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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. I'm assuming you only really want the last couple of days? AFL made the charges levelled against EFC & Hird and Co public, including some of the supporting documents and evidence (most of which has been covered by Media over the saga anyway) EFC & Hird Freaked out, as they assumed the AFL were going to keep all of it underwraps until a verdict had been reached Hird lodges case with Supreme Court and within the lodgement throws hot water on the AFL and Andrew D, by stating that they went againt the ACC's confidentiality agreement prior to the public anouncement thats pretty much it.
  2. I fail to see how Hird has been denied natural justice, he's been charged with an offence. There will be a hearing to determine his guilt. Based on his logic every person arrested and charged with a crime can suefor being denied natural justice before their court date?
  3. Same with Carro. She could present her information in a more measured and unbiased way, but she's pretty much bang on the mark on these things. She must be fed info to be so far ahead of the game on some of this stuff
  4. head on over to Bomber Blitz. Hilarious reading! From windyhillbomber2408 How does this even get air time or space on websites? A random woman rings up claiming to be a mother, goes nuts and gets time on air as well as a feature on the Herald Sun site. Fark me, I could ring up and say I was a father of a player and call Hirdy a Saint and say the processes has been perfect. Would that get airtime or spots on newspaper websites? Not a chance in hell.
  5. Link? sorry think i've found it http://www.triplem.com.au/melbourne/sport/afl/news/2013/8/aod-9604-not-prohibited-says-gerard-whateley-on-fox-footy-afl-360/
  6. Well done Garlo, hopefully we'll see him running around for another 100+ games.
  7. Hird is delusional. He's still clinging to the no infraction notice and Aod isn't illegal lines. Regardless of this, the evidence is still plenty to pin him for bringing the game into disrepute IMO, and the AFL and their lawyers obviously agree! The mfc would have had a stronger case over tanking. I see this move by Hird to be akin to a bloke who has gone too far calling other players around a poker table. He's now gone 'all in' with a 2 & 3 and nothing on the flop or turn that helps him. He knows he's rooted but hopes the AFL fold. Hird is desperate
  8. Is bb59 around or has he died and gone to heaven?! Essendon are in real hot water here. Hird smacks of denial, head in the sand sort of stuff
  9. 2013's good news story! Saty has been singing his praises for ages. Perhaps 2014 will be Rory taggerts year!
  10. I remember the Banner at Subiaco the first time Flash played againt the Dockers "Who needs the Wiz We've got the Flash"
  11. You're probably right. just putting some thought into the top 5 (in no specific order) i get N jones, Garland, Sylvia, Terlich and maybe Matt Jones or Watts?
  12. Nothing wrong with being balding and spec wearing, however when coupled with being a smug f@$k (refer to first paragraph) it only serves to accentuate any [censored] like tendencies. The 'trendy' thick rims on a middle aged dweeb again add to the high [censored] rating IMO, Apologies if these words offend any fellow 'landers.
  13. Spot on as usual nasher. The way I see it, Terlich will poll top 10, maybe even top 5 in the bluey. Both Terlich and matt jones proved to be great pick ups - mature enough to play week in week out and know their games well. Both have room to improve too. No doubt that viney will be the best of the bunch. Kent has shown a heap of promise for a 1st year player too, and should end up a more accomplished player than Terlich and m jones
  14. The infuriating thing about Barrett is that he comes across like the type of dweeb that actually believes that he knows better than everyone else, and that his opinions and articles are the most important news ever reported on in history. Hate the man with a passion. Balding, spec wearing f@$k wit IMO
  15. Just watched his press conference. What a legend.
  16. I'd have him back in a heart beat. Imagine how damaging he could be with key defenders having to prioritise between Clark, Dawes, Hogan, Howe and LJ?!
  17. Sad to see him retire. Was up there as my favourite player in 2009/10. It'd be handy if his team mates could learn to kick half as well as he does. I'd like to think he could be given a role at the club in the future, perhaps in the development academy etc
  18. Theres nothing not to like about Jack Viney. seeing him dive head first into packs keeps me going when we're 60+ points down, chasing our own tail. What a legend. Looks like todd too!
  19. You can tell those clowns think they're hilarious but its pretty average really.
  20. Looks to me that the AFL wanted to charge the bombers in some way, shape or form before the finals (as has been openly discussed for months now). ASADA havent finished their investigation yet so they arent ready to belt them, so the only grounds that the AFL had to slap the bombers in on the catch all of "bringing the game into disrepute". The real interesting apsects will come into play once the ASADA report is complete.
  21. I dont understand the Connelly hate. He was made a scape goat for what you'd assume was a whole Club or atleast a whole FD decision - to manage the list to ensure we were well positioned to capitalise on draft picks, at a time where we had no chance to make finals. Outside of this, he's a good bloke and passionate club man Why the hate?
  22. A 12 goal last quarter from the last time they met should fill the boys with some confidence. GWS are in better form, but I hope the boys really play with some pride and don't allow themselves to be GWS' only scalp for the year.
  23. Pennant St Dee has been keeping demonland updated on Garlett's WAFL season in the draft/trade forum. For what its worth i think he's got all the tools and would be able o do well at AFL level, however its clear he has attitude and discipline issues so its just a matter of which club values his talent the most and is willing to pick him with a relitivley early selection IMO.
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