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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. I dont understand the Connelly hate. He was made a scape goat for what you'd assume was a whole Club or atleast a whole FD decision - to manage the list to ensure we were well positioned to capitalise on draft picks, at a time where we had no chance to make finals. Outside of this, he's a good bloke and passionate club man Why the hate?
  2. A 12 goal last quarter from the last time they met should fill the boys with some confidence. GWS are in better form, but I hope the boys really play with some pride and don't allow themselves to be GWS' only scalp for the year.
  3. Pennant St Dee has been keeping demonland updated on Garlett's WAFL season in the draft/trade forum. For what its worth i think he's got all the tools and would be able o do well at AFL level, however its clear he has attitude and discipline issues so its just a matter of which club values his talent the most and is willing to pick him with a relitivley early selection IMO.
  4. Agreed, just because its obvious and everyone in footy knows it, doesn't mean it needs to be said. That's gotta be a lesson learned from the Neeld disaster
  5. haha I thought rpfc was the same poster as E25 when i first joined this forum. But then i just realised there are plenty of posters on here who's opinion isnt just opinion, its fact!
  6. I feel a little stupid for even posting this, but here goes; A friend of mine was at the pub a week ago and bumped into Peter Matera and David Hart. Being an Eagles fan he asked them casually about Woosha & whether they had spoken to him recently about continuing at West Coast etc. Apparenlty David Hart said he had spoken to him recently and was no chance to coach West Coast next year becasue he will be coaching the Dees (Suggesting that its a recently done deal)? [/end Nudge/Chilli boy rumour]
  7. Just passing on the ebay link on behalf on the Western Demons supporter group. Bid away http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Signed-2013-Melbourne-Demons-Guernsey-/330957442892?
  8. I was freaking out reading WJ's OP until i read the post date
  9. I've not heard anything over here. I don’t think Woosha would be sacked either. He'd "retire effective immediately”
  10. Clark & Gawn have proven themselves to be injury prone and therefore unreliable. Watts is a work in progress and i can still see him being a swing man when the situation calls for it. Hogan is yet to debut. Nothing wrong with holding on to Fitzpatrick for another few years until we can confirm the others are going to offer us more than him. I totally agree with maurie's post, its not dream team or trading cards! Lets see if Watts and Gawn re-sign before we go too far down the hypothetical trade scenarios!
  11. FFS, at a point do we finally acknowledge a good player on our side? Daisy Thomas and Matt Stokes? Put Sylvia in a team that dominates possession counts tklike the Cats/Pies have in recent years and he'd be spoken about in a very similar way.
  12. Sylvia re-signing would be great. Clearly in our best 22 and would get a game at pretty much every team in the AFL IMO.
  13. The rumour mill says he has purchased a house in WA.... Eagles fans will tell you its because Woosha isnt going to coach next year.
  14. dd36, still dont think calling him "Fritzel" will catch on! Nothing about a incest old man who held his daughter in a rape dungeon makes for an endearing nick name?!!
  15. The mind boggles why Harry O thought it was a good idea to air so much dirty laundry to a waiting media scrum.... I believe the guy is messed up, but he also enjoys the spotlight Liam Jurrah would have a similar stories to tell, if not 100 times more disturbing than Harry O.....yet he would never have used it as ammo to try and get some sympathy from the media
  16. He was picekd before Neeld came to the club?!
  17. I just hope Craig has a role come 2014. What a legend he is
  18. Fritzel? As in the rape dungeon guy?! Ouch! I'm a fitzy fan!
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