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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Agree with all the positives above. What I hope is that other Demons learn from, and emulate, his desparation and toughness at the ball. If a few more did this, there would be no further discussion of "bruise free football". Also, to those who claimed he was overpaid - "chew on ya jocks"!
  2. I was in front of the Betty Cuthber Bar when Tappy cleaned up Fasolo. The crowd loved it. I thought his aggression fired Melbourne up and showed the filth that we are not "bruise free" pissants.
  3. They are not called the filth for nothing. It is a title well earned.
  4. I cant believe the negativity. So a guy wants to blow his horn and wear a silly coat. Is that too radical? We are the Demons and we can do what we bloody well like!
  5. This gets even sillier. Not only do you know what AD thinks but you apparently have insights into the minds of "corrupt politician" and "businessman". Just give us next weeks lotto results.
  6. I repeat my questions. How can someone know what AD is thinking?
  7. This is the sort of rubbish that gets journos into trouble. Just for my benefit what exclusive insight do you have into AD's thinking? How do you know that AD wouldn't "work that way"? That everything would be "calculated"? Are you Andrew Demetriou? What stupidity?
  8. The point is that journos, like all everyone else will make mistakes, however, many of them are less than scrupulous in checking or verifying their info - that is the problem. Anyway, I'm not sure that a few less journos would be such a bad thing!
  9. I said lightweight because you have to question the whole scenario. (1) It was some sort of non official [censored] up. (2) At such functions people are careless (3) Robbo wasn't there so he's relying on hearsay from a function that was (see 1 and 2 above)
  10. Not really. It's in the paper therefore it is a story. However it is also the type of lightweight rubbish that journos print when, presumably, they have to fill a column and have nothing else.
  11. Yes, Robinson does chew the language up when on television. His written rubbish must be heavily edited.
  12. The line I remember best of all (unfortunately it's not ours). Bourke, Barrat and Clay. All champs and we weren't travelling too well at the time.
  13. Well i doubt that MR could insert said caps in the appropriate position
  14. I don't mind u ( or anybody else) slamming on David King but he is a genuine rocket scientist compared to Mark Robinson who, by comparison, escapes the kicking he deserves.
  15. "Melbourne are one of the most hopeless football teams of the modern era, and we are their [censored]. Absolutely disgusting. Words fail me as to how pathetic that effort was. " You have to love the concept of Essendon being our "[censored]". Essendon are the new filth.
  16. We played four quarters of tough contested footy. Where has that been? Great move with Garland.
  17. The mention of Mark Robinson has a purgative effect on me. I cannot stand his simpering manner. I honestly believe he has little clue about the realities of playing football.
  18. No comment. I've already got one warning point!
  19. He certainly tries his guts out and from the interfviews I've seen he appears to be a mature young man. I just hope he can continue to carry the pressure until the team lifts enough to take some of the load he's carrying.
  20. I'd just about sacrifice my leftie for an upset against Essendon. I hate the filth, I hate Carlton but Essendon are something else. Wouldn't it be great to read the squeals on B'blitz?
  21. Given the fact that we haven't won a game and our season (in terms of finals) is over , there is no justification for not giving Couch a go. He maybe a dud or maybe a find but he is hardly going to be guilty of making our performances any worse.
  22. Think back to the optimism and excitement of the pre season. Now we are wondering whether or not we can beat a team of kids and retireess. Jesus can we go any lower?
  23. Hate your ridiculous post re JW but love this one liner.
  24. This really is a problem. Apart from Clark, not only do we lack firepower but we also seem unable to bring the ball into our forward zone in a manner that gives us a chance.
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