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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. Casey have a game this week, perhaps Scully has requested a game, and Strauss has been a regular, the others are either first teamers, 'injured' or Fitzpatrick being eased into football
  2. I read this topic a few days ago, and I was at Fed Sq on Monday morning selling raffle tickets for the Club, I first met Rohan when he was drafted and have had a few chats to him at Casey and functions. Told him about this topic on Monday and he laughed.......he said to me "I am going nowhere". The only thing that is getting to him at the moment is his rotten luck with injury, had an operation on his cheekbond after attacking an opponents knee with his face (his words), and before that got a corky which ended up trapping a nerve in his leg (very rare).....just wants to get fit and play for Melbourne
  3. Apart from stopping the praise, maybe we should also stop the constant criticism as well, you will notice I for one do not join in on any post concerning Watts because they seem to feed on themselves, I am prepared to be patient, if the Footy Dept pick him for the team, I just expect him to give it his best shot from where he is at the moment (realistically), and if he does I am happy with that, my only comment on Monday's game was I thought he did ok, and on the Club website is this Jack Watts - Jack did some good things. He took some good marks and just needed a bit of length on his kicks a few times. He needs to keep going. That will do me at the moment I have joined in on this post just to be au contraire
  4. Although I am also pleased with the news that Blease seems to be up and about, I think a lot of people have seen too many sporting careers being tragically cut short after the player badly damaged/broke their leg or ankle. I would prefer to err on the side of caution as well, I have spoken to him a couple of times and the Club is being ultra ultra cautious, hence with him disappearing off the rader at various times people have assumed the worse.
  5. Maybe because the game is moving on, Nick R does not spend the whole game stadning in the goal square and leading straight to the ball, we even have Barry Hall who I regard as one of the old school, doing a lot of defensive pressure work........the only stay at home is Fevola (reasons why, think about it)..........I would prefer Jack Watts to be able to bob up anywhere and dish off, as well as grab a couple of marks in the 50 a la Saint Nick.......we have moved on 10 years from Neitz etc I personally don't see the benefit of a specialist coach.......Ruck is about the only one......with the other positions being taught by somebody who played there....defender Wellman for the defence, West for the midfield and Mahoney for the forwards.......move forward with the game
  6. I think the words p******g uphill is the phrase you are looking for if you expect the AFL to 'order' Essendon and Collingwood to change their jumpers. There is nothing wrong with the white jumper, it is only for the occassional game, why do we get so precious, at least it is not that horrible silver thing again. By the way I found "Thats not the jumper you always wear to bed after the games", rather too much information
  7. I forgot Dunn and Martin, so a rough count of 17 players in 11 games, how is that for consistency......please can we have a bit of patience, yes I would like to see a flowing move from the back half resulting in a wonderful pack mark to Watts who then goals......but I will I may just have to wait a bit
  8. .So are you going to take your command of English and explain why the reasoning is shoddy, or are you just leaving it at a personal insult, a fine contribution to a thread. My bit for what it's worth (bad grammar included) is that the forward line has not been settled since Rd 1, my memory isn't the best but the six positions have been occupied at one time or another by Newton, Hughes, Bate, Green, Bennell, Bail, Miller, Watts, Petterd, Wonna, Johnson, Sylvia, Davey, Jetta, Scully(last Saturday)........so Josh Mahoney has had to work with a variety of skills and ability........plus varying levels of experience in a particular position and it has been different nearly every week.......can a poster say they could do a better job.
  9. I think you will find that when we were interested in Blease, Gysberts has played all his school and junior footy with him, so Prendergast got to see him, then we got him in as part of the AIS scheme and he really impressed, don't think the MFC even listened to the 'experts' but most had him top 20, because of Scully, Trengove, Bastinac and Martin he flew under the radar a bit as being a 'gun' midfielder........another victory for BP
  10. ....err what was the name of that tall forward everybody wanted to draft on here with pick 11??????????
  11. If there is one thing we cannot fault Melbourne FC for at the moment is actually listening to the supporters. If only we could actually return the favour sometimes. I have had a lot of interaction with officials and players and have found them to be completely straight in giving answers to any questions I have asked Nice to see CS on this forum, mainly to alleviate the fears of the usual 'conspiracy theorists'. Yes there was a second gunman!!! I think some posters really do need to have a good lie down in a darkened quiet room sometimes. Obviously we now know if you want a question answered. ask it rather than pontificating. If you don't like the answer that is your problem not MFC I have no fear that we will eventually have a forward line that will be the envy of the comp, unfortunately we can't take a trick with injuries at the momen, DB said he would like to get games into the players as a group, with the forward line this season, try counting due to injury., loss of form etc exactly how many players have rotated through the six possies in the first 11 games and the reasons why.
  12. It is not rocket science to work out, if you read, watch and listen to everything, I told my partner that Gysberts would debut on the Tuesday and then he was picked on the Thursday, because he had been name checked by Bailey and Moloney a couple of times during the early part of the week, perhaps 'Bails' in another capacity was at the JO and saw something and rather than share, he can bask in his crystal balling......just find it a bit against the ethos if Scully is rested again instead of 'getting games into him' perhaps he has a noticeable injury
  13. Why are you not sure if Scully will be playing??????.....
  14. I think you will find the JPod had a few chances with various clubs taking a look at him over time, but none took up the option, he could be one of those late developing players who is actually getting better with age, even now you never see him in the back half, so maybe it was his workrate that put a few clubs off when he was younger, I think even in our game he picked up one mark on the wing, the rest of the time he was parked in the forward fifty...but in a team like Geelong at the moment this is not a glaring deficiency
  15. It is not a case of good or bad forwards, I have actually been feeling sorry for Josh Mahoney, it seems every week he gets a new setup of six or seven to try and structure some sort of forward set up...I know they are all professional footballers and should be able to adapt, but it is the conistency of playing together and not running or leading into each others way..we have had Bate in and out, Petterd going down, Jurrah not starting, Miller in and out Hughes in then out, now the indigenous boys......the defence has had one thing, stability in major personnel with maybe one change now and then....and the midfield has been pretty consistent even if its collective form has been all over the place...hopefully by the end of the season we will have a glimpse of what we can look forward to in 2011 in the forward line.......I am actually enjoying going to the footy, to see what we produce....and who takes the opportunities
  16. I think you will find that some players will stay loyal no matter the money, Tom Scully is a local boy, so no go home factor, if you look at the few big moves that have happened it wasn't exactly the player looking at jumping ship...Aker from Brisbane, Fevola to Brisbane, Burgoyne I think had burnt too many bridges at Port, maybe the only one recently who has chased dollars is Robbie Warnock. As another poster stated the FD will look after everything. On a side note, I asked Tim Harrington a few of these questions, he is already looking at the end of the season, and you will see more deals tied up in the near future, of course he can't tell me as they are ongoing. One good bit, Jack Viney is a definite, they have already spoke to him and Todd and he wants to play for Melbourne and they will use whatever pick they have for the Father/Son
  17. Jackaub, seeing that you are looking at this topic, are you going to reply?
  18. I wasn't taking it seriously, hence my out of context reply......I had a good laugh..first reply I typed was 'what are you implying'.......just annoyed me that somebody was possibly s*** stirring about a function on the board...... lot's of posters going to support the team in Darwin and don't want it spoilt.....
  19. I offer my sincere condolences for my error, thought this was a footy forum, not an English course by correspondence
  20. This is WRONG....the function is going ahead start time 7.30PM, just spoke to the venue to confirm what would be comfortable to wear, also received an email, also spoke to the club about five minutes ago to tell them about the wrong start time being passed around on Demonland Moderators if the above post is spurious can you take some action against the poster. If not I apologise for the inferrence
  21. I got an email saying the functon starts at 7.30pm SHARP.
  22. I think that should read I have heard this from someone who is on the sauce at Melbourne......we have no chance whatsoever of getting either Dawes or White, a couple of the others I wouldn't even look at, and the rest would have to be a very good deal.......sigh......Jack Fitzpatrick, Max Gawn, Jurrah, Watts, Petterd, etc etc yawn yawn
  23. I was told by the club they would be going Thursday. There is a function on Friday night at a venue, tickets through the club Would assume they wouldn't advertise where they are staying you have a 1 in 59 chance of picking the right one. Most people seem to be heading to a pub/bar near the ground, if you drink
  24. If I have something constructive (in my opinion) to say I will post it, but I do not need my ego massaged by posting a 'destructive' criticism of anything connected to MFC that happens to pop into my mind at any given moment. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions, and as you can see I have made no contribution to this topic apart from my comment about some of the posts being 'amusing', in my opinion of course. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but we can't replay the game and the constant analysis achieves what? Look forward, we may get to see another debutant this weekend in Gysberts which is really exciting and the possible return of Wonna.....
  25. I don't sit on the fence, Saturday was horrible, but I have moved on, off to Darwin for the game to support whichever 22 the FD put on the ground, endless analysis, criticism, chest beating, hand wringing etc is not for me, being positive and moving on straightaway is.....
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