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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Understand the no panic sentiments, there are no excuses anymore ,we have to cover for them , we have to become winners. Its pretty simple and a win is an expectation. Anything else is a poor result. A bad loss would be terrible. The comments by Goody that we are going to set TMac and Viney up for later bothers me a bit. If we are 2-8 , what are they setting them up for? A charge for twelfth ? Hope the coach and players get it. The demand for finals starts now and finishes round 22. Not comfotable with the handling of all of this so far. 8 weeks for a toe?
  2. Yep. Enough of the false hope. Time to deliver. Malthouse is fair enough.
  3. Mc Donald O, McDonaldT, Viney , ANB , Lewis in for ..............
  4. Looking forward to watching how some of the better orchestrators of the Medical Reports, continue to perfect/ embellish the practice. A week or two before the finals, hope we aren’t up against Adelaide or Carlton who we may run into a week or two later.
  5. Surely there isn’t improper use of medical reports to gain a tactical advantage? Even the AFL would smell that rat?
  6. Understand what you are saying but Judd, Buddy etc ate up a huge amount of salary cap which is ok if you can satisfy all your other players and stay in the game for some new ones. So does carry some risk. Hate to say this, and it’s very rare but inclined to have some sympathy with the chap from Carrinbush.
  7. Hopefully pushes our price out a bit. Not unhappy with that.
  8. Sounds like a communication fail by both players and coaches to me too. Presuming players didn’t discuss with football dept when they had issues. Presuming also the football dept did not get player feedback / buy in to camp. Union involvement ought not to have occurred or been required. Bad move. Silly outcome for the club ,but gives PJ , board and all involved time to show each other some respect and get on with the not negotiable that we make the eight. Bonding sessions are often required at clubs, but players stance seems to have put more pressure on themselves re performance now and they have little room for any further boat rocking.
  9. Not sure about the angst at this point. Haven’t we proved ourselves financially solid in recent past ? Be surprised if PJ didn’t get the job done.
  10. Often got a hard tag. Lots of good wingers around that period eg.Keith Greig . Lot of his team mates in the lowest quartile of AFL players during the period leading to serious lack of support.
  11. Goodwin seems to value ruthless desire and competitiveness. Oliver, Viney, Hibberd, Lewis, Lever, Hunt, ANB, Jonesy, Brayshaw Jetta and more. The draft picks seem to fit the mould and Spargo in particular looks a likely type, if he can handle the physical side of it. Building a strong group with a ‘win every week’ attitude. A few less injuries and a bit of luck and we will be trouble for anybody IMO.
  12. The AFL have this happy knack of seemingly wanting to make things even more awkward for themselves. Why would you want to create an event that is 100/1 on to complicate, confuse and divide? Prima facie cannot see any massive need for such an event. The way I see it , it might make it harder for retention and another bunch of carrots for those in the premiership window to dangle. This time mid season? However lets see what they trot out.
  13. Starting to look like a bit of a decent side ‘ on paper’ and if they all play to their best we are a show, although I haven’t seen much from Weideman yet.
  14. Good chance in 10 games, going to have to have to win three tough ones to perform better than this year. Etihad games might tell the story.
  15. JohnsonT, Johnson R, Adams, Barassi, Williams, Mithen, Lord, Roet, Bourke, Dixon, Townsend, Ridley, Case, Tunbridge, Groom. Probably missed a few.
  16. About 3 of them would have made the best team prior to that.
  17. Chewy I understand your family connection, you're 'coming out' so to speak and the admiral job you did of presenting your ( maybe the families) side of the story. Nonetheless I would have to disagree with your suggested level of market interest in Jack. Sadly for us there was not strong or significant demand as far as I was able to detect from the external information available . IMO it supports our FD and maybe the broader AFL clubs valuation. In any event the market spoke and the fact is that it was pick 31. Its not the worst position in the world, but some distance from Weller , Lever or Gibbs like unfortunately for us.
  18. Would any other club desired Lever? Where did he land? We obtained the best player we could have, ahead of all others . Completely naive to suggest Lever did all the work
  19. In a total buyers market there was a real lack of bidders for a no.1 draft choice with 150+ games under his belt. It should have been a feeding frenzy, it wasn't. Well done MFC your decision at this time has been validated.
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