the conditions of the AFL; • regaining the confidence of members, stakeholders; and • providing a stable environment that is essential in attracting key Football Department personnel, and retaining players. It is clear that over the next 6 - 12 months, the AFL will say jump and we will say "how high?". I know this sucks but considering the dysfunction of our previous Boards(s) it is probably essential. Anyone with half a brain about corporate governance structures can see that this report is a politically correct statement that is actually saying our Board were hopeless. No news there I suppose.
  12. I find the following part brings the most clarity for me. Basically, it is saying that the people who joined the Board under Jimmy and Don had some leadership ability but were more managers than leaders, and little ide about Corporate Governance or Business structures. I have summarised it down a bit. Bold type is my emphasis. QUOTE: 2. Board Effectiveness A number of Board members joined the Board in mid 2008 when the MFC had limited management skills, lacked resources and had significant debt. This resulted in a blurring of roles of the Board and management, as Board members were immersed in “running the club” and eliminating the debt. Findings: The review indicated that the effectiveness of the Board was being impacted by the: I. lack of clarity of the roles and responsibilities of the Board and management; II. issues around the strength of the working relationship with key management; III. depth of experience of Board members with Corporate Governance frameworks, structures and processes; IV. use and mix of skills of individual Board members; V. time availability of certain Board members; VI. clarity of Board member roles; and VII.the depth of relationships with key stakeholders Recommendations: I. To improve the effectiveness of the Board, the current MFC Governance framework, structures and processes need to be revisited and, where practicable, brought up to corporate best practice standards, recognising the specific requirements of the MFC; II. The Board Nominations Committee, in determining the composition of the Board, should ensure that there are a number of Board members who are experienced in businesses that have working Corporate Governance frameworks; and III. As the Governance structures and processes are being updated and the strategic priorities of the club are being reassessed, it is recommended that: a. All current Board members are re-inducted through the revamped Board Induction program; b. All new Board members complete induction within two months of joining the Board; and c. At least one Board meeting per year has a session to refresh Board members on the key aspects of the induction program.
  13. The opening point of the executive document says it all really: 1. Overall Board Performance In assessing the performance of the Board, it was clear that the Board has added significant value to the MFC over the last five years, and until 2013 had produced four years of profit, acquired significant assets and grown the MFC revenues. However, due to both poor on-field performance and current financial performance, the Board recognises it has lost the confidence of the members, key stakeholders and the AFL. I haven't read much more, but will post stuff I find noteworthy.
  14. I just finished watching the interview and like most came away impressed. He answered the questions directly but without the clipped, abruptness of Mark Neeld. But I am not buying into the PJ is Lord and Saviour just yet - I have seen too many false dawns and heard great speeches that sounded like roast beef and ended up being more fairy-floss. When the new Chairman, 5-year CEO, experienced coach and his assistants are in place, and the captain is chosen for 2014 THEN I will make a call on how I reckon PJ is going. But I refuse - point blank stubbornly refuse - to follow words any longer. Personnel including administrators, coaching staff, players, board members etc... is what will change us and the only real change is PJ himself at the moment.
  15. N Jones. Absolutely AFL standard. B+ player who could be A grade Viney. Will probably we A grade in the Scott West category. Toumpas. Will be a B - B+ midfielder Evans. Might be a B grader, but he cannot stay injury free. Sylvia. What a horrible waste of talent. A+ at best, C grade most of the time. Trengove. B grade but sliding away. I still really believe in this bloke but something is wrong/missing. Bail. Too many goes, too many injuries and a poor skill level. C grade. Rodan. B+ at best, C- at worst. Gone at seasons end. Blease. Could be anything but has not been developed. C- or D at present. Other players like Tapscott, Kent, M Jones have not really been played as midfielders. At best we have 1 current top line midfielder, 1 potential A grader, and 2 potential B - B+ midfielders. What a horrible outcome after 6+ years of high draft picks.
  16. We need one A grade midfielder with great skills both under pressure and when running free. Del Santo is perfect for this and can help Evans and Toumpas develop. He is a very good trainer and has a profesional attitude to every part of footy life. We also need, and maybe even more urgently, another midfield LEADER of the Nathan Jones type who is as hard as stone, courageous and inspires team mates by his actions and attitude. Sewell fits this bill. He has killed us over the past 5 years and is losing his place in the starting 22 at the Hawks. To get players like this in our right hand we have to be prepared to let players go - of equal or greater value - with our left hand. Howe. We could use him for trade bait and would get heaps of offers, but he is the only thing keeping young Dees supporters interested. We need him for marketing and for hope. Watts. Although he frustrates the %$@# out of me, his skill level is of such high calibre it is difficult to let him go. However, if we could get Del Santo and Sewell in some 3 or 4 move cyclic trade, we would have to consider it considering we have Dawes, Clark, Hogan and Fitzy. Sylvia. Time to go I reckon. I can see him at Sydney or Freo. Any club that believes their culture can produce a disciplined, focused Sylvia is a good trade option and attractive to those clubs vying for top 4. Jamar. We will get little for him, but GWS might need him and it could form a part of a cyclic trade to get Del Santo and Sewell. I don't believe we will land Del Santo or Sewell but it is good to dream - that's all I have left this year.
  17. I didn't get to a tv or radio today, but got a score 20 points in the 2nd quarter saying we were 20 points down. I cannot believe this 122 point result. I am so tired of trying to be interested in the games this year, when I have more interest in ... well anything really. Apart from 3 classy midfielders I cannot see any change in 2014.
  18. From the moment we recruited Pederson and I saw him train I was doubtful. I can understand him being brought in to play North because of their big forwards, but I remain really disappointed that Strauss is not being persisted with and Davis can't crack a jumper. Yes, Davis' kicking is amazingly poor at times, but he has actually improved a fair bit in this regard, reads the play really well, and is a big AFL-size body. But it is good to see only 1 or 2 changes per week rather than 4 - 5.
  19. If only Pickles Evans could get a decent preseason under his belt and have an injury-free season. The club have perseverd with him over ( I think) 3 injury-riddles seasons now so they must see something in him in a similar way to Max Gawn. Note to all Demonland revisionists: Cameron Bruce might have been an outside player whose helicopter drop-punts and hospital hand -passes made us all cringe at times, but it is totally unfair to question his work ethic or talent. At his peak he was a very, very good footballer. Don't let's re-write our own history because we are all feeling so poorly about 2013.
  20. Your quote, "strangling their enthusiasm" is spot on and the main difference. The game plan is not markedly different, it is just that the players are beginning to spread from a contest with enthusiasm believing that they will make a play. It always appeared that Mark Neeld was so focused on defending opposition movement he forgot to inspire our boys to go for it when we had the ball. Watts, Trengove, Sylvia, now Fitzpatrick have all hinted at the same thing: Craig wants them to have a go and enjoy their footy and I admire that approach immensely. The above stats are a glaring difference, but I reckon they are the cart, and enthusiasm/confidence is the horse, not the other way around.
  21. Great news. Give him a full preseason, including many hours in the gym, and his influence in 2014 will be immense. There is a lot to like about Gawn's footy. I am unsure if we can fit both him and Spencer in the team but if it is possible these two could give us a better midfield advantage. Couldn't be any worse.
  22. OUT: Garland, Kent IN: Davis, Tapscott North are very hard at the ball. We might need Spencer to replace Gawn to counter Goldstein's dominance.
  23. Frawley at this stage. Hogan in 2013 because he symbolises hope. But Viney will be for the next 10 years
  24. After tonight I finally agree with this. Leigh Matthews was a freak around goal , Voss was inspirational, Hird had incredible vision, Skilton was unstoppable, Harvey was the first modern aerobic capacity midfielder, Judd has an amazing burst of speed around packs; but Ablett jnr matches all these players in their point of difference. Amazing footballer. Franklin is offered $1.5 mil, and Scully gets $1 mil - Ablett is so far ahead of anyone and deserves every cent he gets. And stuff me if he has not developed into a really good leader. Pity he is bald!! (just joking for all you nude nuts out there - just trying to find one thing about him that isn't magnificent.)
  25. If I can't watch the Dees win, watching the Pies lose comes as a comforting 2nd option.
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