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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. BOOM! Send what is left of the Bummers to Tassie!
  2. There are a number of players that might be still with us if Neeld was never our coach, having said that, none of them were going to be great players, but probably more use to us than Gillies!
  3. I think Choco could be the best fit. He won a flag at Port GWS havent come on like many expected, which could be inpart due to him leaving Big wraps @ Tigerland if its not choco, then Craig is the next best choice Experienced coach Very good win/loss record Knows the players / club and staff, would be able to hit the ground running like no other candidate could
  4. Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness! My-yummy!
  5. I'd pick McKenzie over Nicho any day of the week. Its true that neither are very good though. I could actually see Trengove becoming the teams run with player over time, he's a good tackle and has a good tank. His pace issues are well documented Perhaps his little chats with Ling can aid him with the role too. He'd be a roles royce version of whatever McKenzie and Nicho currenlty offer.
  6. Its funny BB59, I've always assumed the AFL would enforce the full force of whatever ASADA recommend, but the longer this drags on the more I think the AFL believe they are above the law (in this case WADA). I notice the AIS have withdrawn their support to the AFL academy, supposedly to increase funding for Olympic sports. I might be jumping at shadows but I’d expect that sort of thing to happen if the AFL didn’t adhere to the ASADA code too? I would respect the AFL as a code and organisation if they had stood down Jab Watson after his admission, and if they punish the Essendon Football Club to the appropriate level, but the eerie silence is making a mockery of the black and white nature of ASADA and WADA’s code.
  7. Unfortunatley, the way i see it we need to keep one or two of Sellar, Davis and Pederson for insurance incase Frawley, Tom McDonald or Garland get injured
  8. I think our list is general is 'top heavy' I cant see the need to have all of Sellar, Davis & Pederson on the list next year. davis or Sellar will be moved on Same with the forward line. I can see Fitzy being a possible trade target from other clubs. He's got all of the tools, and i actually would like to keep him, but we just dont have room for all of these guys in the team and i think he's going to be too good to be happy as a VFL player who only gets a gig when we are plagued by injury
  9. . Being a decent bloke shouldnt come into the equation when penalties are being handed out.
  10. If the AFL and the media dont like Watson being booed, the solution is to not play him until he is either cleared or found guilty. There will always be people in a crowd who boo and carry on. No doubt the Meth Coke supporters believed that Watson shouldnt have been allowed to play
  11. I generally dont get to the end of his articles.They're generally rehashed versions of his interviews and the other video content on the site. He tows the company line as you'd expect. The most pointless aspect of his weeekly content is the team selection chat. Never seen anyone play such a dead bat to questions, and if he cant answer them properly then what is the point of even having the chat in the first place?
  12. We wont have another GM of list managment! Jackson saw the role of GM for List Management as an overhead we dont need to pay. Rather than have a bevy of GM's for each teir in the FD we will have the GMFO (currently Mahoney as interim), who will oversee all teirs. The old org structure was too top heavy.
  13. Theres an article on MFC.com.au. Apparenlty Jackson says its less about performance and more about reducing costs, ie. the position was a waste of money
  14. Plenty of very good players will be selected this way in years to come IMO, the pace a physicality of the game these days means that fora player to have an impact from the get go, they need to be fit and stong, not just skilled and talented
  15. Demonland is hilarious! Search back to the threads after the West Coast game and read the same people praising him now, bag the proverbial out of him! Good player though, always boxed above his weight IMO
  16. got a chuckle out of that. Clearly was JV's silhouette!
  17. whilst we're on Demonland predictions and the like, the ultimate kiss of death is for someone on DL to put "I believe in *insert name here*" in their signature. Scully, Gonski Neeld, Gonski Please no one adopt the "I believe in Jesse Hogan" sig!
  18. hey DeeinWA, do you mind changing your user name, it’s too similar to mine and I feel people will dislike me by association
  19. yeah Spencer is more battle hardened than both Gawn and Fitzy, both of which are only match fit enough to compete as a forward/ruckman. Since Fitzy is getting a career defining run in the AFL team in the forward/ruck position, gawn misses out
  20. Im also happy to contribute $50
  21. Saty, I'm sure we'd all appreciate a training report if you manage to make it to the next open session. Cant see Craig changing things too drastically however im sure you'd be able to chat to a few of the guys and get a feel for the mood around the group?
  22. Pretty much said the same things as in his presser, virtually word for word in some instances
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