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Everything posted by binman

  1. Sure, but why do you think they allowed Daniel so much rope given that knowledge? We all see different things and having watched the game x 5 - and specifically paying attention to Daniel, my assessment is he was not particularly damaging. And his numbers back that assessment up. Two score involvements - one in each half? Please. The issue was he had 28 possessions in the first half, which points to a structural problem rather than a Daniel problem. Specifically we did not press up hard enough in the first half, particularly in the second quarter when our intensity was way off and we allowed him, and others, way too much time and space. Wasn't really and issue in the first because we dominated. Most decidedly was in the second. Which is exactly what happened in the practice game. But not in round 11 when we were at full intensity and were desperate to win. Have a squiz at AFLStats Pro and watch all of his involvements (the extended option). Provides a very clear picture of his game. Lots of cheapies as loose man down back. And early doors, when the heat was on, had a number of telling changers.
  2. Great call. Over the journey I have been a big critic of the club's coms and fan engagement - and in particular the lack of sort of content you note. But huge credit where it is due - they have been terrific this season, particularly the last third of it and post grand final. Brilliant. And i'll bet London to a brick that the traffic to the MFC has had huge spike - which is awesome for the sponsors. By the round one 2022, the All the GF goals video will have been watched more often than the Squid Game and Haynes paints will be synonymous with perfection.
  3. Ducks and drakes by Goody. Was average in the first and had a good second quarter. But didn't hurt us. The Bont and Treloar did. Daniel didn't Instructive they didn't bother shutting down Daniel in the first half, but chose to put time into Macrae who averages mid 30s, but in the biggest game of the year could only manage 25 possessions.
  4. Agree. Which is i suspect why we didn't bother putting much work into him in the first half - he doesn't hurt. He did hurt us in the round 19 game, but in large part becuase they let him be the player on the outside of stoppages to feed to. Whilst not locking down on him hard in the first half of the GF they did stop that play. I find it fascinating they didn't bother doing so in the round 19 game. That's another tactical win to Goody over the tactical savant. And agree on the that handball receive from Martin. A channel 7 commentator (hodge?) bagged martin for that stuff up, but that's harsh on him i reckon as handing off to Daniel is a go to play. But as you say why he is asking for it deep in the pocket when we had set up our high press and there was nothing but congestion ahead of him. Stupid. Much better for Martin to slow play up (the last thing they needed at that point was pace on the game), allow their bigs to set up outside 50 on the boundary line and kick down the line and long to a contest.
  5. Good point. He was brilliant wasn't he. And unlike Daniel, almost every possession he had was damaging. A star
  6. For me a momentum shift of the game was when he asked for the ball from Martin (I think it was) and shanked the kick which ended in Brayshaw’s goal. Agree Up until that point he’d been almost as clean as Salem and was providing a really important springboard for them off HB. Disagree When i watched the replay for the third time i noted his possessions - very few of his first half possessions were damaging; by my count two, maybe three tops - one was the kick to English on 50 when he out marked Petty By my count he only had one score involvement in the first half (IIRC the Bont goal set up by Shache) - the stats showed he only had 2 score involvements and no score assists for the game He had 5 inside 50s for the game (one being the aforementioned kick to English on 50, so a very shallow entry) And he went at a pretty average 67% disposal efficiency for the game (noting 75% of his total possessions came in the first half ) In terms of DE it is also worth noting he took five kick outs ie kicks under no pressure (one of which he butchered) He did have 631 meters gained, and most (but not all) would have been in the first half, but as noted he had five kick outs which pads the meters gained stat (as an example May had 363 metres gained, despite barely leaving the dogs defensive inside 50 arc - we only had six kick outs and May maybe had four of them?) To be fair Daniels did have a game high 10 intercepts (to Salem's six), which is impressive I don't know the first half, second half split but for the match Salem had: 630 metres gained (no kick outs, i think), One goal assist (first half - he passed to tracc to set up the the first goal of the match) Eight score involvements (i reckon half of them in the first quarter), Seven inside 50s (again maybe half of them in the first quarter) And a crazy good 96.3% disposal efficiency He had an awesome first half Disagree - see above But faded to nothing after Brayshaw’s goal Agree
  7. Yeah i'm probably being a bit harsh on Daniels. Totally agree he did the right thing going to Oliver. And yes he forced the handball. It just seemed a bit of a half hearted effort - maybe a bit more intensity and the handball doesn't hit its target. On Daniels, i think he has escaped a fair bit of scrutiny. Can't believe he got a norm smith vote. He had a lot of possessions in the first half when we elected not to lock down on him, but very few of them were damaging. Compare and contrast to Salem. And then in the second half, when we did lock down on him (Sparrow played a big role with this - but i think also Nibbler and Harmes at times too) he had bugger all possessions and was defensively poor. Sparrow ran off him and he won few contested balls. And he asked for a cheapie handball deep in their defensive pocket, and shanked his attempt at clearing the ball, leading to the Gus goal. He looked like he ran out puff to me. I suspect they were happy for him to run around in the first half picking up easy kicks, safe in the knowledge he would blow up in the second half, with the plan to tighten up on him in the second half and exploit his defensive weaknesses.
  8. Not thst each of the third quarter goals is seared in my memory or anything - but speaking of the Oliver handball, a weird part of that goal was Daniels went towards Oliver, but Oliver released it before he got there. Instead of turning and following the ball, Daniels elected to continue on bump Oliver, though with no force. It looked like he was sheparding oliver. Instructive because, either he wasn't desperate to track the ball, or he wanted it to look like he was competing still or he was completely rattled.
  9. A question. Our first goal, tracc's 60 metre bullet of NO steps. I can't for the life of me work out if he marked that ball or got in the half volley. To the naked eye, and even on replay, he marks it. At least to my doddgy eyes. If he marked it, remarkable that he chose to immediately play on and go for goal, given the distance, the fact he didn't have any run up and also had to kick over a dogs players (well around him sort of). He didn't give the umpire any chance to blow the whistle to indicate mark, such was the speed he got it to boot. But i have read suggestions it was a half volley. If so, incredible presence of mind to immediately kick it. Either way, a truly remarkable goal that has sot of been lost in the tidal wave of crazy good goals in the third and last quarter. Mark or half volley?
  10. My favorite part about that goal is the hand symbol (which i assume is what you are referring to here?) Captain jack makes as he is being swamped. I think that is their symbol for blitz mode.
  11. They announced a gig at the myer music bowl for 4000 double vaxed people for next weekend. I wonder if that suggests once we get to 80% double vaxed the MFC could say have 10, 000 or more double vaxxed members at the g (on the ground ie outside) for a GF replay and player presentation? Right before the player's go on their Xmas break would be an awesome present to fans and a great buzz for the players
  12. I assume she simply will not be allowed to play?
  13. It would be easy to read the news and twitter and think we have a big problem looming with Vax rates and mandates. We don't. Soon - maybe by xmas, Oz will have more than 90% of over 16s double vaxxed. We will be in the top 5 countries in the world for coverage. And mandates? The police force is probably relatively representative of the community in terms of the spectrum of views on vaccination and mandates. There are 21,399 police officers and PSO’s in Victoria. 43 are not vaccinated, and were suspended as the mandate came into force. 0.2% Houston- we don't have a problem.
  14. For another enjoyable way to watch the game in slices i highly recommend checking out AFL StatsPro Pro tip - choose extended play option (as opposed to highlights) for the full experience.
  15. Brilliant work MD. Mazie played pretty well for a fella with a bung hammy. Love your YouTube work by the way
  16. Problem is he can only get water to one kid - coz he only runs one way!
  17. To Hell and Back - 5 part video series Random thoughts: I highly recommended re-watching it - it gives this season a really interesting context High production values - love the use of drones The last episode was filmed near the end feb, at which point there was sense we would be going into covid chaos - crazy to think month an bit later the season was postponed We lost out comparative fitness advantage with the reduction in quarter length and no doubt the 6 week break had an impact The impact of surgery and injury on 2019 was extreme Did more kms in the first two weeks of training (37) then they did in any session in 2019/20 Started with ball use use straight off the bat - 80% with footies, 20% running (and no running if they got enough clicks using with the footy in hand) Were using Choco stripped ball from the get go Went super hard from the get go Nibbler won the 3km time trial To be honest i gave Harley Bennell no thought this year - he featured prominently in the series. A wasted opportunity for him I reckon Goody looks better with longer hair Loved the bit where they were discussing who to draft - the qualities Taylor and Lamb pushed about Jacko and Kozzie have been features of their game in their two seasons Sliding door moment - we could have gone green and weightman instead Goody asked Richo when he would take LJ or Greene - richo (paraphrasing) - 'do we need another inside contested mid, no - i'd take Jackson' All agreed small forward was our 'greatest need', with Richo saying the role ha become really, really important Love the smile on Goody's face when they showed the Kozzie highlights and the huge shepherd he put on some poor bloke Taylor emphasized competitiveness as a key attribute for draftees They showed draft night - LJ, Kozzie and Rivers with our first three picks - bang, bang, bang! Loved the footage of the review of the North dees practice game - focus on what you do without the ball On the above, post game Goody emphasized the roos had a lot more possessions, yet we won - and they players enjoyed themselves. Message - you don't a need to get a ton of the pill to enjoy your footy Burgo loves training i the heat Really tough watch Goody announcing Maxy was voted the skipper - Vin (as goody called him) looked totally shattered Key takeaways: A wrestling and all round crazy session (post a full on aerobic running session) at Port Melbourne beach showed footage of players crab crawling, with Kozzie cramping super badly and struggling to finish. Players rotated (may, Nibbler, chandler, one more) getting down and crawling with him and the others yelling their support to help him get to the line. Once the got to the line the whole team went bananas - great team first actions The team first, selfless ethos that was such a factor in our success this year did not magically arrive this year - it has been building Burgo when talking about how hard they would be training (paraphrasing) - 'i promise you round one when you line up on your opponent you will know you have him coved for fitness'
  18. But I'm right to say he didn't chase then am I not? Must have been one of the others preseason games. Good pick up.
  19. Not in terms of winning three flags of course. But comparing the first, we have a far superior team to the 2017 tiger's team. Far superior. We were the best team in 2021 by a country mile, as evidenced by our home and away record against top 4 teams (and top 8 teams too) and the utter demonlition of the next three best teams behind us in the finals The tigers won the flag in 2017 but were simply nowhere near as dominant, or as good as we were this year. No competition.
  20. And result in much shorter podcasts!
  21. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1st Half 2nd Half Full Game Points/Game 16.88 20.24 14.24 13.08 37.12 27.32 64.44 Scoring Shots/Game 4.68 5.24 3.44 3.88 9.92 7.32 17.24 Goals 61 75 54 46 136 100 236 Behinds 56 56 32 51 112 83 195 Points 422 506 356 327 928 683 1611 Accuracy 52.14% 57.25% 62.79% 47.42% 54.84% 54.64% 54.76%
  22. This is exactly right. Something that really does my head is so many people who oppose lockdowns seem to consider avoidable deaths and hospitalisations as some sort of abstract equation, the price to be paid for 'freedom', rather than tragic events that will echo for decades to come. But what about the awful toll on mental health and resulting suicides i hear them say. Well what about it? One, that line of argument completely ignores the fact that having family members and friends die or get really sick causes people's mental health to suffer - not to mention the mental health of those who get sick. In my life nothing has caused me greater emotional pain than the loss of people i love. Nothing. Two, suicide rates are actually down in Australia. Go figure. How pathetic is it to be lectured by right wing media trolls from the states commenting on our approach to keeping people from dying and becoming sick when hundreds of thousands of Americans have tragically lose their lives and millions more have felt the emotional toll of that loss. Even more tragic is avoidable deaths continue. Thousands per week. I know which county i prefer to live in - one that values the sanctity of life. An interesting phenomena here has lockdowns became bipartisan as soon as Delta hit. Same goes vaccine mandates.
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