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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I thought this thread would be a failure. Now I see that it has become an opportunity for all you fug ugly Demonlanders to feel better about your ugly selves. Be happy in your own ugly skins - none of you pathetic souls can ever be like Uncle Bitter.
  2. I'm one of slobbos most ardent critics. The fact that a bloke who can barely string two words together is the chief footy writer for a major paper (FMD that's another story) makes it difficult for me to convince young people of the value of a higher education. Then of course I realize that Slobbos 250+ games of AFL footy and his coaching career allow him to speak with such authority on all matters related to footy.
  3. Give yourself a jolly good flo gging Nashor. You'll be a better man for it!
  4. Yes Andrew I've just watched it. Gave Roos a terrible flo gging from which he may not recover!!!!! Just joking. [censored] weak journo.
  5. FMD! Roos may not turn up. Imagine the terrible anticipation and quivering fear from the thought of being flo gged by an illiterate wielding a lettuce leaf
  6. You been on the funny stuff again pickett? It is against the rules to mention slobbo in anything but a critical, insulting or pejorative manner. You should be banned!
  7. I follow the Dees because I am clearly stupid. Proof: I [censored] myself regularly. Surely a redundant and pointless activity when following Melbourne provides more than enough pain for any sicko.
  8. That's OK then - the 'lads' were a little concerned.
  9. Fair comment Sam but if you can get her details pass them on to daisycutter - he has no scruples - the older the better. Enjoy the red - I'm slurping one also.
  10. I imagine you'd have a library of picture books Stu. The ones you can colour in are your favs I'm guessing.
  11. Well the Petrossian caviar I inhaled this arvo was a tad disappointing but the Dom I washed it down with settled the tummy rather nicely.
  12. Did you make lewd and suggestive comments to her Sam?
  13. I don't reckon the NT matters one way or another Red. The fact is we have been [censored] at every venue in the last 8 or so years.
  14. Yes, I reckon Roos was indicating agreement with the last line - a fair and non-controversial position.
  15. Back from the prayer meeting Mr. anti booze/drug crusader?
  16. You maybe going too early on Toump OD. He has shown enough to suggest there is a footballer in there. Producing it consistently is the issue. Give him another season and we can be definitive.
  17. I tell you what Nashor, I sat through it yesterday and it was as bad as it seems!
  18. Well yes it is Earl. I realize there is little that passes without it coming under your careful scrutiny but, for your own well being, I felt compelled to give additional warning in this very dangerous circumstance.
  19. Choose carefully. It's difficult if you have huge beer guts Red. Unless one is an orangutan the arms just cannot extend enough to drop the ball over the foot.
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