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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I hope you effers spare a thought for poor old Uncle Bitter. Due to a combination of unfortunate circumstances (one of which was the failure of Biffen's illegal immigrant labour hire service to come through) I had to drag myself from the sick bed and carry out an honest day's manual labour. Actually made me spare a thought for the poor beggars who have to do it all the time. ......... Hang on ...... did I just feel ....compassion?
  2. Given that Garland is fit, I'd say D Andrew has it about right. It will be interesting to see what percentage of the game Gawn and Spencer will be on the ground at the same time.
  3. Play finals in 2016 FMD! Play finals in 2015 FMD slowly!
  4. Not sure why Moonie has to bring the image of pulling mens pants down into the discussion (tells us something about him I suppose) but I do agree with his contention - these games are singularly unfunny.
  5. I don't know the dimensions Pennant but I went to see us get flogged by Port a few years ago and had the chance to wander over the ground during the day. I remember standing on the wing area and commenting to my mate about how far it was to goal.
  6. Jizza and the Fl og! How lucky am I? I purchased some butter today Jizz - made in Kiwi land. Very nice. My advice for you is on another thread Fl og.
  7. Pleased to hear you're still sucking in O2 as well as Pinot OD. I must say Australia post has let me down an unusual number of times.
  8. Some Catholic clergy managed to combine the God squad and the Party Squad.
  9. Fence probably thinks that pushing the "delete search history" button masks his immoral activities.
  10. Not unless he's a defrocked Christian Brother dc.
  11. Is OD dead or alive ? Does anyone know? Last I heard he was slurping free pinos at his sister's winery. Which BTW, is not exactly a world away from Romsey Manor, and to which free grog function, no invite was issued.
  12. Settle down son sen - you're becoming a tad obsessive over this.
  13. The Russian has been a faithful servant of the club Sk.. but the game has passed him by. He simply can no longer be an influence in the same way that tall athletic/aggressive types such as Gawn and Spencer provide. (I use the word athletic advisedly)
  14. Well just wanted you all to know that Uncle Bitter is back. Been a tad indisposed with a lurgi that appeared to focus on the errr ..... well you know what I mean. Anyway dc what is a peasant from Borewood doing questioning Earl Hood - one who is clearly of an upper class?
  15. I must say picket that I'm touched you invited me into your sordid world. To a popular fellow like myself however, meeting slags suitable friends online is quite unnecessary. Although, for odd reasons I do receive all sorts of online offers of companionship. Well it can be lonely with just myself and the lads, and shagging conversing with the servants doesn't really count. The squeeze has her moments of course. But anyway Fence, I must say, the truth is, I don't want to offend Biffen. He seems to think that procuring on my behalf is his job. ( He [censored] charges enough) It's a pubic public service really. Biffen feels better dealing with his social superiors. It gives him some imagined status. And ..... every now and then............... he actually produces the goods.
  16. In my experience it's the other way about Man. Back issues cause other problems - ie hammys.
  17. Love your work ENYAW. As usual it is like a rare wine - to be savoured and considered in all its subtlety - not judged on an initial start of the palate response.
  18. dieter my advice to you would be to get off this site while you still have your morality. Look at at the [censored] wits who have engaged you in conversation. Chook Fowler - known pervert dc - known pervert and abuser of bluerinsers. Utah - not certain but probably a pervert. Biffen. Procurer of women and drug dealer - FMD.
  19. picket, I read all your posts (and quite enjoy them) however, I can only conclude that you are a serious drug user.
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