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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. For anybody who was at the training on Good Friday will know that Watts did the whole session and then a bit more, he looks fine, so does Col Garland, Col Sylvia also trained strongly......but the club is being CAUTIOUS...as with the exasperation expressed by Inner Demon.....there is no conspiracy, the club is making sure that everybody is fit and firing and can stand up to the rigours of a full AFL game and then some.......I want Watts to come in and stay in and to actually play CHF, I hate to think what Lake, Scarlett etc would do to him if he is not physically ready. They have worked on Blease and now he is ready and I am sure we will see both him and Gysberts in the very near future, as well as Watts
  2. Thank you, you are unfortunately preaching to people who do not want to be converted, as I put in a previous post, we have a lot of hard markers on this site, a player needs to kick a hatful of goals, do numerous tackles, have multiple possessions, run miles and look very good in the post match interview (especially if they are a forward), before they are elevated from being a spud..Ricky Petterd has managed it this week.........not bad for a player who nearly died, has had a couple of other injuries and is only 21/22.....
  3. Is this the very last minute, coz I thought Grimes got it to Green who bombed long just out of the reach of Dunn, it was then cleared hurriedly to Bail who put it back in towards Petterd...end of game.....or was it just me that saw that...nobody seems to be agreeing with me that Maxwell did not have his usual influence on the game......
  4. This was the point I was trying to make, he is a little underdone, and needs a bit more sharpness, so Bailey gives him the job of nullifying Maxwell's influence, a win win
  5. That's cool, I didn't provide stats, just an observation from watching the game, with keeping Maxwell occupied Bater took away a threat, I don't need him to kick goals as long as I see he is performing for the team
  6. Again, poor old Bater is still under the pump from the supporters. For the game on Saturday Baters job was to keep Maxwell occupied and not allow him to float free mopping up and rebounding, considering that Maxwell hardly did this at all, I would say Bater did his job. It is not all about standing out, it is doing the job the coach gives you for the team If you must criticise a player, please explain to me what Bate did wrong on Saturday, and yes I am prepared for the onslaught
  7. They proabably want Jamar to be accountable, being in three places at once he should be able to do that, I will till 5pm to see the squad.
  8. It's in the post from a couple of days ago called Injury Update 30/3, sorry don't know how to link the thread
  9. I was actually there, there was two lines at either end, you were to run and kick to the other end, then stay in the middle mark it again turn and kick, players started to forget to stay in the middle or didn't do the turn and it turned into a mess....whoever the coach was (as explained before) went ballistic......just a note the kicks were hitting targets, and there was no dropped ball, they were blasted for not concentrating and listening to instructions.....which you need to do in a game......the actual skills were good. The whole point of my post was we seem to want the coach to be seen on the big screen throwing the phone across the boz and sticking a finger into a players chest at a break.....if we don't see it we assume Bailey and the other coaches are soft and this is to blame for Saturday, that was nearly a week ago now, let's move on and hope all we have read this week is not hot air.....and what we get on Saturday is four quarters of real commitment.....
  10. If you think no harsh words are ever spoken. This is a quote I heard last Friday, from one of the assistants, may have even been Brad Gotch coaching the non selected group, didn't recognise him as one of the other coaches, this group included PJ, Cheney, Watts, Blease etc.. They had a criss cross kick lead and mark drill, that fell to bits, I may be paraphrasing but I was close enough to hear most of it. "For f****s sake concentrat, if you can't even do a f******g simple drill, it is not f******g good enough
  11. Maybe it's because the are just good solid professional footballers, nothing flash, all teams need them, but you also need good, very good and superstar players, Cam Scwab alluded to this on his Whiteboard video. Bailey can only do so much with them as they can't go much higher, but will fill spots in the matrix, and in time be dropped from the team to be replaced by a younger better players coming through. That said Bate and Petterd are still only 22, expect them to hit their prime in about two years, if they steadily improve they will stay on the list, Rivers has had a miserable couple of years with injury, same with Jamar it is their bodies letting them down, Maybe it is Jones, Moloney Bartam and Dunn who are the main ones under threat of going backwards, hence why we have recruited so many midfielder/forward in the last couple of years. It is the old sows ear into a silk purse. Personally if we can get Blease, Gysberts, (Tapscott) and believe it or not Healy up and running mid season I personally can't see Jones, Moloney Dunn or Bartam being in the picked team
  12. I am going to suggest this knowing I may be howled down. The Club has an open training session at Junction Oval at 10am on Friday 2nd After the first few days on this board with a lot of teeth gnashing and hand wringing, optimism has again set in which it should. Why not show your support for the Club by turning up at the Training Session, it is Good Friday so most of Melbourne will be asleep anyway. If there is a lot of people there it could be further motivation, I know they shouldn't need it I intend to be there as part of a bit of exercise to get me out of the house. It lasts about an hourm it gives you a chance to see the players you don't see on a regular basis, and most of them will have a chat if they have the chance. Found out a lot about Aussie's injury from him last week.
  13. The mindset that we are at at the moment, negative, it should be A challenge to nullify Davis or Didak will only improve Strauss and show him he has the ability at AFL level
  14. Bail was an emergency for last week so I assume he may be one of the first considered if there are any other changes apart from Sylvia in, which I assume will be for Dunn. Bail has been showing steady improvement throughout the preseason
  15. To carry out a task anybody can do it is how well you do that task, you can take Pike's statement a few ways. The problem I think with us and this is not demeaning the players, is we haven't really got a player who is a superstar and can take the game by the scruff of the neck and inspire the other players, one head goes down and the rest follow, as I have said previously the team by Rd 11 will bear no resemblance to the team than played in Rd 1 I would assume that the rest of the 'senior' players, in fact all the players have been put on notice, no matter what your name is you will spend time at Casey if you do not produce.....
  16. Bailey is not responsible for the intensity of the players, the players are, I do not expect our Rd 11 team to look anything like the Rd 1 team, we have had one poor game, I am willing to wait until at least Rd 11......also how could we get rid of Wellman and Williams, Wellman is developing really good defenders and Williams along with West has taken a guy off the Rookie List and turned him into a player who only played 60odd % of the game but was one of our better players. Bailey is the coach, the whole club is behind him, he is not going anywhere, get over it
  17. The way I interprested was to judge them against an example, I picked Geelong, so I started with Scully, compared to Ablett who is a 7 obviously, I had Scully as a 5 based on his physical atttributes, draft choice etc, then I moved onto Trengove, the Gysberts then I gave up.......
  18. Unfortunately, we would not be the only ones watching that with interest, I would go as far to say, that the players don't know what each player is being paid or what rating they have apart from maybe their own. The Whiteboard is an overview, if he did an in depth the video could last three or four hours. Try the matrix yourself and gave up after three players, judging them as 1 to 7 became too much for me
  19. I am of small stature, and when I was playing I found trying to stick a tackle on a guy that weighed 85 to 90K when I weighed 70 was a bit of strain.......Aussie is no giant so he has to throw eveything into the tackle....see my other post
  20. I'll add a bit more about Aussie, had a good chat to him and watched him, he was doing a series of runs 20M, 50M etc etc at different speeds, no limp, restriction etc, when he came to get a drink and a rest, I asked him how it was going as he looked to be running easily, he explained that was the frustrating part for him because he can run, change direction, jump etc, that is why they are sending him to a specialist, it is when he tackles, obviously he uses his torso and it could be linked to his back taking the strain and then overstretching the hamstring and pinging it, a lot of hammy problems are back related, they want him to see a specialist to confirm this, he is still doing the running so when they know what it is and how to fix it he has not lost any fitness.
  21. Perhaps this is part of the problem with our kicking, if the player is going to kick right footed, I have noticed a lot of our players raise their left hand to identify themselves as a target, and vice versa....I am sure with a bit of training we can fix this.....we could raise both hands.....I think we practiced this in the first quarter on Saturday
  22. Forgot other bits, spoke to both Nev Jetta Aussie and Col Sylvia whilst they had a break from the rehab group. Col Sylvia tried to convince them to let him play last Saturday, but caution was the word, he trained for about two hours solid, he did the rehab group and then joined th non selected group. Aussie is having tests, they think it is back related, he is fine when running , it is when he is tackling that he does the hammy, getting there and has his chin up, just wants to play Nev Jetta does not have OP, rehab staff are looking at more strengthening of his core, again being cautious. Max Gawn is also up and running, he has a program to follow which he was doing diligently, he is also bigger already, looks like a small mountain when he is on the move. Fitzpatrick was doing laps, told to take the week off, still going so again the rehab staff are treating him cautiously. Luke Tapscott did a bit of walking. PJ trained with the non selected group No sign of Jurrah, Meesen think that just about covers it
  23. I was at Junction Oval last Friday, spoke to both Daniel Bell and Cale Morton as they 'walked' laps, Cale said he was progressing well and looking at 4 weeks before back in full training and I told Daniel Bell to stop walking under ladders, he replied that he prefers to break mirrors. Col Garland trained with the non selected group and looked fine, did everything without any signs of discomfort. Watts looked in really good nick, I rhink he is sick of the hype and wants to keep a lid on everything....just wants to play
  24. I think one of the sub editors at the newspaper got his dates miced up, this should have been in tomorrows paper.......
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