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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Carlton. I realise this sounds like heresy but Carlton are the new filth.
  2. (A) I asked a question which was not answered. ( B)This was followed by RR's suggestion that his comments were "beyond my comprehension". Maybe Moloney is not the only one who is far from a rocket scientist.
  3. I repeat line 42 above " answer my question'. Or " is that beyond your comprehension" (line 39)
  4. For the second time tonight. W T F does that mean?
  5. King is a media lightweight who can only get publicity by making outlandish comments. Pathetic.
  6. This is a [censored] thread. Moloney won our B&F. He maybe out of form but he does not deserve this ridicule. The problems go deeper than 1 player.
  7. I got a "warning point" for comments about Daniher. I hope Rhino gives Jolly the same.
  8. Well there must be some fantastically strong souls around the MFC because we've been going through "trial and suffering' for about 50 years.
  9. I've "calmed down'. I've followed Melb for over 50 years and will continue to do so. I'll also continue to pay my Trident Membership. But , just at the moment I'm over it. I've lost the passion, the intersest. Melbourne is like the "Marie Celeste". Floating aimlessly. A few bodies hanging on but no soul.
  10. Whatever else might be said about "Ox" he played with a passion for the club. He does not deserve to be derided in any way. I just wish a few of the blokes who are currently being paid megabucks had a portion of his guts.
  11. It's the same [censored] we've heard for the last 4-5 years.
  12. I think Uncle Joe might currently be under contract to a different team of demons.
  13. You'd be dirty if you didn't get to play us twice this year!
  14. Jack was good. What do you expect from a kid when the senior players are total shite?
  15. Correct! I've supported Melbourne for over 50 years but, right now, if I lived a bit further North i'd go and buy a GC membership.
  16. That's it. Stick to the game plan, we'll be right. Get games into the young players , we'll be right. Get some early draft picks, we'll be right. Just be patient - we are rebuilding.
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