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Everything posted by binman

  1. I hope if that comes to pass she gets a somewhat more threatening nickname first.
  2. I got it thinking it was the pre game record. Got home and realised it was 100% dees. Brilliant
  3. Really looking forward to the AFLW season
  4. You're rosacea is even wore than mine andy!
  5. Mmm - i didn't see that. Might need to give her a second peanut!
  6. Spot on. He is no chance of getting selected in the seniors unless he addresses these issues. And it is very hard to see him doing so given he had both an incredible incentive AND the opportunity to do so this season. Which is fine in of itself in terms of being depth at Casey. Except for the fact that he is a senior player who should be showing the sort of leadership Jones, Jetts and Mitch brown did playing at Casey. And he is no doubt on pretty good coin. I think a move and reset would be good outcome for a both parties. I was thinking the Suns would be a good option. But on reflection they probably have enough highly skilled players with question bale intensity. I wonder if the Saints might be a good option. I know they have a number of older players but they need some silk and finishers up forward and he would be un upgrade on Kent and Higgins. And the Saints might work for Melk as they are a Melbourne based team and will be pushing for finals.
  7. Media person Caroline Wilson Medium Print, Radio, Podcasts Comment Much argument amongst the judging panel her as to the rating - with anywhere between zero and three peanuts being pushed. Debate centered on the definition of axe to ground and how harmless she is. Also how much to bring old Caro grievances into the mix and whether there has been a continuous, unbroken chain of wrongness since her attacks on the dees in her coverage of the tanking saga (and arguably even further back). The fact I stopped watching Footy Classified 2 years ago makes assessment harder. That said has been relatively benign in her 3aw slots as it it pertains to being wrong about the dees. But Caro's old fashioned pre grand finals beat up by claiming on FC that the dees had instituted a curfew on its players earned her a nomination. Totally made up and an attempt at creating some unnecessary, albeit pretty harmless, fugazi. The clincher was two fold. One - despite the club never using the term curfew, in fact explicitly saying it wasn't a curfew, she backed up her beat up by claiming 'players' had said it was a curfew. Implied multiple players and that she had heard from them directly. Two - she gave Ross 'I'm withdrawing my interest in the Carlton coaching job, despite there being no interest' Lyon the platform to claim the dees are treating their players like children, not adults. On Ross 'the Boss, defence wins finals (editor note: but only of you can also score more than 30 points)' Lyon, he has been nominated for an award and i'm confident he will receive one. Score
  8. You always have to start at the beginning. This will be a very therapeutic process for me. This thread will sustain me for some time.
  9. Media person Adam White Medium Radio, breakfast show on RSN Comment Every Monday during the season, White has had the benefit of listening to the excellent analysis of Bartel and Ramanaskus, who have consistently highlighted the dees strengths and likelihood of winning the flag. Despite this, and the mounting evidence, has consistently questioned our bona fides. Unable to shake his confirmation bias, he tipped the lions to beat us. Much to the disbelief of Bartel and Ramanaskus he tipped the Cats to win the prelim. And then, after bartel had made the case the dees would win the GF, cherry picked a brief comment Bartel made about the pressure of playing in a GF to say 'mmm, that has crystalized my thoughts that the dogs will handle the pressure better given their experience in 2016 and i think they' win'. Score
  10. To be fair, there are of course quite a number of people working in the footy media that provide some really excellent analysis and thought provoking insights - most are trained journos but not all. Some of my favorites include Greg Baum, Caroline Wilson, Daisy, Montagna, Bartel, Peiek, Nicholson, Delidio, Arnell, Middlemass, Lawson, Atkinson and Gleeson, who wrote this excellent article recently that highlights our bravery as club, inlcuidn how we went about our internal review: https://www.smh.com.au/sport/afl/four-points-demons-awesome-display-the-moment-that-turned-the-tide-a-reward-for-bravery-20210926-p58uvi.html
  11. Lets agree to disagree. A club with a soft culture would have taken the easy road. Rather then having the CEO do the review, they would have got an external, high profile consultant to do the review. They would have sacked the coach. And instead of looking to improve their governance, they would have ignored problems with their board. Unlike the dees, who, after going 4 zip had the courage to, one, realise they needed to make changes at board level and two make those changes. And they would have completely destabilized the club and put it back 10 years. Just like McClure's joke of a club.
  12. One more thing about the McClure comments. He says: 'Which is the biggest-name player that’s ever been dropped at Melbourne? I can’t think of one. Because it’s soft, a soft culture they’ve got' He can't think of one hey? Well, what about Goody's decision to TRADE Jack Watts - a number one draft pick, a huge fan favourite and by all accounts loved by his team mates. That was a seriously big call. A culture call. (disclaimer: i was completely against that decision. Our biggest weakness was kicking and he was our best kick. But i also made clear that i respected Goody and trusted him to make the right call. And acknowledged that i of course didn't know anything about his training standards or of field stuff, other tan rumours of course. Well, Goody has once again been proved correct. And i have been proved incorrect. As many argued on demonland at the time, it was the right call)
  13. Bollocks. McClure says this about our culture: “Can Jesus Christ deliver at the Dees? No one can deliver at the Dees. “The problem is the culture’s all wrong. Which is the biggest-name player that’s ever been dropped at Melbourne? I can’t think of one. Because it’s soft, a soft culture they’ve got. “What’s got to happen is if the actual coaching staff and the people on the board don’t stand up and start to build a culture of this football club – it’s been 50, 60 years since they’ve won a Grand Final … and they’re still the same. Have they improved? Or have they got worse?” Total rubbish. Sure the players went up level this season in terms of their selflessness and buy in. But the improvement didn't come out of nowhere. Just one more example of false, self serving narrative It takes years to build culture and we have been steadily building since Roos came on board and since Goody took over in 2017. Instead of making jokes about his use of phrases like learnings, if peanuts like McClure bothered to listen to goody, they would have heard him say that the way we ended the 2020 season winning two elimination games was a really important step forward. A point he reiterated in his post GF interviews.
  14. The binman media awards scoring system: One peanut: Often got it very wrong, but no apparent agenda and all in all pretty harmless Two peanuts: More often than not got it very wrong, possible agenda, failed to do the required research and all in all pretty hopeless Three peanuts: The highest award. Counterintuitively sometimes gets it right, but just as likely to contradict themselves a few days later - and sometimes even in the same sentence. But consistently gets it wrong and often doubles down on the wrongness. Often appears to have an obvious agenda or axe to grind. Almost always cannot get past their preconceptions, suffers terribly from confirmation bias and looks for every opportunity to find evidence that supports that bias. Confuses spouting stats with analysis. Highly likely to be an overweight ex footballer who like to wear open necked pastel shirts that at first glance might suggest they are super built.
  15. Easy fix Nev - don't open this thread. There are any number of peanuts in the media who have got things completely wrong about the dees. And many on here have parroted those same peanuts (apologies for the alliterative mixed metaphors) and used their arguments to bolster their own wrong headed arguments. And that white noise of [censored] almost has disastrous consequences as there is no doubt it almost resulted in Goody getting axed. I don't need to go back 12 months either to find examples of so called experts (almost universally ex players) making ill informed comments that were based on their own preconceptions of the club, issues they have with the club or key personnel at the club, and their complete lack of understanding of what Goody was doing. And it drives me nuts, becuase even some passionate demons fans as evidenced by this forum, swallowed the [censored]. Just once recent example was the almost universal lack of proper pre game analysis of the grand final and likely outcomes. So many 'experts' had the game as a toss of the coin when all evidence suggested we were clear favorites. And that a blow out was very much on the cards. No surprise that the betting odds reflected that reality. We were 1.65 to win. And only 5.50 to win by more than 39 points. The betting pools are in the tens of millions for the GF. Most of that is money from professional punters. Who lose money if they get it wrong. Unlike the footy experts. An even more recent example is the 'one goal from breaking narrative' around the third quarter. The dogs were fantastic in the first 10 minutes of that quarter and their pressure was off the charts (210 at the 10 minute mark). But unlike the second quarter we were matching them for pressure. We were struggling to transition it into our forward half and had to repel multiple inside 50s from them. But that's what we do. As the stats clearly show (lowest EVER opposition scores to inside 50 ratio at only 35%) no team is better at dealing with opposition inside 50s, and no team is more comfortable with the ball in their defensive half. We have shown this all season. We have also shown in the last six weeks that our offence can be devastating. For Pete's sake we had just decimated one of the best defences the AFL in the prelim, having touched up the lions in the QF. And of course we had run down a 44 point lead in just over a quarter against the cats in round 23. And we are the fittest side in the AFL by a mile and as a result our record in last quarters this season - and even more so in the finals - is simply phenomenal All this is basic knowledge. And the experts should have been pointing all this out- before, during and after the game. Why? Because that is their jobs. And it would help fans, neutral and otherwise understand what was was likely to happen, what was happening and what happened. And they should have pointed out that the issue wasn't us folding, the issue was that the Dogs threw everything at us and could only score two goals for all that work. Given all the evidence i note above, the dogs were the team that was on the brink. They simply had to to put more goals on the board in the third. Two was never going to be enough - and so it proved. And i'm not being harry hindsight. In my match preview post in the game day thread i noted: 'We are fitter and stronger than the dogs and will run out the game better. As we have shown all season, if the dogs have a lead at 3 quarter time they will struggle to hold us off. Conversely if we have a lead, which i expect we will, we will be very hard to run down..... The major issue for the dogs is that we are unlikely to concede more than 70 points. Which means they have to keep us under 70 points to win. On a perfect deck, in perfect conditions and with our offensive weapons' and ability to generate repeat inside 50s on back of forward half pressure, they will struggle mightily to do so.' Unless they are driving an agenda or are well out of order, I don't have an issue with fans getting things wrong about the dees. We all have had to develop our own coping mechanism to deal with our decades long lack of success. Catastrophizing was no doubt helpful for some, just as my relentless optimism that each season was a new dawn has helped me for 40 years (and driven my demons mate nuts and given non demons mates plenty of fodder for getting stuck into me). But people paid to express opinions about our club should be held to account when they are lazy, do not do the work and allow their own agenda to colour what they write or say in the media. Note, that i didn't say they have to be right, Being wrong is ok. Just not when that opinion is based on a quick sand of [censored]. So I for one am going to take this thread as opportunity to vent some of my frustration and highlight some of the so called experts who i think got things egregiously wrong.
  16. It looked to me like Maxy was trying to milk a free. And i wonder if that was what Daniels was saying. No big deal. What was impressive is Max gets up, having given himself a head knock. Jackson takes the boundary line throw in. Brian Taylor, having made a legitimately clever and funny comment with his Daniel and Goliath quip, instantly reverts to form and says Maxy is coming off for a rest. But maxy isn't coming off for a rest. He is running down the wing towards our half forward. Which is interesting in itself given we were three goals down, because he was looking to create a marking option should we win the clearance, as opposed to pushing into defence to intercept a dog's inside 50 kick if they win the clearance. Tells me a lot about their mind set - expect to win the clearance, be aggressive. And we did win the clearance and the hack kick forward (which is hard wired into our game plan dna) was heading straight to Williams, who was poised to take an easy intercept mark, until an exhausted maxy did enough to spoil and bring it to ground. The ball gets over the boundary line. Jackson takes the ruck. Viney hits the contest at speed. Bailey ('when i was at school i aspired to grow a mullet') Smith fumbles under the heat. Harmes collects and puts a beautifully weighted kick in front of Fritter. Fritter marks and kicks the goal. We don't look back. That goal doesn't happen if Williams marks that ball.
  17. Fit, brilliant skills and perfect for the skilled medium forward role that has become a key role in the AFL circa 2021 (eg fritter, papley, Martin, Cameron, rohan etc, etc). Surely gets picked up. That said, his lack of defensive effort and tackle pressure is decidedly not AFL circa 2021.
  18. Osilik, /Dr d et al:: a good team would have won thst game by 734 points. It will come back to bite us
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