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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Good for you dieter! Biffen can be a malicious and vindictive fellow. He certainly seems to have it in for you krauts. He claims a link to aristocracy you know and I suspect his vindictiveness goes back to some perceived Hapsburg sleight to his Bohemian forebears.
  2. ??? . You are far too subtle for me Doctor.
  3. How have they stood up to the wear and tear over the years Chook?
  4. My squeeze purchased a $200+ pair of runners for $90 something and is very happy with them. (Although I consider the colour scheme rather garish) You are quite correct Je Roos the orders are placed in the land of the septic tank but we had no problems. You must have got them on a bad plumbing day.
  5. It's marvelous how complex selection becomes after a good win and you feel anybody would be stiff to get dropped. However, a fit Hogan is a certain in. Two ruckmen to wear Nicnat down seems a good idea. Therefore move Howe back for Hogan and Bail or Pig dog to miss out.
  6. Richmond have just reached 70000 members. Will we ever see that number at MFC?
  7. I suppose Hogan will have to earn his way back via Casey.
  8. I don't think even I want to know what you do with a needle point gaff '-luded!
  9. I'm no statistician but here are some figures from today's Age to ponder. Melbourne after 12 rounds 2014 win/loss 4-8 percentage 78.5 2015 win/loss 4-8 percentage 78.3
  10. I agree Adam - he was lucky to get only two.
  11. It's t t t t t t o o o hh h h h haa haard. I ca aa a n n t t t !
  12. It seems that by giving myself a "jolly good flogging" I was among the few who kept their promise as a result of the win. Bunch of wimps !!!!!
  13. I just watched the replay and gave myself another flogging. Time for a Bex and a good lie down.
  14. Well I've done my bit. In fact I've flogged myself more than once!
  15. This may be it !!!! We might have just had, finally, the turnaround win after 10 years of [censored]. Look out!! The Demons are coming.
  16. Better get some of that "good stuff" that used to around in the 70's SWYL - guaranteed to ease the pain.
  17. I think it's called a "trip" Mon.
  18. My ensemble was, as always, in impeccable taste.
  19. I went to a bar b que last night that was mainly full of South American expats. (the 'lads" got me an invitation) Anyway it was bloody freezing so I was wearing my Demons scarf. A couple of the gauchos engaged me in conversation and asked me, incredulously, If I actually followed Melbourne. When I replied in the affirmative they were very sympathetic and asked me how much I expected to lose by this weekend. These guys know bugger all about Aussie Rules and follow soccer. FMD!
  20. Earl Hood does not limp Jizz! It is not possible to limp while attached to a $10000 hipster bicycle. Which brings me to the point of my post. Today's Age (That's a newspaper for literate people Fl og ) page 9 features an informative article on "hipsters". It seems our very own Earl Hood (not unexpectedly) is at the world cutting edge of hipsterism. Note the impeccable fashion sense of the fellow in the pic. PS Please post a link dc.
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