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Everything posted by Webber

  1. Good boy Maxie, a bit of lighthearted perspective amidst the hand-wringing. Keep it coming
  2. There's a picture starting to form here isn't there ?......Trengove committing til 2015, Tapscott too, Jack Watts in b and f discussions. Add in McKenzie, Frawley, Gysberts, Grimes, and maybe the worm is beginning to turn on our 'soft' tag, and our fluffy recent history. BRING IT ON.
  3. He didn't really say that, because it hasn't been offered to him. He merely talked about his 'tenure' for the 5 weeks. Have a watch of his press conference again from last week. His unwillingness to coach next year is hugely unconvincing for mine. My preferred coach.....TODD VINEY. Experienced coach talk aside, he's just what we need.
  4. Not much it seems if they choose to lie down with Jack T.
  5. Outs : *Strauss (poor bugger, shocking injury), *Tapscott (concussion should be a mandatory week out, and his was a biggy), *Bate (when will the selectors realise that a 185cm plus forward who can't take an overhead mark shouldn't be getting a gig), *Scully (turnover king, and should be offloaded for 2 juicy first round draft picks), *Bartram (kicked into the man on the mark too much for mine, simple stuff, not skilled enough) Ins : *Colin Sylvia (gotta be in our best 22) *Liam Jurrah (likewise, and both should be given a chance to prove what they can do for the new coach after the week of shame), *Sam Blease (needs another go, didn't get a real shot before, and Nicholson has shown he's up for the job into next year), *Neville Jetta (many are forgetting he had been MUCH better before he got injured, and was actually providing some grunt in the midfield), *Tom McDonald (needs a shot on account of his consistency and his height against West Coast) Sadly, I have no faith in Cale Morton. He tears it up at Casey, comes back to the big leagues, turns the ball over and gets pushed out of the way. Likewise Matty Warnock...nice defensive abilities, but it turns to custard too often when he's got the ball in hand.
  6. Webber


    The million dollar a year offer is plainly ludicrous....I don't think we should keep him at any price, he's just not a very good footballer, and I seriously don't think he ever will be. That said, if we get 2 first round draft picks for him, it's a major win. I have no idea why GWS would want him at all. In general though, I have NEVER, in 40 years, seen a Melbourne team lower in confidence, and with absolutely no idea how to be constructively competitive. I will continue to support them through thick and thin, but it is truly the saddest I have ever felt as a Melbourne supporter. So much promise over the last 2 years, and whilst the light at the end of the tunnel will hopefully arrive, it's impossible currently to imagine from where. And for those with ideas about the next 4 games, it's just too hard to see us winning any of them, and yes, that includes GC. We are, sadly, in the biggest hole imaginable. It's truly horrible, and I feel sorry for all those involved, and that does include the players, Schwab, Connolly, but particularly Jimmy Stynes. Woeful times indeed.
  7. Warnock is not there because he gets the yips when he takes possession to such a degree that I have to look away! He is a very good defender, but an A-grade turnover merchant.
  8. I've just watched Todd's press conference from tuesday, and based on that, and if the team shows some better than good signs over the next 5 weeks, I would bet my cat's eyes he'll be our coach next year. His comments about not continuing beyond his 'tenure' for the rest of the season were completely unconvincing. Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but it could be imagined they brought him to the club this year as a little intro to the players and the environment should things go pear shaped. He has had excellent coaching development as an assistant, he played with precisely the mentality we all feel is lacking at the club, and now is one step closer to what I think is his ultimate post playing goal.......watch this space, but I for one am very hopeful for Todd's coaching prospects.
  9. I've only mis-tipped one MFC game this year......I thought Richmond would get over us! I've tipped us tomorrow. Crazy I know, but something's gnawing away in my tipping mind that this is going to be the upset of the year. Emotional blindness? Maybe, but maybe not! If we all tip the Dees, you never know what power lies in the collective consciousness. And I've tipped Gold Coast at Skilled.....Naaaah, not really!
  10. WOW! If it's this simple, then we're gonna kick some arse!
  11. I love the idea of Beamer head to head with Robinson.....and I'm thinking really 'head to head'
  12. Clearly whatever it is won't be left to fester, so I have no doubt all the ills will be sorted out, but how they do that, and how much we are made aware of should be a matter of fine judgement. It is seldom for the best to air all of your dirty laundry. So the whole idea of 'complete transparency', one of the most overused and pretentious corporate/political phrases there is, is a nonsense. The last thing I want is for the world to know all the destructive crap going on at the club. Sort it out, move on, and present a united philosophy.
  13. If this is true, and I guess that's a big 'if', then it creates a situation where the players are pushed to compete 'against' each other, as opposed to 'for' each other. As I say, 'if' it is true, it would be the stupidest administrative idea in a long infamous history of stupid ideas, and would explain pretty much everything. Too convenient? Maybe? Good luck on Saturday, Todd!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. All season we have been an uncompetitive disgrace against anything approximating hard, pressure football. We all know it has been embarrassing to watch. Something like this Saturday was bound to happen as a result. Now if you accept that inevitability, then whatever changes are made, and DB going is the obvious one, Schwab it seems to follow, Connolly to stay and Viney to coach (according to this morning's media) they will be in DIRECT response to this on-field garbage. And that's being kind to garbage. Whatever any of you pretend to know, or are wildly happy to theorise on regarding the off-field goings on at MFC, they will always be secondary to the performance of the team. We have a revered President to oversee that side of things, and we should give him our trust to get it right, as it relates to creating the environment for WINNING GAMES. I was logically expecting a 15 goal loss, and then a wobble through to the end of the season, where we finished with 10 wins and DB reappointed. That would have been a statistical response, not one based on the reality of how we play the game. For all the teeth gnashing, hand wringing, tear-threatening, scarf burning mayhem it's created on here and in the media, I am glad this happened, because it has sparked a clear-eyed view of where we are. There's nothing like having a problem appear with crystal clarity to fashion a sharp and direct remedy. Sure there are casualties, and I'm genuinely sympathetic to them, but we were showing NO signs of competitive progress. In fact, we had regressed from last year. You don't have to like the way it happened, but I say celebrate the change.
  15. Back when the club was looking for a new coach post Daniher, I felt sure Todd Viney was going to put his hand up, but for whatever reasons he didn't. I was very disappointed. Many on here will express the need for an experienced coach, but I would jump on Viney as quickly as possible. Jack coming in 2 years is irrelevant. We need a hard bastard, and we need one now. If he inspires as a coach like he did as a player, we could want for nothing more.
  16. Pure logic suggests that DeanBailey MUST go NOW. All season the team has shown a COMPLETE inablility to resist any kind of competitive pressure from the opposition, and this kind of result was just waiting to happen. Sadly, Dean Bailey has had 19 games to address this lack of defensive ability and competitive resistance, with what can only be seen as worsening effect. In the press conference he offered nothing new. Why would we imagine he could invest the players with that ability now. This season can only be seen as destructive to the MFC, and it is due to the onfield performance. He is the organiser of that on-field performance, and must be accountable. He simply must finish his tenure as coach. NOW. Anything less just defies reason. This is not personal, it is merely sensible.
  17. Agree. We are tiring, and have little confidence. Lucky GC is down here, as I think they'd knock us off up there, and Port Adelaide at the 'new' footy venue Adelaide Oval we have very little hope of winning I reckon, despite how woeful Port are. Richmond will see us as the team they CAN beat to relieve a bit of disappointment pressure. Strangely, if we're up for it, I think we could knock off West Coast over here. We just don't have the character to play consistent winning football, and unless we win all 3 of those and one of either West Coast or Carlton, the year will be seen by most as a failure in terms of development. The argument is then that Dean Bailey should be ultimately accountable for this, but I'm not sure whether he will or should be. We have a younger team out there than last year, and with many of them graduating to the 35 games plus mark NEXT year, the coach dumping pressure should be put off til next year. Sure it's frustrating, but our player stocks this year have been so shuffled and jiggled since about round 4, that we were never going to get the stability that all teams crave, and need.
  18. Sad to say, today reinforced the reality of our lack of character, lack of skill, and for the first time I think we may have a talent pool well below what has been touted. We have been resolutely uncompetitive against any decent opposition, and for mine, we have regressed from last year. It sounds odd, based on the fact that we could end up with 2 or 3 more wins, but last year gave us a glimpse of our potential against the big boys. No such glimpses this year, and way too many sub-standard players. I'm struggling to get a clear view of our future, and after 3 years of hope and promise, it's a big worry.
  19. I'm certainly not kidding, and if you read Mark Stevens article, it objectively outlines the weaknesses in Tom Scully's game. They are KEY aspects of the game. As such, if he were a complete player, his foot disposal would be much better, and he would be a much stronger overhead mark. Of course you would expect both of them to improve, but he's starting from a lower base in respect to those two aspects of his game. I don't think you'll find too many here who would disagree. The issue is really whether he is worth the money despite this. And as you've mentioned his knee, it also lowers his stocks. He suffered a patellar fracture in his pre-draft season, and has had a two month episode of chondral irritation to that same patella this year. This is highly indicative of chondral damage to that patella, and is a bad sign for his longevity. The same problem (but different area of the joint) as Adam Cooney.
  20. It's true, it's not his fault, but he will have to face up to the 'million dollar man' tag his whole career, and if he isn't good enough to live up to it, it will be destructive to himself AND to whichever club he is at.
  21. There is no mention of which knee is keeping him out tomorrow, but if it is 'the' knee, then the club would be insane to offer him anything more than a 2 year contract.
  22. I agree with EVERYTHING Mark Stevens says. Tom Scully's value to this club is wildly overrated. I'm pleased he has pointed out the poor kicking efficiency and lack of overhead ability. He has distinct abilities no doubt, but I find it amazing that he is being offered the kind of money we would expect for 'complete' players, of which he shown no signs of being. Jack's Watts and Trengove on the other hand...........
  23. Well put Cudi, except for the bit where you think some on here know more than you about it. None of us know anything, that's why the conjecture keeps flying around. He is not, at the moment anyway, worth 600k. He has limitations to his game, no question, and as a physiotherapist, I can tell you his history of patellar fracture and subsequent joint surface reaction (earlier this year) is reason for serious pause. I would suggest that our future premiership midfield stocks still look very rosy WITHOUT Scully, and 2 first round draft picks would be very welcome to take as is, or use as trade to address other weaknesses. I'm now 70-30 in favour of him going
  24. He gets better year to year in a very even way......an absolutely essential player to this team, and just doesn't get injured. Go Jonesy, you are becoming the heart of this team.
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