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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Haha... lucky they don't have solar panels there... apparently they suck all of the sunlight away from surrounding vegetation, causing it to die. I haven't been to Aichi-ken, but have been to Iwate-ken up the north east and stayed in a small place called Fujisawa-cho... I got to visit a lovely fishing village called Kesenuma which was sadly destroyed in the tsunami.
  2. Where in Japan Colin? I've spent a bit of time over there on and off due to my ex being from Kawasaki. Love the place.
  3. Yes indeed, those who don't post obsessively in an attempt to beat others into submission (you will notice that I only called two people out).
  4. I didn't say "the science is settled"... I said that "the science IS settled according to those who matter" (ie, the attendees at the Paris meeting) - a completely different thing.
  5. The fact is I couldn't be bothered... besides, you should know that there is no way to argue against the irrational.
  6. Well, it seems the science IS settled according to those who matter... I suppose that for you, the science would only be settled if the whole climate meeting in Paris had been abandoned. But of course, you obviously are far more educated and better read in matters of climate change than those who advise world leaders.
  7. "Again with the minutee and never with the bigger picture. You simply cannot see past your wallet." - not sure I see the irony or how that is categorising someone (as opposed to "anti-capitalist Greens voter"). I do however see the irony in your description of myself and the "good Doctor" as rabid... let's do a post count within this topic and see what lengths the various posters are going to in order to prove a point shall we? I hope you're wearing a muzzle.
  8. Well, in your haste to neatly categorise people in order to gain some sort of misguided sense of superiority, you'd be very wrong. For someone who doesn't like waste, you seem to waste a lot of your time on this forum attempting to prove yourself right.
  9. Again with the minutee and never with the bigger picture. You simply cannot see past your wallet.
  10. Indeed... I have the DVD of the film... one of my favourites (along with The Bed Sitting Room)
  11. Who cares about hottest days... it's the average heat over the year and the trend in overall warming that matters. https://www2.ucar.edu/climate/faq/how-much-has-global-temperature-risen-last-100-years
  12. No Dud in that one... but yes, polling company boss becomes PM... I think Gill may have been on that treadmill walking down a country lane, a few times of late.
  13. I hope you're not implying that the restaurant is responsible for what eventuated. Martin knows that everything he does in public is likely to be seen and noted. Martin knows that drinking too much is not a good look for someone in his position. Martin threatened to stab a woman in the face with a chopstick and, I believe, punched the wall next to her head Tony Abbott style. Martin is his own worst enemy and deserves everything he gets... this a very interesting case as they will be torn between finals aspirations and making a stand at a time when violence against women has been very much in the spotlight. I wonder whether the fact that they have a woman as their President will make a difference when it comes to handing down an appropriate penalty.
  14. DC, I don't necessarily have a closed mind at all... there are so many conflicting graphs and so many conflicting assessments from so many eminent scientists, that I honestly have no idea which way to turn. So, rather than merely dismiss the whole global warming argument as a massive conspiracy, I would rather err on the side of caution. Yes, it might cost me a few dollars more in taxes, but that's ok by me because in my opinion, losing a few tax dollars if it does turn out to be a furphy is far more palatable than the alternative.
  15. My links and quotes referenced those who were stating over 400ppm is a dangerous level... you choose to believe who and what you like, but I believe your stance comes down to your hip pocket...that is your major concern. Tell me, who stands to lose more... we tax payers as individuals or the fossil fuel industry? For every pro CO2 argument I'm sure you will find one from an equally qualified source that will argue the opposite. While I know you will never back down from your position and that you are incapable of saying you may be wrong, I prefer to err on the side of caution and will take a more conservative approach when it comes to securing the future... if I am wrong, then so be it, but at least if I am right, I won't have sat on my hands until it was too late.
  16. "Many question the motives behind those that seek to control 80% of our energy production, i.e. fossil fuels ? Imagine the power and wealth involved in controlling and taxing carbon combustion. Greedy climateers are alive and well. Many of you fall hook, line and sinker. " Yes many question the motives behind those who currently currently control our energy production (ie fossil fuels) and why not considering they stand to lose vast amounts of power and wealth... much like the tobacco lobby who paid politicians and scientists to support their claims that smoking was not harmful to our health. I believe there are cases where prominent "climate scientists" have been employed by the fossil fuel industry are there not? The only difference is that we are talking about the welfare of an entire planet rather than of those who choose to smoke. I would rather invest in our future (and more particularly that of my children) now rather than wait until such a time as it is too late. What you choose is up to you... and please don't try to tell me that your stance is not motivated by greed; that is simply NOT true regardless of how much you care to deny it.
  17. Yes, but considering we were initially looking at a full reconstruction and at least 12 months out of the game, this is a BIG relief!
  18. I forgot to call the club... thanks for the reminder :-) My son (thanks for asking) had an arthroscopy (meniscal repair) done three and a half weeks ago... he is in currently in a brace at zero degrees movement for four weeks (until this Wednesday) and then remains in the brace limited to 40 degrees movement for two more weeks after which the brace is gone and he resumes normal movement (with some restrictions regarding hyperflexion). If all goes well he will start running at about three to four months and should be ready to resume full sport at between five and six months, meaning he should be right to play for most of season 2016... he's absolutely rapt! This is why we want to get down there for training as he can then have the opportunity to thank big Max Gawn for his support and to share the good news with him. Edit: I interrupted my musings to phone the club and spoke to Georgina who told me that they resume training in the week commencing the 4th January and it looks like they head to the camp in Qld on the 15th until around the 22nd or 23rd Jan. This is indeed very good news!
  19. I would hope that after the xmas/new year break they will be getting into the serious business and that all players would be on board (they already did the new players followed by older players thing a few weeks ago, so hopefully they won't repeat that). Whatever happens, from the 12th January onwards, I have too many commitments and won't be able to make the trip and by the end of January my son's back at school. Anyway, will find out what I can on Monday.
  20. I hadn't given it any thought to be honest.... although I occasionally do like to argue some points because I would rather we exercise caution in areas such as CO2 emissions (something that man does have control over and that does affect climate), I am not obsessed with it... from what I have seen in these threads, the only people who are, appear to be yourself and Pro Dee judging by the post count and desperate need to be "right".
  21. Thanks to both of you... I'll call the club on Monday and attempt to get a definitive answer. Would hate to drive the 1,000km down there only to find that there was nothing on that week.
  22. ...in other words, when are they likely to resume training? I want to bring my son down to Melbourne and need to arrange it around other family, music and possibly/hopefully photographic work commitments I have that start from about the 12th January onwards - so I'm hoping that they are back training in the week beginning the 4th Jnuary. Anyone have any knowledge regarding this... otherwise I will give the club a cal on Monday I suppose. Thanks.
  23. Yes yes, it's all a massive conspiracy put out there by the mob that brought down the twin towers and claimed a plane had been flown into the Pentagon. Unless you have conclusive evidence that this is a scam, then you are none the wiser than those of us who may not be convinced either way, but all the same, would rather not wait until it is too late.
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