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Everything posted by binman

  1. Didn't cover it specifically. But we did discuss our scores against is the lowest of any premier in over 50 years (since the the introduction of the out of bounds on the full, a change that lead to immediate significant jump in scoring) And discussed how insane it was that in the home and away season teams only averaged a touch over 27 points against us in second halves. And the fact it was even lower in the finals.
  2. This is probably a contradiction to my support of the measures that have been put in place to contain the spread of covid, and possibly in contrary to the health advice, but i think the Vic government should consider removing the direction to wear a mask outside once we open up - perhaps not immediately, but maybe connect it with a milestone such as 75% double vax rate. I understand the logic of the current advice around the use of masks outside - and in particular that the direction helps ensure people have masks on them at all times and makes it far less likely someone goes from outside to an inside environment (eg a supermarket) and forgets to put a mask on until inside. My experience walking around my suburb and down the shops is compliance is at all time low and i for one am finding myself getting frustrated with people who blatantly ignore the direction. But I rarely see someone inside without a mask I think removing the direction for wearing masks outside, particularly as we come into the summer months, will mitigate against some of the angst that is building up. Also i'm sure some people are actively choosing not to wear a mask outside to make some sort of 'you cant tell me what to do, i'm such a rebel' statement. Changing the rule takes that platform away from these merchant bankers. I also think it might help with compliance with wearing mask indoors, and general compliance with other health directions. Not to mention maybe dropping everyone's frustration down a notch or two. And the evidence of transmission seems to suggest outdoors is relatively low risk and once we get to say 75% double vax rate, even more so - particularly given some people will continue to choose to wear mask outside anyway.
  3. Almost six months until the 2022 men's season. I'm really looking forward to the AFLW season, but the next men's season seems an age away. And i really want to savor what was the best season of football i have ever seen the dees play by the length of a Darren Bennet bomb. And i think history will show one of the best seasons of football by any team in the modern era (i don't think we have got credit enough for our season, yet). So I plan to watch one game game a week, starting this weekend with the hell and back video series and then the preseason practice match against the dogs. Then next weekend the round one game against the dockers. I'll post some reflections about each game but it would be great to have some fellow travelers on the same journey to share the weekly injection of joy.
  4. Funny you should say that. As i say in the podcast that is exactly what i plan to do. One game a week, starting this weekend with the preseason practice match against the dogs
  5. Added to this, our investment in our health system (and by system i mean the whole shebang, not just hospitals) in Victoria has been completely inadequate since the Kennett years, by Labor and Liberal governments alike. So 25 plus years of underinvestment in policy development, communication, community health, hospitals etc etc. And we all have some responsibility let that situation evolve, to some extent, in so far as collectively we have not made it an election issue. Or enough of one I'm firmly of the belief that this decades long underinvestment was a huge factor in some of the problematic elements of our response early days in our first outbreak and lock down (ie 2020). NSW have not underinvested in their health system, at least not to the same degree, and were much better place to respond to the ultra shock of a world wide pandemic.
  6. Tonight Andy and George will be sharing a Charcuterie Board from Peter Bouchier.....
  7. I have a samung Android phone, so will get an e reader program. I plan to watch the whole season again done week at a time, from this weekend. And will enjoy reading the mogrel punt review of most games. Ta. Fair warning I'll probably have some reaction!
  8. You do need the Medicare express app to do it all via your phone.
  9. Andy: whispers we are close to re-signing Luke Jackson on a long term contract binman: yes i heard that. Apparently the sticking point is Luke Jackson is a bit annoyed the club has not respected his wishes to change his name on the contract. I read LJ was overheard saying to Tim Lamb: LJ: What's my mother [censored] name? Tim Lamb: Luke Jackson? LJ: Wrong! It's Snoop Dogga Dogga LJ: and, oh little lamb, don't forget the Demonland podcast is having its final 2021 season show tonight at 8:30. Me and the boyz never miss it. The Grand Final review show was next level dope
  10. I've not bought an e book before. What the go - is it best to purchase it on the device you are likely to read it on, or is it transferable? Or is it cloud based? I'll buy it fo shaw. The quote in the OP is enough for me to want to read the book
  11. My brain when looking for something in the fridge/cupboard/pantry: does not compute, it is not there, cannot see required object
  12. The certificate is stored in your Medicare account. I think And to see the certificate in MyGov you need to link Medicare to your MyGov. If you have already linked MyGov and Medicare you can download the Medicare app and then link the certificate from that app direct to the services app. Well when i say direct, it also involved the MyGov app. Clear? Actually in the end it was pretty easy. The wrinkle was i assumed you needed to log into your account in the services app - you don't. In fact i don't think i have even created an account!
  13. Gives me lot of respect for Cody actually. I watched the replay again last night and simply cannot believe he did not get a concussion test after smashing into the post and then hitting the the ground with such force in the first quarter. He was running flat out and jumped in the air and his head hit the padded part of the post really hard. When he fell his head didn't hit the ground but did whiplash really badly, and it my understanding that sort of movement is the cause of a lot of concussion (ie the brain moving inside the skull and hitting the skull). Who knows if it was factor in his performance, as he was never in the game after that, but is no stretch to think it might have been . I was amazed at the time there was no concussion test and doubly so last night - particularly given he was returning from a concussion i would have thought. I mean the double head impact was crystal clear and they have an obligation to check his health and keep him safe. And I was equally amazed that not one Channel 7 commentator questioned whether he should have been getting a concussion test. They showed the replay at least once and there was not a peep about why he was being tested. Perhaps it is yet another example of the problem of having ex footballers dominate the coverage of the game. There was another example when Bont bumped Oliver's head - Podgy immediately and instinctively said there was no problem and that Oliver would be fine. Oliver was clearly hurt and was down for a while. When he did get up, Podgy says words to the effect of there you go he's fine. So much for the head being sacrosanct.
  14. I thought that was the issue too. But you don't need to log on. I couldn’t work it our for ages Then finally read the instructions properly. You have to go to google play and update your vic services app. And then go through the steps
  15. I can't see behind the paywall so not sure who the list manager they are referring to is. For their sake is i hope it s Gary Buckanara (didn't he put their premiership list together?) For the rest of us i hope it isn't https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/overdue-rebuild-has-hawks-up-to-eight-years-from-flag-says-former-list-boss-20211011-p58yvn.html
  16. My main reflection about that game was that it triggered the sacking of Bailey. And my main reflection on that decision is we were still well in the hunt for a final's spot. Yes, 186 was obviously a sign things were crook in Tilabrook, but getting sacked when you still have good chance of making finals past the mid point of the season was really tough on Bails.
  17. I presume your daughter is a dees fan?
  18. I agree, in the main. Definitely culture plays a part .The club has worked hard at creating a one club culture. That includes staff, the men's list and the women's list. Not making unnecessary cuts to the lists help maintain that culture. But i don't think retaining those seven players is their reward for their support and effort over the last 12 months. There is no room for players they don't think can make it and hard calls need to be made - and they made some, as AVB and Lochart can attest to. So yes culture is important but, I see the decision to keep those seven on the list as a very pragmatic one actually. In terms of the men's team the club, and Gawn in particularly, really emphasized through the finals how important the other 22 players were and how much they contributed to our success. One obvious way they did so is continuing to train to an elite level which no doubt really helped the starting 22 prepare, particularly with the two match sims they played (a model they may continue to use next season). So you need 44 players committed to the training regime and work required, regardless of how many senior game they are playing. I have little doubt all seven tick that off. And you need players who can come into the seniors and be like for like replacements for an injured player. I disagree that those seven players didn't have shot at senior selection. I have little doubt if Gawn had been in injured in say the QF, Daw would have come in for him in the premlim. And that chandler may well have replaced Kozzie or Spargo. Baker may have had a shot at replacing Langers, and who knows Brown might have had shot replacing Tmac or Brown. The magnificent seven will all have their chance next year in the event of injuries. But they will being going into the season under no illusions about the difficulty of doing and if they don't crack senior selection will continue to work hard. They are a known quantity - the club know first hand what their work etic is, which is not true of anyone traded or drafted in And importantly, when not playing seniors, they will help ensure Casey mirrors the ones in terms of structure, roles, system etc. There are two other points, both also related to pragmatism. A fundamental of good list management is a good spread in terms of age demographics. Retaining Chandler, Oskar Baker, Toby Bedford, Mitch Brown, Majak Daw, Deakyn Smith and Daniel Turner supports that strategy as their ages incrementally range from 21 to 30. The second point is say we decided not to re-sign Chandler, Oskar Baker, Toby Bedford, Mitch Brown, Majak Daw, Deakyn Smith and Daniel Turner. Do people really think we are going to able to replace them with better players? We will have players identified to draft - and have enough picks to add them. So there is no point delisting players to create more list spots on the off chance of picking up a young guy in the draft who is better option than say Baker. Similarly there is not much point just trading in players around the same market price as the magnificent seven, which is what we would have to do as if we delisted those seven players we are not freeing up much cap space.
  19. Excaltly my thoughts. Culture call
  20. I could not be more impressed with our list management over the last 5-6 years And it continues to be excellent - all seven players are terrific signings. The seven are: Chandler, Oskar Baker, Toby Bedford, Mitch Brown, Majak Daw, Deakyn Smith and Daniel Turner. Arguably, if our injuries are not too bad, only Chandler, Bedford are serious chance at regular senior selection. But all are solid citizens and contribute to the one club mentality. Note: i reckon turner might be a smokey for senior section. Seems a natural footballer, has good hands and i could see him slot into the back half as KPD. Declease is not in that seven , but i think he also could be an outside of chance of cracking senior selection
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