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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, but as you can see from the further posts in this topic most are in agreement that we should send emails and letters expressing our dissatistaction, as long as the correspondence is not crude,derogatory etc etc......we have a right. In my corporate world as long as the 'criticism' is constructive, it is taken on board, in fact it is actively encouraged, through the proper channels. I would also assume that staff at the Club are also members, they have a right........
  2. Sorry, but now you are contradicting yourself, you previously said that the staff bleed for the Club, if I was one of the Marketing people, and a player happened to walk past, I would certainly tell them 'a home truth' about how their performance has been received by the supporters, would even show them the emails, in fact it was one suggestion I put in my letter, I made no mention of the staff in my email I actually praised them, my only sentiment was disappointment twwards the players performance. If I don't reply to your response it is not rudeness, have to say bye bye till tomorrow now.....
  3. We will reach an agreement to disagree, of course they need to be told, I hope they are inundated with emails and letters, that way it is passed through the whole club, especially the players.......without the supporters there would be no club.........
  4. Does your username actually mask somebody who actually works within the Club, because if it does it would be nice to know, I wann't comparing I was actually analogising, it was not to be taken seriously, although you are generalising when you say my opinion is unfounded, as you have no knowledge of my background or experience,it was to make a point, I am a stakeholder of the Club to use corporate speak, so therefore I have a right to express my dissatisfaction, as I have a right in any situation
  5. To all the naysayers, I sent an email to the club at 2.00pm, here is a paste of the reply I got at 3.08pm, I deleted my name out it was addressed by my first name Good Afternoon Thank you for your feedback, and continued support of the Melbourne Football Club. As you can appreciate, the Club is working toward sustained and ongoing success that we can all enjoy in the coming seasons. Just as we saw our team improve throughout the game against Hawthorn, you will see improvement in all of our players as they play more games together and gain confidence as a playing group. The directors, staff and players at the Club are all fully supportive of Dean Bailey, and everyone at the club is committed to providing him with the support he needs to build a successful team. We all appreciate the evolution of our team that is taking place under his guardianship. It was most rewarding to see our new recruits playing well in their first outing with the Melbourne Football Club. We look forward to enjoying their further progress, as well as the continued development of the rest of our team throughout this season. Kind Regards Sarah Baker ç Customer Relations Executive
  6. .So what you are saying also that if the side does not win a game in the first part of the saason, and DB and the coaching panel are sacked, the Finance Department personnel will also go, I think not, unless every staff member is a passionate Dees fan, there will be some within the Club that won't care about the Football side as long as it doesn't impact on their job
  7. So therefore what you are saying that if you held shares in a company and you found that staff were actually ripping the company off and the chairman and directors did nothing, you would not attend a shareholders meeting or write to the company to express your dissatisfaction, although this is only football it is the same thing, I am not happy with Saturday so I wrote to the Club and said so, if it is read great, if not I least I have stood by my principles
  8. Totally agree, my main concern at half time was to get away from the group of Hawthorn supporters who had spent the first half laughting at our teams efforts, I applauded similar things, but you only applaud something that has been gone and is worthy of acknowledgement, the first half certainly wasn't. At the end of the game I think a lot of supporters had either left or were sitting too stunned to applaud
  9. I think you have done the right thing, I have also sent an email to express my dissatisfaction with what was served up on Saturday, if there is one thing the club is these days is very open. I reckon everybody on this board should send one, as long as it is like yours supportive but expresses dissatisfaction. We are members of the Club we have a say
  10. I am afraid you are wrong there, if they receive communication that is just invective you would probably be right, but I have sent a couple of emails to the club, I wrote one detailing an encounter I had had with one of the younger players, I asked that my views be passed on to the Footy dept, it was a bit of good and bad. I had the opportunity to speak to the player again and he thanked me for sending the email.
  11. C&B, well said succinct as usual, unfortunately until we are winning on a regular basis, Mondays and Tuesdays on the board will be like this, I will defend Melbourne players till the cows come home, but Saturday well was Saturday but I won't bag and demand delisting.....some players just did not perform to the standard they are capable of.....hopefully there will not be a repeat
  12. We were a man down, with Green off and Bailey made a point of stating that Scully and Trengove played 80% game time, that was what he wanted to achieve. Also think Grimes got a lot of game time as well.
  13. Yes I also saw him play for Bribane, he was an ever present upto the finals last season, I have him in my Dream Team as well, we have had a very poor loss, and the knives are out...... For what it is worth, the players who I thought let us down on Saturday were Davey, Moloney, Rivers, Miller (leadership group no less) and Dunn, I excuse Bruce and Bate who needed the run, the defence because it was under siege, Junior and Greeny who never stopped trying, Petterd and the other youngsters, Joel Mc did the best he could, it must have got to him when along with the rest of the defence they battled to get it clear and then watched in come flying back in.
  14. A well thought out post, without emotion coming into it, and points made and backed up with reason
  15. "Not up to AFL standard", I know you are not to swear on this board..but for ######## sake he's played 80 games, was he just lucky to get them.....
  16. Joel Mac should be really happy, a poor man's Cam Bruce so therefore he should play at least 100 games and two or three top three finishes in the the B&F.......to judge a player on one game....... How to please a Melbourne supporter... Play your first game, kick 10 goals, 15 goal assists, have 35 possessions, lay 15 tackles, and look extemely good in the post match interview.....if you don't do that you are a dud.......
  17. The only thing we have left....I was rather disappointed with the angle the Water Person situated at the Ponsford end was carrying the bottle, he could have accidentally spilt it on the players, I hope when they review the tape, they are instructed the best way to carry it............double sigh
  18. How many defenders do you want on the list? Silvagni is a tall reasonably athletic backman, we have a couple of those, Garland will be back soon as he is ten times better than Silvagni Strange that 15 clubs didn't take Barlow if he is such a gun, he is now noticed, let's see in the next couple of weeks how he handles a hard tag, if he gets 33 possies in that situation then I will say he is a good player. Our list is getting better and better, hey we could have traded for Josh Gibson we needed a leader for the boozy nights out. sigh
  19. OK we have had one game, and we played atrociously, but I am still optimistic, the personnel in the team has changed dramatically, I expect it to keep changing. Bailey has a plan, he gives players a chance and they need to take it, if they don't they end up back at Casey and then out of the door, it doesn't matter what your name is. Can you see him putting up with the same effort from the senior players this week, I can't but they will need to keep it going week in and week out. Our midfield will change dramatically, as will our forward line, why have we drafted so many midfielders in the last couple of drafts, obviously Bailey still sees something wrong with the players we have and wants to change. What would happen if he picked a team all under the age of 21 and we got thrashed by 200 points, the howling would be deafening, he has to do it gradually, he is talking about building bodies, this takes time. Unfortunaely we have been cruelled by injuries as well, what would Saturday have been like if we had Morton, Jurrah, Sylvia.....and Tapscott, Blease pushing for spots....it may have been a lot different. I will turn up on Saturday, I expect to see an improved showing, I can't see a win, but 100% effort from everybody will do me. We have to wait three years, we have waited so long now
  20. Well said sir, Bailey must have been absolutely livid with what he saw being served up by some players, but rather than rant and rave he stuck to his guns, and tried to recover something from the mess I go back to a comment I put about the Family Day from one of the young players, yes there is a game plan but at the moment we don't have the ability or nous or willingness or whatever to stick to it. I only hope today some of the senior players have been given a mirror so that they can have a long hard look at themselves. If they cannot perform in the next couple of weeks, if we are going to get smashed, I say sod it throw all the kids in and let them learn
  21. Hello, just a note I was volunteering at Gate 5 handing out the membership scarves, we were flat out from 11.40 until 1.40 when we ran out, a solid two hours for people to get their scarves, we will be back there this Saturday for the same period.......I would never throw my scarf away..you will also find this is lazy journalism, it is on one of the boards that people were throwing them away........maybe it wasn't a supporter who started this rumour....but let it perpetuate......
  22. If you look at the goals that were scored, Hawthorn had 10 invidual goal kickers, a lot came from the mids who ran through unopposed and kicked over our defence into goal. Defence is made up of 22 players, stopping it coming out of their defence too easily and clearances, to blame the defenders is the easy way out, if a defender is on his man and the ball goes over both their heads it is not the defenders fault,. If a forward has plenty of spece to lead into, is is not his defenders fault We also gifted a couple from simple turnovers.
  23. The problem with a three word analysis is you don't have enough words to properly express what you thought so it leads to generalisations, yes I was as disappointed as the rest but Bate and Bruce both needed the run, better to get them in the first game, they won't play as badly again Jones, loved his endeavour but trying too hard again, hasn't got the skills Frawley, Warnock and Rivers and Joel M, made to look ordinary because they were under constant seige, the way it was I thought the played well, I was expecting over 100 point loss at half time Bennell, exciting and gets free, looks up and there is no one on the move for him to give to, turns over looks a dud player Moloney, Miller, Davey did not turn up and play, for leaders unforgiveable Petterd tried all day, received crap delivery it at all Spencer is still learning, give him some slack Scully, Trengove, McKenzie, Grimes showed the way, the positive I took from the game Dunn, thought he had been picked to tag, not sure what he did, but it was poor Strauss, probably hasn't been able to sleep, has nightmares Jamar, Junior and Green tried all day
  24. It is the perceived pressure that makes players miss goals on the run, hence my comment re Warnock
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