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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Disgruntled, disappointed and disgusted. How anyone can find positives (or hope) in what I saw today amazes me. Our skills were as bad today as they were 5 years ago. These guys are paid big money as pro footballers, yet they cannot hit targets at 10 metres. As for that multiple handball fiasco that led to a Richmond goal - I am speechless. This group are incapable of ever mounting a serious finals challenge.
  2. Funnily enough it also unsettles my wife!
  3. Many of the comments above refer to the fact that Junior has not experienced a premieship or come from a successful side - that is fair enough. However, what we have is a bloke of limited natural ability who has made the most of his talents to play 250 + games of footy and earn respect everywhere. I reckon that is just the determination and desparation that our players need to learn.
  4. Brock McLean???????? Quenton Lynch - we've got enough blokes who can't kick. Bernie Vince would be good but doubt they'd let him slip away. I wondered about Connors myself but it's just a question of whether or not being sacked by one club would force him to grow a brain.
  5. Yes our inability to kick decent scores has been a concern for some time and is now a disaster without Jurrah and clark. Come trade time, forwards must be our priority. As to getting "destroyed". I have two good reasons for hoping this does'nt happen. First. Can you imagine the tattooed tongues of their supporters carping about how they won with half a team etc. etc. It would be enough reason to open an artery. Second I have placed a moderate wager on the Dees at $5.20.
  6. Apart from Clark (and Jurrah) we have no consistent goal kickers. We cannot kick winning scores. We need two forwards - a big one who can take marks and kick and a smaller one who can gather crumbs and kick.l
  7. Possible serious rift at Carlton. Scandal and sacking at Richmond. It's certainly cheered my week!
  8. This site gets sillier and sillier. There is already a bring back "juice" thread and dumb threads thread! Do we need another?
  9. I agreed at the time. However, now we must stick by them and let them develop. Trengove, particularly, is down on form but he will come back - he has the class. Also both of them have handled themselves offield (interviews etc) with a maturity beyond their years and experience. They will be great.
  10. I don't get how you worry about being being "slammed" on a discussion site. You say something and others can agree, disagree or not care. They maybe vehement or very ugly. I don't understand how anyone could seriously worry. It's an anonymous site FFS.
  11. Perhaps this explains the "Bring back Juice" thread. It is merely the first step in a plan to have him as our next Captain.
  12. Am I missing some jocular aside here? This cannot be a serious thread, surely?
  13. Yes were undermanned from the start but it was a bland effort nonetheless. Blease showed a bit and Tapscott and Magna provided some needed aggro but overall nothing to promote optimism.
  14. Big bloke coming back from a knee reco. He did some reasonable tap work. Give him a go.
  15. It will be even better if the failure continues and the internal blame game starts and Ratten is sacked. Can't waite.
  16. See #9 above. Eddie is allowed to do such things. ( Well, apparently, in his own mind)
  17. How dare anyone encroach on Eddie's turf. What arrogance! What disdain for the rights of Eddie and the rest of the filth! Only Eddie and the filth have the right to poach or encroach or be arrogant or do what they bloody like! That's the law!
  18. I wonder, could it be just a possibility, that maybe, we are getting just a tiny bit ahead of ourselves? Off course that's only my opinion and I could be wrong.
  19. I'm thinking we need at least two more rebuilds. 2029 seems a possibility.
  20. One of things that has frustrated me over recent years, and no doubt many others, has been the way the consistent butchering of the ball out of defence. It made us a laughing stock. In recent weeks, Watts' disposal has eliminated this to a large extent. We look a much better side with his pin point accuracy. I don't believe we can afford to risk this just yet.
  21. I'm still not quite certain what Martin is but he has never convinced me as a key forward.
  22. Thought Magner did a bit - but far from outstanding.
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