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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. Keyser, don't be so harsh.....some of the posts in this thread cheer me up no end, some of the best comedy I have ever read
  2. It concerns me that somebody would pay such close attention to what another male was wearing, rather than watch the game.
  3. We were abosolutely horrible on Saturday, and as in another post on thie topic inferred we all reach for the button marked PANIC......from looking at the game on Saturday, Junior's place is the only safe one......but we won't have 21 changes.......let's wait and see.........if I was a forward on Saturday and I am dropped I would be very aggreived unless my name is Sylvia.....but even he couldn't get near the ball, never mind exert an influence........our handball mania was horrible to watch.......I would only look at injury changes.....
  4. Why is Healey bad depth, or were you one of those questioning why Danny Hughes was still on the list, try reading the Scorps reviews from the last couple of weeks....like against the Coburg Tigers Rhys Healey - Kicks 5, Handballs 4, Marks 1, Tackles 3, Goals 1 We’ve been giving Rhys tagging roles, and we did that again on the weekend. He’s doing a fair job, and he even chimed in for a goal. He escaped his man to get a shot at goal, and he looked lively at different stages, and set up some goal scoring opportunities for us, which was great, so he’s going along quite nicely too, as a rookie. He varied between midfield and half forward, but a defensive half forward, because they had that Jordan McMahon, and Rhys matched up on him to curb his attacking influence. The FD seems quite pleased with his progress....
  5. It actually spoilt a great post for me, a suggestion that you go back and edit it......that way it is all positive.....even a positive comment about JS
  6. .Yes I am afraid you are right, some do only look for the negative, if it was all positive they would have nothing to post about........Bennell did the right thing he could have done serious damage to himself and the opposition player...so either injured or suspended....his pack mark was enough to convince me he has 'grunt'....
  7. If this is true, rather modestly I would like to bring this post of mine in March to posters attention http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19690&st=0&p=310247&hl=hughes&fromsearch=1entry310247
  8. Well said sir, apart from the two posters who are having a little spat between themselves, most posters couldn't care less what we play in as long as 'we play'
  9. I have been away for a couple of days, and have missed the many posts on this. Gee, I love the RED and BLUE as much as anyone, my desk at work is covered in it. But to support a good cause I don't mind the club doing a one off. I wouldn't care if we played in all Pink once a year, it is not as if Beamer has changed his name to Whiskas Next week we will be back to normal. Going to wear my pink bowtie tomorrow night.
  10. Whoa a very brave call on your part, I actually agree, seen him do good things in VFL, just needed to get his body right......but wait for the howling.......a lot of posters on here coz they have never seen him, assume he is either a spud or a list clogger.....
  11. You will never get that from 'independent' sources, because most people have differernt ideas about what constitures 'a good game', ie Bartram did a reasonable job on Harvey at the weekend but most posters would drop him from the side in the blink of an eye. Gotch is constructive, but he will point things out as well, it may be that most posters want to see the following. "Watts absolutely dominated the game, we had him playing CHB in the first quarter, Ruck in the second, on a wing in third and CHF in the fourth, where he took his opportunities and kicked 25 goals on top of his 45 possessions....IT WON'T HAPPEN, but in a few weeks, we will be watching a player who has natural ability but with careful and constructive coaching will come into the team and be a team man first......
  12. They are not sugar coated, you will notice Cheney got off to a slow start again, Gotch mentions it, he is blunt about Juice Newton, adds a bit to Blease, Strauss is heading in the right direction.....constructive is the word, not destructive as some of the player assessments posted on here are........
  13. I would like to add one bit, we were sitting up on Level 3 just right of the goal, Grimes had the ball and was looking for an outlet, we had 3 Melbourne players down the wing, he motioned for a bit of movement and none of the three did anything, one was behind a North's player, another moved closer to the touchline and the other just stood between a couple of North players, Grimesy tried to kick it long and it was marked by a North player uncontested. Bruce had a go at Grimes and you could see Grimes say he had nobody to kick to, he was right, this happened quite a few times, all in all a lot of the team forgot to turn up on Saturday......
  14. I have had a couple of chats with Jack Fitzpatrick, at the AGM, the Family Day and at JO training, because of his Chronic Fatigue history they are very carefully montiroring his training loads etc, easing him back when need be, Alistair Lynch is actually mentoring him whenever he needs it which I think is cool of Lynch. Was pleased as punch to be drafted, club are looking at him at steadily putting on muscle and weight again with going backwards, was given a run in the practice games just to have a look and see. The VFL ressies is the nice measured start he needs to get a taste Spoke to Chris Connolly about him and he loves the way we have drafted in the last couple of years, particularly the rookie and late picks and said if Jack can keep working the way he is, we will have another really good player.
  15. If you read the players twitters Rohan Bail is Sword? Watts is also Killer Gawn is Gawn dog? ....from Ricky Petterd's and Jake Soencers' twitter
  16. Melbourne is selling a 3 game membership, from memory from the marquee at last game, it is about $80 something....
  17. Poseidon, careful don't say Bruce is doing something really well, the Board may cease to exist as we know it, we will have posters imploding just with the thought of it........
  18. Agree with your comments about Junior, but why will rookie list be clean slate, you obviously expect both Hughes and Healey to be got rid of, as well as Newton and Meesen, read Brad Gotch's reviews of players in last two Casey games, both for Healey and last one for Hughes...it could possibly change your mind
  19. If you watch Cam Schwab's Whiteboard today, integrity, Newton has a contract we have honoured it, Meesen has absolutely rotten luck with injuries, he has a lot of empathy and sympathy around the club, I have spoken to him, he is absolutely gutted, feels he owes club....I am proud that MFC is showing the way with the treatment of players..we also make the hard calls when necessary but again we do it with integrity
  20. Just an aside on Max Gawn, watched him running at JO and he is not slow....also entertained himself and a couple of others in rehab with a little kicking drill where he was catching them one handed palm out......
  21. My thoughts...completely wrong....Spencer needs a year or two more, both PJ and Stef Martin can pinch hit in the ruck, Gawn will develop quicker, Fitzpatrick will also be able to ruck, Dunn and Newton can pinch hit against lesser teams (if there is such a thing), if we can get Meesen right he can be good, he is still early 20's as well....so about 7 or 8 options
  22. It was a call the recruiters had to make, not like this year when we had 1 and 2, yes NikNat is good and may even be great but to make the call that we made a mistake is WRONG.......try readig the Hawks boards from a few years ago re Luke Hodge, he had to put up with the same rubbish....of course Hawthorn picked a dud in him didn't they.......you have to make a choice......we have to live with it.......what if NikNat damages himself so badly in the next couple of weeks he has to retire........
  23. "Definitely got it wrong"......a sweeping statement, of course NicNat has now had the benefit of nearly two full preseasons didn't have to reloacte over 3000km from home environment to continue to play footy, has a really good ruckman (nearly no 1) to learn his craft from and is away from the daily intrusive over analytical media we have here.....of course Jack Watts has had it really easy.......in comparison.....double sigh.....the reason Jack hasn't played a senior game yet is that he hasn't quite mastered the walking on water bit yet.
  24. I remember Cam Scwab said Rohan Bail specifically asked for nr 44 at the start of the season, so it must mean something to him, I know his mum was only young when she passed away last year, so perhaps it was her agae, or it could be somethhing else..can't see him changing
  25. He didn't say anything specific about how it occurred, as I say it was very detailed and lost us both, but he mentioned cartilage. If you get a chance to go to JO or Casey or the new one at Gotschs Paddock......you can actually watch the rehab group in action, and the lap walkers will usually stop for a chat........I listened to one of the Fitness guys say this to Max Gawn.....probably paraphrased "some days you leg will feel fine, but you won't feel good in the head, other days you will feel ready to go and the leg will feel horrible, it happens, just stick with it, you are doing OK.....Max trotted away to do his rehab work
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