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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. I am really pleased that Mr Moore let his coach know that he was only playing at 80%
  2. I am sure Alistair Clarkson when he was sitting in the stands on Sunday would have noticed Chip 'limp' off, gee guys we can discuss it, as long as we don't become alarmist......and the black clouds begin to descend
  3. We have had Dunny on crutches for the last two weeks, seems to be able to leave them in the dressing room on game day,I think there is a lot of messing around going on, I was even amazed to see the players messing around with the numbers on the training tops at the training on Saturday morning, there were at least half a dozen in the wrong number.....Hawthorn would love Chip not to be there......he was standing ok roaring out the song
  4. I thought I would add a bit about players that have been 'dropped', was at the Paddock to watch training on Saturday morning, DB had a long chat with Cale Morton when training finished, (at least five minutes) one on one out on the field, Morton did not seem too unhappy....Spoke to Nev Jetta on Sunday, he has been told to learn more about a midfield role, busting a gut to get back in, but realises he has to just keep trying.....also spoke to Danny Hughes at training, he has probs with ankles but is getting nothing but encouragement from Training staff
  5. .......and the latest poll result........Demon Supporters 100%.......Nitpickers 0%
  6. I think you will find that what was trying to be achieved was an emblem similar to some of the European soccer teams, who have great histories and it is reflected in the emblem...to tell the story...google the emblems for Barcelona or Manchester United...
  7. ..........what High Tower says.....
  8. I think we have had Davey, Sylvia, Moloney and McKenzie (for taking out an umpire) all reprimanded or fined, being suspended doesn't necessarily mean you are tough and aggressive, most of the time it means you are stupid and have done something stupid....Davey gets the same tagging that Rioli got but didn't react the same way............you can be aggressive but not stupid, we have two tacklers in our team who never even get pulled up for a free kick....
  9. One interesting thought, everyone is ready to drop Bail, why was he brought straight back into the side after a minimal number of runs at Casey after imjury.........do the Footy Dept have him ahead of others?
  10. If you are going to pick a best 22 right now, (to theoretically play Richmond) then you can't have injured players, so Grimes and Petterd should not be considered.......also I would say the form of Jurrah and Morton is down at the moment
  11. I actually liken him to Stevie J at Geelong, probably didn't realise how good he was, had a rotten run with injuries, didn't have his head in the right place........teamates help him with a bit of tough love, coach has faitb and hey presto....superstar...
  12. Below which standard, or 'whos' standard. obviously not the Football Departments or he would be back at Casey, that is what happened to Warnock.......we have had two great wins and Bartram has had two really good games, I watched him live on Saturday night and loved every second he put in, the past is the past can we to quote a rather unfortunate pollie 'move forward'.......
  13. Beautifully done, but some posters don't like facts getting in the way of opinion so you may still get a bit of flak.
  14. Excited is an understatement, we were in the group of Demon fans in the Southern stand, the others were behind the goal with the cheer squad. At the end of the game the players split in two to greet the supporters. We got Syliva, Green, Scully, Chip and a few others who high fived, shook hands etc Wattsy hugged every single person who was lined up on the fence and was the last to leave.....
  15. Chip will now doubt remember, I am sure he will be looking at tearing Leapim Jack a new one.....
  16. Moloney has been really good I agree with that, but we weren't winning games when he was in the side for all his good play and effort, he hasn't been in for the last two and we have won and won well so my question do we really need to rush him back, the midfield is coping and with Sylvia and McKenzie actually excelling....... the best 22 is very subjective.....eveybody was for delisting Bail, Bartram and even Dunn at the end of this season, it is surprising what regular games and a bit of confidence can do for a player..........the best 22 is a fallacy these days anyway, you need at least a best 30.........look at Collingwood, would you put Anthony, Medhurst, Fraser, O'Bree in their best 22 on past deeds or the way they are playing now.....it is the same with us, I want 30 or 35 players who are all the same standard who can come in and play to the same level week in week out......
  17. Nasher I didn't say it was laughable, as another poster says we always seem to be in a rush to make changes no matter the result, Moloney could come back through Casey, we haven't exactly missed him, Trengove yes to come in to get games into him.....if the FD feel it necessary.....it's like Junior agree we should bring our captain back and Maric was extremely unlucky, but Trengove played for Casey so FD didn't think it necessary to bring him back at the weekend....maybe again this weekend
  18. If you look down you will see his foot is iced, precautionary at best, he was walking on his heel, was in the rooms a couple of games ago and the same thing. Went up for the game and sat in amongst the local supporters, just a note there were quite a few who had flown up as well, support was terrific. As for those who want to drop Bail, did you wantch the game?
  19. I was lucky enough to be in the Change Rooms after the game on Sunday, Peter Szental had made it to the game and was in the rooms after the game. Jim Stynes introduced him and made a great speech about him. He got a thunderous round of applause from everybody there. Another moment that made me feel proud to be a Melbourne supporter
  20. I assume from your insistence on the physicality of the players that you are approximately (using the old money) 6ft 6, and 17 stone, you can run 14km in two hours, crashing into the same size bodies, falling on rock hard grounds, having people fall on you, and not feel sore slightly afterwards and maybe have a couple of lingering niggles the next week..........and of course be 18 or 19.....I do not for one fawn over players, but I also understand what it takes and how long to consistently perform at an acceptable level in the AFL and VFL, one of Melbourne's most consistent players has been doing it for ten years........maybe when Mr Watts and Mr Strauss have been doing it for the same period of time they will be conistent.......my opinion Watts will be a superstar, but in a couple of years and Strauss will be a great rebounding defender in a couple of years....I can wait, and not meter out unwarranted criticism
  21. There was no AFL game at the weekend, so no opporumity to tear poor ol Cam Bruce apart on the board.......but wait there was a VFL game and there is Strauss.......let's do just like we did with Chip Frawley a couple of years ago...see how right we were...........Strauss has been in Brad Gotch's best for the last few weeks......and he has one bad game, Gotch acknowledges this in his review and possible reasons why..........but let's not let facts get in the way...
  22. I would love to put a link to the Club Website but haven't quite figured out how to, there is a great article on the myth of stats just appeared......the Club are really on top of some really good things lately..... http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/7415/newsid/96719/default.aspx ....wow I managed it, old age is treating me nicely today....edit
  23. Thank you I saw exactly the same thing, what everybody should remember about the game is that the Scorps were playing a team right in form, with the majority of the same players, whereas Casey were 'missing' Gysberts, Miller, Hughes, Healey, Newton, McNamara and Watts who had got them to the top of the table (if you had read Brad Gotch's reports over the last few weeks you will see this), they had Fitzpatrick debuting, Jurrah back after a long term injury, a couple of Scorps players who had been elevated and a home ground advantage to Willy........and it was horrible.
  24. Can't you tell we don't have a game this week, you only have to look at some of the threads/topics being started, delistings etc and now this, I for one if I was an AFL coach in waiting would not have gone near either of the Richmond or Melbourne jobs, Hardwick isn't exactly working with a team without experience (games wise) everybody seems to forget this...... and as for the Darwin game, if you weren't there (and I was) you will have no idea of the conditions the players played under to achieve an excellent victory. Can't we have a thread with gee I am looking forward to the next 9 or 10 rounds and this is why
  25. One thing I would like to see if we get to Rd 22 and we have had a couple more wins, the following team, for the last game assuming all are fit, just for the bloody fun of it and give the supporters a glimpse Strauss McNamara Cheney Morton Grimes McDonald Scully Gysberts Trengove Jetta Watts Tapscott Jurrah Fitzpatrick Bail Gawn Blease McKenzie Maric, Bennell, Hughes, Healey I don't think I have missed anyone and 'Junior' is the perfect captain
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