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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. It is a shame we can't do that with some MFC 'supporters'
  2. Please, we had a poor game, we were out-enthused and we couldn't kick a goal to save our lives....it is not the end of the world.........read also what Rhino said above........it happens
  3. Healey is the rookie that everybody wants to delist, but Brad Gotch regards him as a 'bonus' so he needs the run to get eligible, think he has only played six, I eavesdropped a couple of the coaches, they were looking at the Casey players and a couple of the Bullants, they know what they get with the MFC, methinks the draft, PD and Rookie drafts are going to be very interesting this year
  4. My 'comment' was aimed at the Strauss comments, 'yet another young player we have got wrong', he is playing in the reserves so immediately he is not going to make it, did we get him wrong etc etc..I was actually trhing to head it off at the pass........otherwise we have another couple of pages of posts that end up being nothing but negativity
  5. Thanks WJ, I was going to write something similar to try and rein in the conspriracy theorists, but you have covered it perfectly, but at least it gave some of the usual suspects a chance to bash the Footy Dept again
  6. If you read what Junior said, you will realise how classy he is, he said he got elevated off the rookie list because someobody retired........so he can see the thinking and has no hard feelings.....and knows it means that Jordie Mc will get his elevation
  7. Make sure you take all this man love and put a hero message on the Club Website, I have, for someone who is similar stature and got bashed around when I played, I have nothing but admiration for a man who rose above his limitations to achieve so much.
  8. Barry Prendergast on an extended contract as he seems to be doing an excellent job in picking talent......
  9. This may be a factor in why Miller has not got a new contract....from his twitter this morning "Anyone got a new back? Mine has given up on me!!.. Heated seats in the volvo are keeping me in the game at the moment!!" He has missed a game or two with back related problems He could be looking at retiring anyway
  10. I wwould go with the young kids as well, we don't need insurance, we will have Fitzpatrick, Gawn and possibly Spencer with another preseason under their belts, PJ has had his chances, he doesn't do enough around the ground and for a bloke his size, he doesn't seem to know how to use it
  11. When a young player is rested it means he is given a week away from the crash and bash to let the little bruises, knocks, niggles and soreness settle down, it also refreshes mentally, so I was thinking that with Tapscott being from SA, he may be given a taste, with Davey being down now, it opens the door even more
  12. I watched Maric on Saturday at Visy, and yes he did quite a few good things, but assume he is behind Bennell because he can't go back and defend, he could replace Wonna, but I think FD are trying to keep LJ and Wonna to form a good partnership, we saw that example of couple of times on Sunday.
  13. Or they are both just 19 and in Strauss' case has had problems with this shoulders so is easing back to match fitness and of course Watts who is running himself to a standstill in the games and gives away quite a bit of weight and muscle...........of course they are tree hugging, latte sipping, quiche eating Private School Boys........you could draw as many comparisons as you like....all players are different and at different stages of development and fitness
  14. Watts and Bennell will both stay in (games into players), as I said I am only like everybody else guessing on what the FD will do......
  15. I know you are entitled to your opinion but are you sure you are facing the right way whilst you are watching Blease, I was at Visy where the ground was heavy and it was blowing a gale, Blease did some really good things, considering he is 6 or so games back after a serious injury without a pre season behind him...sigh....
  16. What a great idea, bring Moloney in who has leg problems for the last four weeks, stick him on a plane for an hour and a half, and play him on a quagmire of a ground..........no I don't think so, I can see the team only having one or two changes one for Davey and I think that may be to give Tapscott or Blease a taste, Tapscott was fine at the weekend but didn't play for Casey...maybe freshening him up...........the only other player who I think may be worried is PJ (read his review) not sure of Port's ruck stocks at the moment, so he could be under threat for who I wouldn't like to guess...
  17. I was at the game on Saturday and spoke to Jack, he said he 'tweaked' the hammy and it was 'better' if he sat the rest of the game out.
  18. Obviously the Footy Dept see something that "us supporters" can't, otherwise Cheny, McNamara, Warnock would be in the team instead of Rivers, read the match reviews Rivers is a very important part of our emerging defence
  19. I have just emailed the club for a booking form, and that is the reason for the two dates, in case we make finals.
  20. Bail's gather of a dropped ball, the spin, the run forward, and the beautiful chipped pass to Watts....it will give me something to remember when everybody gets their wish and he is dropped this week to make room for whoever
  21. I think when they know exactly what the problem is they can put a time on it, assume they are still trying to correctly diagnose Gys and Spence
  22. ........I think it is either a canny manager who drops a bit of goss knowing it will eventually pop up here...to and be discussed and assuming that somebody from the club will read it, to achieve what I don't know.......or somebody who is very naive and won't last long as a manager...... I do find it a bit stange
  23. I spoke to him on Satuday morning at training, said he was nearly ready to go (a weeks training), hoping to maybe get a game at Casey this coming weekend
  24. This is another week without Moloney getting in a game, it is getting like Junior, if he is fit this week, he will come back through Casey, can't see them risking somebody who has lost the edge, (listen to Junior on the Club website "I am getting my match fitness back")..against the Hawks, we do want to win this one, I would be very surprised if there are any changes, as for Miller he has not been offered a contract for next season, so obviously not in the plans, so why bring him in?
  25. It still looked a bit tender by the way he was protecting it, he was in a suit and there was no evidence it was all bandaged up ie the shoulder looked no bigger than the other one, he said it popped out and they popped it back in, he said he was ok to go this weekend but then again they always do........was champing to get another go, but is working on his midfield stuff......said he doesn't mind the bash and crash in the middle, good sign.....was really pleased that his cuz finally got a goal
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