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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Are you on the juice mate? You know that stuff cannot happen nowadays.
  2. Well if you are prepared to bend over and take it good luck to you. I prefer a bit of pride.
  3. Can't bat, can't bowl, can't field. Can't kick, can't handball, can't tackle.
  4. He's too rat cunning for that. He'll give a bashful smile and say "it was nothing really just doing my bit"
  5. (1)Now you're using the word "interim" so your argument has changed. End of discussion. (2) If you wonder why he is bagged then think back to his opportunistic use of Liam Jurrah and ask youself what his motives might be.
  6. The Pres and the board made a huge decision to drop EW. No doubt this decision was correct and based on on principle. They would have known the financial implications. Let's show a little support for them and give them time to sort out a replacement. It has after all only been a few days.
  7. No I don't miss your point - I disagree with it - totally. Your analogy with flood victims is irrelevant. They did need immediate aid because they were in physical danger. The footy club is an entity it wont die of exposure. My point is that EE is buying in far too quickly and therefore I question his motives. Altruism? I don't think so.
  8. Well let's not bury the corpse while it's still warm. Eddie had his snout into our business with an unhealthy haste. More to to make the deadline for his show I suspect than out of any real concern.
  9. Yes we need the money. However, what does Eddie Everywhere's intervention say to the world? That our club and our admin are incapable of doing the business themselves. That we are second rate and need the likes of HIM to deal with the big boys. Perception is very important. As mentioned above EE is patronising and condescending and should keep out of our business.
  10. I watched Eddy talking about Melbourne being "down on its luck". I squirmed through the whole affair. What a patronising snot he is.
  11. I'm not certain whether I'm drinking too much or not enough. Maybe I'm just too old. Please humour me and explain.
  12. Who/what the hell are you talking about?
  13. I find alcohol a good short term solution. Then I sober up and remember the game.
  14. No, I'm the classic "one trick pony" on my optimistic side but if I go to the darklands of my bitter side ... well that's another story.
  15. My optimistic side says, "surely we have some pride and will bounce back and beat the tiges by 30 points".
  16. Not Drinking? No there's a concept that is totally alien to me.
  17. Melbourne has acted with integrity. Demetreio and Mifsud have not.
  18. Correct we have heard this [censored] before. I especially like the " long journey" or ,it will take time, or, be patient, or, get games into the players. It's not "strong stuff" it is [censored]!
  19. "Stay on course". Christ, we are going nowhere, we are dead in the water.
  20. Yeah. I was giving it to Richmond mate on Friday. I've had to go into hiding since yesterday's disaster.
  21. Yes, it is a very bitter pill to swallow but unless yesterday was some sort of one of "shocker" then we are in deep shite. As another poster mentioned, it is possible to make a case for us finishing bottom.
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